TEMPERATURE: Micro-organisms grow well at temperatures of between 7’C and 55’C and bacteria particularly grow well at temperatures between 10’C-70’C. However they can survive at much higher ranges. When they are exposed to temperatures beyond 80’C they they die, but spores are resistant to temperatures even higher than 100’C. However prolonged heating eventually kills all micro-organisms. Similarly freezing renders micro-organisms inactive.

OXYGEN AVAILABILITY: Micro-organisms that are strictly anaerobic can only grow in a medium void of oxygen while those that are strictly aerobic require oxygen for their growth. This therefore determines their presence,,

DAMAGE TO SKIN: The skin of fish serves as a protective covering to the delicate flesh, against bacterial growth. When there is damage on the skin, it forms as site for bacterial incursion and growth.
PH OF FISH: Bacteria only grow in PH of between 4.5 and 9 with an optimum of 6.5-7.5. And fish have a neutral PH of 7.0, making it prone to spoilage by bacteria.

INTERNAL WATER CONTENT: Bacteria grow rapidly in media with high levels of internal moisture. Fish contains an average of 70o/o water. Lean fish of about 65o/o water. This makes the environment conductive for bacterial growth.
For more information and help call 08032861326 for consultancy.


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