Extent of Integration of Ict in Public Library Services in Onitsha, Nnewi And Abagana Divisional State Library, Anambra State.

Extent of Integration of Ict in Public Library Services in Onitsha, Nnewi And Abagana Divisional State Library, Anambra State.


This study looks at the extent of integration of information and communication technology to public library services in Onitsha, Nnewi and Abagana divisional state library, Anambra state.

The study sought to find out the various ICT facilities available in Anambra State public libraries, determine the extent to which ICTs are integrated into various public library operations and the hindrances to ICT integration in Anambra State libraries.

The research is guided by four research questions and descriptive survey were used as the research design. Also, random sampling technique was used to select all the librarians in Onitsha, Nnewi and Abagana public libraries, which gives 6 librarians as sample size for the study.

Statistically, simple mean method was used for data analysis. The study revealed that the available ICT facilities in Onishta, Nnewi and Abagana divisional state library were computer, electronic mails, photocopiers and printers. While ICT facilities such as internet facilities, video conferencing and networks were not available in the library.

The study further revealed that the extent of integration of ICT to public library services such as library management and administration, Processing of library materials, developing online resources, accessing online resources and Provision of regular library services to users were very low.

In addition, from the findings, it was determined that some of the hindrances to ICT integration to public libraries in the state was due to poor infrastructural facilities, lack of ICT facilities, lack of/poor funding, inadequate technical skills and technophobia.

Strategies such as training and retraining of library staff and revitalizing the concept of e-library and government monitoring of ICT policies were proffered.


Background to the Study

Information is the engine that drives civilization. It is a term that has come to mean different things to diverse people; although the one major factor that everyone supports about information is the fact that it changes one’s perception of a situation or thing.

In other words, it creates or raises awareness and because of the value of information to people, they always seek to obtain, process and use the information they needed.

Having more information positively affects one’s self-confidence, although the correctness of the information does not increase. In the same vein, Information is necessary when making decisions, but over a certain limit, extra information adds virtually nothing.

The advent of ICT has changed the way people obtain and process information. ICT has made information abundant; therefore, easy to access and process.

The ability to access large amount of information at the click of the mouse is one of the greatest benefits of ICT. Adversely, that is also the major disadvantage of ICT, this is because people naturally have a limit to the amount of information they could process; but ICT have made information so abundant that people now stretch their threshold and as a result are being overloaded with information.


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