Exergy Analysis of Hybrid Solar Pvdiesel/Biofuel System For Cogeneration (Electricity And Cold)

Exergy Analysis of Hybrid Solar Pvdiesel/Biofuel System For Cogeneration (Electricity And Cold).

Table of Contents


In this study, Flexy energy analysis taking exergy analysis and heat recovery into account on performance has been performed. The effects of wasting heat on exhaust gas temperature and cooling engine are analyzed in terms of design parameters. It was observed that thermal exergy from wasting heat for Flexy energy might be used to produce cold.

In the theoretical study, the achievement of heat recovered is to circulate water through the source of exhaust gas. It was found that the temperature of water increased. Likewise, the water passed through solar collectors before reaching the chiller. Thus, as a consequence, the temperature of water increased. The important role of solar collectors is to supply the minimum temperature needed by the chiller to operate.

Thus, the exergy analysis has been performed with the purpose of calculating the amount of available energy of exhaust gas and cooling engine which used to produce cold via a system of heat recovery. It was concluded that, is possible for Flexy Energy system can be used to produce simultaneously electricity and cold. 



The use of diesel generators to supply energy has been long used in rural areas. The pressure from environmental protection as the destruction of the ozone layer, the fluctuation of the cost of Diesel, the maintenance, the production of energy for rural areas is solely subjected to the operation of diesel generators. Nevertheless, the using sun as a source of energy, clean and abundant attracts more and more attention during these past decades.

The technical transformation directed or indirect of solar energy knows the noble advances such as simple PV system and also Hybrid PV- Diesel system with its corollaries. Currently, hybrid PV – Diesel system appears to be the best suited for energy production in areas disconnected from the electrical grid because of their geographical position  


STEEL The solar energy and energy-saving laboratory (SEESL) is located at Kamboinse 15 km from Ouagadougou. It’s one of the other laboratories of the International Institute of Water and Environmental Engineering (2iE). SEESL depends on the thematic unit of research and teaching Industrial and Electrical Engineering (TURT IEE).

Since its creation, SEESL is led by Dr. Yao AZOUMAH Scientific goal The laboratory aims to contribute to industrial innovation in the solar power sector for rational use of electrical /thermal in Africa The work carried out in Laboratories are focused on some theme  

Research Theme 1: Concentrating Solar Power Plants The focus is put on assessing precisely African solar resource and energy needs to address the lack of reliable data on sunlight ratio in Africa, to better size solar installations, and to meet the demand in the countries that are concerned. Because of African climate and economic context, which is quite particular, it is necessary to design and assess cycles of new models of adapted and cheaper solar stations: hybrid solar/biomass stations, a combination of existing technologies  

Research Theme 2: Bio-climatic habitation and architecture and solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in preparation for the shortage of conventional energy resources, the purpose is to develop, on one hand, concepts for energy and environmental sustainability in Sub Saharan habitations and, on the other hand, tools for optimal integration of solar PV power into buildings. The second part of our research focuses on large-scale power production through hybrid stations PV/generator and the assessment of issues related to the connection of the solar systems to existing power networks.  

Research Theme 3: Optimal design and thermodynamic optimization of solar systems This theme focuses on energy efficiency. It is about developing tools for better integration of energy processes and/or an optimal design of processes through thermodynamic optimization combined with the use of techniques of multi-scale geometric optimization. 


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 StudentsandScholarship Team.

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