Extraction and Characterization of Oil from Coconut Seed (PDF)

 – Extraction and Characterization of Oil from Coconut Seed –

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Oil from coconut seed was extracted and characterized. The physicochemical parameter of the extracted oil was determined by standard methods of analysis.

The saponification (mgKOH/g oil), acid, peroxide (mg/peroxide/kg), and Iodine (mgiodine/100g) and specific gravity value was 254, 1.20, 0.40, 9.30. the solvents demonstrated similar properties in all the analysis.

The data shows that the seed oil is preferable as edible inferring from its low acid value. From the results, the seed oil has great potential in cosmetics, candle and soap making industry because of it high saponification value.

The low iodine and peroxide values suggested that it is non-drying oil, contain few unsaturated bonds, have low susceptibility to oxidative rancidity and deterioration.

Keyword: Coconut, Saponification value, Acid value, Peroxide value, Specific gravity.





List of table

List of figures


  • 02 Background to the study
  • 03 Statement of problem
  • 04 Objectives to the study
  • 05 Significance of the study
  • 06 Scope of the study


  • 01 Literature review
  • 02 Concept of vegetable oil
  • 03 Review of method used in the Extraction of vegetable oils
  • 04 Mechanical extraction
  • 05 Refining of crude vegetable oil
  • 06 Bleaching
  • 07 General chemical characteristics of oil and fats
  • 08 Uses of fats and oil
  • 09 Some physicochemical properties of oil


  • 1.01 Materials
  • 1.02 Apparatus
  • 1.03 Methods
  • 1.04 Sample collection and sample preparation
  • 1.05 Preperation of reagents
  • 1.06 PROCEDURE
  • 1.07 Determination of acid value
  • 1.08 Determination of iodine value
  • 1.09 Determination of peroxide value
  • Determination of specific gravity







List of tables

Physicochemical properties of coconut oil extracted


Picture of coconut and its oil


Background of the study

Plant oil are oils derive from plant sources, as opposed to animal fats or petroleum. Oils derived from plants have been used for thousands of years.

Plant oils have been a healthy alternative to animal derived oils since their discovery. Due to increase in human population and industries, the use of plant oil has drastically increased and as a result, oil from plant is less available and costlier these days unsaturated triglycerides are the main constituents of plant oils (Ahmed, et. al., 1999).

Oils are classified into essential and fixed oils. Essential oils are used to produce perfumes, flavors, deodorants, antiseptics and pharmaceuticals, while fixed oils are often edible because of their nutritional value (Kubow,1990).

The choice of the coconut seed in this work is due to the high yield of oil compared to other parts of the plant. It is an edible oil and have various application in food, medicine and industries (Obasi et. al., 2012).

Oil from coconut is used for cooking and are used as feed stock for biodiesel production. In addition to being used as skin moisturizer (Clark,2011).

Extraction is the process of separation of a substance from a matrix and it can be done either mechanical extraction (expression) or chemical extraction (solvent).

It could be liquid-liquid and solid-liquid phase extraction (Young et. al., 1994). In this work extraction of oil from seed was a solid-liquid extraction.

Acid value is the amount of free fatty acid (FFA) present in oil or fat. The value of an oil or fat is the amount of base in milligrams requires to neutralize the free organic acid present in 1gram of fat or oil (Akoh and Nwosu, 1992).

Saponification value of oil or fat is the amount in milligrams of alkali required to neutralize the free fatty acid from complete hydrolysis of the sample. It is a measure of average molecular weights (chain length) of fatty acid present.

Peroxide value is a measure of it peroxide contained in the oil. A solution of oil in the mixture of acetic acid and chloroform is titrated with the solution of potassium iodide (Mattson and Grundy 1985).

Specific gravity or relative density refers to the ratio of the weight of sample to the weight of distilled water. It is given as weight of sample/weight of distilled water. It has no unit.


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