Examining The Influence of Use of School Libraries in Promoting Reading Culture Among Secondary School Students in Rivers State

Examining The Influence of Use of School Libraries in Promoting Reading Culture Among Secondary School Students in Rivers State.


In this chapter, the researcher presented a general overview of the study with the following sub-headings: background of the study, statement of the problem, scope of the study, purpose of the study, significance of the study, research questions and hypotheses.

Background to the Study

The function of reading in the development of human life and his society cannot be overemphasized as it adds quality to life and is a pathway to the future. Simply put, reading is a basic building block for learning.

It is a necessity for full participation in contemporary society. In effect, reading in its entirety and variety is necessary for being better informed.

It stimulates imagination, widens views, expands horizons, encourages quick learning and helps in learning about different people and places. Generally, reading invokes curiosity and imagination that leads to skills for handling complex ideas and issues.

In an age when browsing the net, playing with funky handsets and passing non-stop short message service (SMSs) seem to be the order of the day, reading a book in a peaceful corner of a library has become an archaic idea for most people.

While technology is slowly taking a steady control over individual lives, the reading habit is fast vanishing into thin air. The achievement of quality basic education in all countries in Africa call for development of good reading habits of both children and adult.

This will change the stigma already associated with Africa as a continent with a “Poor Reading Culture” (Tella and Akande, 2007).

The art of reading can be an interesting experience for children and adolescents if they are properly guided. It is a common saying that students are the future leaders, invariably, every child is a potential leader.

To this effect, it is noted that leaders are made and not just born. Ilogho (2015) argued that though most people may have the potentials to become effective leaders, it takes time to discover and develop these potentials.

Until these potentials are discovered, the teachers must ensure that the students have good reading culture. Students training include teaching and helping them cultivate a good reading habit.


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