Falling Out of Love Quotes for Clear Minds

Falling Out of Love Quotes

One of the nicest feelings in the world has to be falling in love, yet the most devastating feeling—falling out of love—can absolutely destroy you. Try to keep in mind how lovely life is. In the unlikely event that you are now experiencing such hurt, these falling out of love quotes will be beneficial to you.


Falling Out of Love Quotes

Read on to stay strong even while you go through this, even as you heal.

1. “Falling out of love isn’t true, it’s an excuse of those who woke up and realized they never really loved.”- Ana Luciana

2. Being with someone you no longer love and still doing all acts of love is like being a zombie that says, I love you on command.

3. “Falling out of love is the saddest thing two people can do to one another. It just means that they have grown too comfortable enough to not make an effort to try.”

4. “I don’t think people actually fall out of love, it’s just that they thought they were in love at the time they think have found it. They are just coward enough to admit they were wrong.”

5. It’s hard to forget someone whom you’ve imagined spending forever with.

6. I chose to love her because it was worth it, but she stopped choosing to love me.

7. “I will not try to convince you to love me, to respect me, to commit to me. I deserve better than that; I am better than that GOODBYE.”- Steve Maraboli

8. Falling out of love is the saddest thing two people can do to one another. It just means that they have grown too comfortable enough not to make an effort to try. .” “falling out of love quotes

9. “Falling out of love is hard, falling for betrayal is worse, broken trust and broken hearts.”

10. “Do not give a second chance to those who cheated on you. If they really love you, they will not find love from someone else.

Love Quotes

11. “It is not okay when you tell me you have fallen out of love. It means you don’t want to keep trying.”

12. There’s always a moment when you start to fall out of love, whether it’s with a person or an idea or a cause, even if it’s one you only narrate to yourself years after the event: a tiny thing, a wrong word, a false note, which means that things can never be quite the same again. – Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt

13. I would like to cash in my insurance policy for one broken heart. Cause of injury: falling without thinking twice.

14. “I learned a lot about falling in love when I fell out of love. I learned a lot about being a friend when I was alone.”

15. Here is the thing, you keep speaking of falling in love, but you can’t seem to support that love with you every time you meet another girl you just fell in love with.

16. “Falling out of love is a consequence of failure to address recurring problems of two people who avoid talking about.” “falling out of love quotes

17. Like everything in life, when in doubt, don’t; when you doubt what you feel, don’t enter into a relationship.

18. “Don’t sell yourself short. If it is not working anymore, it will never work. Your temporary happiness will never be enough to assure you a long and lasting love.”

19. “The bad thing about being left behind is knowing that he is starting a new chapter in his life, while you are still trying to find out where your story goes from here.”

Sad Love Quotes

20. “Sometimes couples drift apart just because they used the wrong tone of voice.”

21. You will fail at love if you force it.

22. Amidst all the negative notions about love, I still choose to fall in love, even if it kills me.

23. “No one ever plans on falling in love with someone, same as no one plans to fall out of love with someone.”

24. “Sometimes the best feeling is not falling in love, it’s falling out of love with someone who never really loved you.”- Mitch Cuento “falling out of love quotes

25. “Do not waste your love on someone who is not willing to reciprocate that same love for you. You are not made to live a life as a martyr unless that is what you are.”

26. “Ran out of things to say, metaphors for you. Why the ocean’s clear instead of blue, why mountains in the distance had reminded me of you.”- Dominic Riccitello


27. “Love should always be reciprocal. Once the other one remiss of his obligations, it is time to rescind.”

28. “Some people have no shame, they come to you, tell you how much they need you in their life, and then when they finally have you, they desert you and then leave you.”

No More in Love Quotes

29. It was so awful and weird. I could see all the things I had loved about him, I could see them, but I didn’t love them anymore. – Lily King

30. “I cannot just give you my heart. You can never ensure love; once I give it to you, it is yours forever. And if you choose to break it, it will be broken forever.”

31. “It’s hard to forget someone whom you’ve imagined spending forever with.”

32. I told you to take your time, did I not? Now, look at what you have done, seven women, seven broken hearts. “falling out of love quotes

33. “When two people part it is the one who is not in love who makes the tender speeches.”- Marcel Proust

34. Amidst all the negative notions about love, I still choose to fall in love, even if it kills me.

35. “When you fall out of love, you keep looking for the smallest flaws to make your decision reasonable.”

36. “You can’t look back – you just have to put the past behind you, and find something better in your future.”- Jodi Picoult

37. “Stop thinking that every time you meet someone they will be the one, you fall in love so fast, I cannot keep track of how much time you have fallen out of it.”

38. “The hard part wasn’t breaking up. The hard part is forcing myself to fall out of love with you.”- Dominic Riccitello

39. If he can’t find a reason to stay out of all the reasons you love him, then let him go.

Broken Heart Quotes

40. Do not waste your love on someone who is not willing to reciprocate that same love for you. You are not made to live a life as a martyr unless that is what you are.

41. “It is the end of a relationship when you start to entertain the question of falling out of love.”

42. “Falling in love with you was the hardest thing to do. Falling out of love with you seems impossible.” “falling out of love quotes

43. “Sometimes feelings go out of sight and we still find a hope to get them back.”- Raj Singh

44. Falling out of love means discontent.

45. “And you left your mark on me… With the destruction of us, finally, we became no one.”- Nadège

46. “Falling in love is a death wish. By falling in love, you have given him the power to take your heart and keep it in his hands until he gets tired of it and throws it out of nowhere.”

47. “Loving you was easy. Hating you was hard. Falling out was insane.” ― Dominic Riccitello

48. Don’t sell yourself short. If it is not working anymore, it will never work. Your temporary happiness will never be enough to assure you a long and lasting love.

49. I would like to cash in my insurance policy for one broken heart. Cause of injury: falling without thinking twice. “falling out of love quotes

50. No one ever plans on falling in love with someone, same as no one plans to fall out of love with someone.

51. “Falling out of love is chiefly a matter of forgetting how charming someone is.”- Iris Murdoch

Loving Quotes

52. “I can’t say much about falling out of love, all I know is that people who fall out of love can’t be trusted.”

53. I fell in love at first sight. I wish I had taken a second look.

54. I have made a huge mess of things. I said I loved her out of fear that I might lose her.

55. “If you learn to take your time, you will find that jumping into a relationship is not the answer to your happiness. You will constantly fall out of love every single time.”

56. If you learn to take your time, you will find that jumping into a relationship is not the answer to your happiness. You will constantly fall out of love every single time.


57. “Falling out of love is the absence of communication, both in heart mind and words.”

58. I want a life that doesn’t have you. I want memories which don’t include you. A heart that never loved you and a mind that won’t think about you and the last thing a whole new me who never knew you. – Nitika

Love Can be Scary

59. We walked to meet each other up at the time of our love and then we have been irresistibly drifting in different directions, and there’s no altering that. – Leo Tolstoy

60. “Falling in love can be scary if you are not sure that the person who promised to catch you will do.”

61. Falling in love is a reaction, not a choice. You cannot choose who your heart beats for. Same as you cannot dictate to keep loving the person who your soul has no room for.

62. I love you. But I’m not in love with you.

63. If he wants to leave, by all means, let him go. Don’t be for someone’s love.

64. That is what scares me about love. One day everything is perfect, and then suddenly, he wakes up and does not feel the same.

65. That’s life for you. All the happiness you gather to yourself, it will sweep away like it’s nothing. If you ask me I don’t think there are any such things as curses. I think there is only life. That’s enough. – Junot Díaz,

66. Falling in love can be scary if you are unsure what the person who promised to catch you will do.

67. I don’t like that falling feels like flying ’til the bone crush – Taylor Swift

68. “If he can’t find a reason to stay out of all the reasons you love him, then let him go.”

69. If you keep falling in and out of love with the same person, congratulations, you might just have found the one person with who you can spend your life falling in and out of love over and over again.

More Falling Out of Love Quotes

70. “Drifting apart is the only excuse a person who has fallen out of love can come up with in order for him/her to feel less guilty.”

71. “When you have fallen out of love, you dread every minute that you have to lie to someone who still loves you, until such time that you have to break up with them.”

72. “The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it.”- Nicholas Sparks

73. Somebody falls in love, somebody breaks a heart. We never fell in love we only fell apart. – Papa Roach

74. “I chose to love her because it was worth it, but she stopped choosing to love me.”

75. “Being cheated on hurts, but its the thought of him loving another girl hurts even worse.”

76. “The saddest thing ever is when you both loved each other, and then one day, one fell out of love and left the other still in love.”

77. Falling in love is a death wish. By falling in love, you have given him the power to take your heart and keep it in his hands until he gets tired of it and throws it out of nowhere.

78. “Falling out of love is very enlightening. For a short while you see the world with new eyes.”

79. “Falling out of love is like losing weight. It’s a lot easier putting it on than taking it off.”

80. “You fell out of love, and that’s okay, but you didn’t have to fall off of the face of the earth.”

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