In Fish farming, there are some parts of the world where it is difficult to divert water into a pond, and the only available water may be flowing water or larger water bodies in that situation fish can be grown in small cages. Cage culture can also be practiced in swampy areas. The may be constructed like rectangular boxes, bamboo cylinders or anything which can contain fish and when placed in water current, water can pass through it. Cages can also be made using materials such as wire mesh, nylon mesh and wood. The cages must be anchored securely in the water so that they do not get carried away.

Cages may be used in ponds for keeping fish between harvest and the time they would be sold off. Cages may also be used as breeding tanks for some fish species.

* cages are quite cheap and easy to construct.

* A group of individuals can own and manage fish cages.

* It is easy to stock and feed fish in cages.

* fish grow fast in cages.

* Harvesting of fish in cages is very simple and easy.


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