Expository Essay Topics See A Comprehensive List for Students 2021

– Expository Essay Topics –

The Expository essay topics are presented using facts rather than views. It also causes that students assess arguments. It also causes that students explore issues simply.

However, to write a good expository essay, have a suitable topic. Also, understand the topic if it was given to you.

In this article, we shall highlight some wonderful expository essay topics. Also, we shall discuss what an essay and expository essay is. And consideration shall be given a few expository tips.

What is an Essay?

An  is a piece of writing. And it gives the author’s own . However, this definition is vague. Thus, it overlaps with those of a , an ,, and a .

However, essays have traditionally been sub-classified as formal and informal. Formal essays are characterised by serious purpose, dignity, logical organisation, length. Also, an informal essay is characterised by a personal element.

What is an Expository Essay?

An expository essay is one that requires the writer to research and investigate an idea. Also, here, the writer gathers supporting evidence. And present a point of view or argument on the topic.

The above can be done through multiple methods. This includes comparing and contrasting, cause and effect, or examples.

Expository Essay Tips

It is important that before looking at the expository essay topics; we consider these few tips. Below are some expository essay tips:

1. Outline the Structure.

2. Have a good thesis statement.

3. Furthermore, create the draft.

4. Also, give it somebody to proofread.

5. Additionally, get professional help.

Some Expository Essay Topics

Below are some wonderful expository essay topics:

Some Topics for 10th Grade

1. Explain why you admire a particular person.

2. If you had to be an animal, which would you be and why?

3. Explain why someone you know should be regarded as a leader.

4. Describe the major stressors in teens’ lives.

5. Explain why parents are sometimes strict.

6. Explain why you enjoy a particular teacher.

7. Explain why some cities have curfews for teens.

8. Some students are forced to leave school once they are sixteen. Explain.

9. Explain how moving from place to place affects teens.

10. Why does getting a driver’s license an important event in the lives of many teenagers?

More Topics for 10th Grade

1. Describe some nonmaterial things that make you happy.

2. Explain why some teens commit suicide.

3. How does music affect your life?

4. Explain the impact of different music genres on society.

5. Why do students listen to a particular type of music?

6. Why do some teens skip school?

7. Explain the likely consequences of skipping school.

8. Describe the likely consequences of doing poorly in school.

9. Explain why teens do drugs.

10. Explain why you like or don’t enjoy working in a team.

Some More Expository Essay Topics for 10th Grade

1. What is the likely consequence of taking drugs?

2. Why do teens smoke ?

3. What is the likely consequence of skipping classes?

4. Why do teens wear makeup?

5. Explain the consequences of having alcohol on the school campus.

6. Why do some teens join gangs?

7. Describe the effects of marijuana.

8. Explain why your schoolwork is important.

9. Describe the ways you help at home.

10. Explain why most teenagers are materialistic.

11. Why do some teens get jobs?

12. Explain why you prefer living in an apartment (or house).

13. Describe the likely consequences of requiring a childbearing license.

14. Describe three objects that symbolise our culture and explain why you selected them.

15. Why you are interested in a particular career?

16. Explain the likely consequences of requiring students to wear school uniforms.

17. Describe the likely consequences of selling drugs.

Unique Expository Essay Topics for Both Teens and Adults

Below are some unique expository essay topics for both teens and adults:

1. What a young person can do if they failed to finish college?

2. Teen pregnancy: is it the norm?

3. What does alcohol addiction among teenagers lead to?

4. Why should there be a school uniform? Why not?

5. If you were the president of your country, what would you change?

6. What are the consequences of drug addiction?

7. Is there such a thing as ‘tolerance’? Does it work as it should?

8. Discuss the ‘glass ceiling’ issue. How can it be addressed?

9. How does Internet addiction affect children, if at all?

10. To vote or not to vote? Describe potential effects.


Thesis Statement for an Essay

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Expository Essay Topics for Drama and Stage Arts

1. Characterise means of creating a female character in “A Doll’s House”.

2. Define the key symbols used in “Leaves of Grass”.

3. Analyse the role of secondary characters in a play.

4. Consequences of H. Wells’
“Time Machine”.

5. Describe the means of comedy in “The Golden Compass”.

6. Dorian Gray: A villain or a victim?

Unique Expository Essay Topics Based on Internet and Social Media

1. Instagram: Causes and effects of being addicted to social networks.

2. How did radio shape the modern world?

3. The theory of general relativity: The impact on modern physics.

4. Arabic vs. Latin numerals. Why do the Arabic ones win?

5. iPhone: A significant leap in mobile technology.

6. Consequences of Internet invention.

Unique Expository Essay Topics Based on Science and Technology

1. Stephen Hawking’s impact on astrophysics

2. Will we ever land on Mars?

3. Time travel: Why is it (im) possible?

4. Why Elon Musk’s inventions are so detrimental?

With the above expository essay topics, you can begin a wonderful expository essay. However, ensure you follow the tips given earlier. Also, share this information with your friends.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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