Father Giving Away Bride Quotes

There comes a time when the father must give his daughter away to another man to start her new life. No matter how difficult it might seem, it doesn’t mean you don’t love her anymore. Rather, you show your love through actions and words.

It is that moment when you see your little girl all grown and ready to be married. It is a very happy moment for a father, knowing and feeling in his heart that he gave his daughter the best start in life. When your daughter is getting married, you must accept that she is grown up and can run a home.

Because if you don’t, it would be better to think of it as if someone else will take care of her in the future. And that can be more painful for any father. Let these father giving away daughter quotes show you how fathers feel during this great moment.

Father giving away bride is probably the hardest thing you can ever do as a father. Bet on me; I know how it feels. It’s not easy! The days leading to the wedding are mostly stressful for everyone, particularly the father, who has to say goodbye to his little girl, knowing he won’t be able to walk her down the aisle.

1. The most special day in any bride’s life is when her father gives his daughter away.

2. The best part of the wedding day is always when the father of the bride gives away his daughter to her new husband.

3. I have watched father’s who waited long to find their brides, to give them away. If you choose to be with someone, be sure they are worthy of the gift.

4. A father gives his daughter away, which is pure joy. It is the greatest gift that a man can give to his daughter.

5. A perfect wedding day is one where the bride and groom feel that their father is the one who gave them away.

6. When a father gives away his daughter in marriage, it is the greatest gift he can offer her.

7. I am so blessed to have a daughter in this world. She is the first of her kind, and she needs a loving family to take care of her, which is why I will spend my entire life giving away this amazing gift for marriage.

8. This is the proudest day of my life. I am marrying my daughter to a man who loves her like she is his very own.

9. My daughter is the most beautiful girl of my life. She’s a princess, and I enjoy spending time with her daily.

10. I’d be willing to bet my daughter’s happiness that one day she has a woman who reminds her of her mother and me.

11. When Father gives away a daughter, she marries a good man. Giving away our daughters for marriage is a blessing.

12. When I was a young girl, my father gave me away because he wanted to get married. Now I am grown up and giving him his daughter back.

13. This man is such a hero. He gave away his daughter to someone she loves, and they are now happily married

14. When you have a daughter, you can’t wait for her to grow up and marry. You want your kids to get married young!

15. There’s nothing more wonderful than watching a father give away his daughter to the man she loves.

16. I gave my daughter away for marriage. She’s a good girl, and I am happy with her choice.

17. There is nothing in the world so beautiful as a father who has given his daughter away in marriage.

18. The most beautiful thing a father can do for his daughter is to give her away in marriage.

19. I know the day is coming when I’ll have to give away my daughter. But if I can’t give her away, at least I want her to find a good man and get married.

20. I’m overwhelmed with joy over the news that my daughter is engaged. I never dreamed she would fall so deeply in love, but I am happy for her. I know your life will be full of happiness and joy!

21. Once you give it away, it’s gone and can never be taken back. So make sure you love it, hold it close and treat your new bride with the same care she gave you.

22. I am a man. I am a father. I have been given the honour of being with you as your bridal party and ensuring that you are surrounded by love, happiness and joy on your wedding day.

23. Happiness is a father who can give his daughter away without knowing his happiness depends on it.

24. It’s not every day you get to give away the bride. Make sure you’re the ready father of the brides.

25. My daughter is getting married, and I am giving her away. What do I need to do, and what do I want to get rid of?

26. You gave your daughter a lot of love, and now we are giving you even more. Thank you for being an amazing father and showing the world how to be a good one.

27. A dad’s love for his daughter is unconditional. Nowhere else in this world can a daughter feel the kind of comfort that fathers give unconditionally

28. The joy of giving away a bride is so much greater than the simple fact that your daughter will be married.

29. When you are a father, you get to give away the bride one day at a time. You get to celebrate with them and look forward to their future together—all the while never forgetting the loving memories you made today.

30. When a father gives his daughter away, he sees the whole world in front of him.

31. The groom asked for his bride. The father gave her. Now it’s up to you to be the best man you can be for them.

32. When a father gives away his daughter in marriage to the man she has chosen, he has given the greatest gift any father can give.

33. When you are a dad, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and forget that your daughter is growing up. But there will come a time when she’ll want to be on her own.

34. Don’t settle for less than you deserve. Good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who hustle

35. The groom’s father was the one who approached him. The bride didn’t make her own decision.

36. Dad, you are the love of her life. Indeed, your bride-to-be will forever be grateful for your thoughtful nature and selflessness.

37. When a father gives away his daughter to another man, it’s the best thing to have happened to him.

38. When you choose to be a father and give away your daughter, she will always know you are crazy about her.

39. When a father is willing to give his daughter away, he has found the best man for her.

40. Remember that moment when you saw the man your father had chosen for you? Remember how happy he looked and the smile on your face as you spoke to each other that first day.

41. Happiness knows that no matter where you go or what time it is, a father will always be there to embrace you with a big bear hug.

42. Every bride has a vision for her wedding day. But for her father, it’s more than fulfilling his daughter’s dreamy day. It’s about giving back to the man who gave him a second chance at life.

43. She has a vision for her perfect wedding day — the dress, flowers, and location. But most of all, she wants her father to walk her down the aisle. As a disabled veteran and Purple Heart recipient, it’s more than fulfilling his daughter’s dreamy day.

44. For most fathers, walking a daughter down the aisle is honoured. But for one father, it’s much more than that. It’s almost like making up for a lost time.

45. On a beautiful day, a gorgeous bride and the bride’s father give her away. It’s an honour for me to marry them! Thank you for this wonderful day.

46. When he found out his daughter was getting married, the first thing he wanted to give her was a gift to remember her big day.

47. We have everything a father would want for his daughter on her wedding day. It’s about giving back to the man who gave him a second chance at life.

48. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. We are so excited to share our lives with this beautiful woman. Now let’s start planning a wedding.

49. One day, you’ll find your one and only, someone who makes you feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

50. We all have our own way of showing love, but there’s no doubt that the best way to show how you feel about someone is by taking time to do something nice for them.

51. Father of the bride, you are a blessing to me. Thank you for coming into my life and showing me what love is all about. I’m so happy that I get to spend forever with you!

52. I give you my daughter for all life’s joys and pains. I give you my wife for her smile and laughter. I give you to my family for their love and support.

53. He makes us laugh, and we can’t help but smile. He makes us happy, and we feel good about ourselves. He is a father who loves us, and that’s something we can always depend on, even when the worlds seem to fall apart around us.

54. My father always told me that when I think about getting married, I should remember the last time my dad gave away a bride to somebody I love.

55. My dad lived through the happiest day of his life, and he reminded me that’s an experience everyone wants to have with their family.

56. The most beautiful day in a woman’s life is when she walks down the aisle with her father.

57. A bride is not just a beautiful person getting married. It’s a mom, a friend, and most of all, the father who has always been there to raise them but will now take over their lives completely.

58. All you need to know about parenthood is that one day God will ask you to give your daughter away for marriage.

59. A father gives away his daughter for marriage at every wedding. In every divorce, a daughter gives away her father for love.

60. When a father gives away his daughter, the world will be filled with more beautiful women.

61. When a man gives his daughter in marriage, he is honouring his wife and provide for her future.

62. Every girl needs a father who sacrifices and will give up anything for his daughter.

63. You must be strong and brave, like a father with his daughter. But, most of all, you have to be generous. No matter what people say, the man who doesn’t give his daughter in marriage is not a birth father.

64. Daughters shall be given in marriage by your father. But sons belong to the Lord—your inheritance of that day and night whenever you make them wives for yourselves.

65. Your daughter is a gift from God. Honour her, treasure her and let her know she is loved.

66. There is no greater gift you can give your daughter than the gift of true love.

67. She’s a better person because of you, and I wouldn’t have asked for your help if I didn’t need it.

68. I am so thankful for my daddy, the kindest, most patient man in the world. He has taught me that I am to be strong and gentle at the same time. I am so blessed to have a father like him.

69. Giving up her daughter for marriage, this father’s love is so strong and pure. I wish I had a mother like that who would give away her daughter for marriage.

70. No father has ever deserved a daughter more than the one who gave her away for marriage.

71. In the end, it wasn’t about the external trappings of my daughter’s wedding. It was about a father choosing to give his daughter away for marriage because he knew God had called him to do so.

72. I remember being given away for marriage. My father thought I was too insignificant to do anything but be a wife, so he gave me away to another man. I felt like a prize cow being paraded around in a show ring, and I couldn’t wait until it was all over.

73. Only a father who has given his daughter away can know what it is to lose her.

74. Give away your daughter to a man who’s good for her and who will be good for you.

75. May your daughter be a daughter who makes her father proud. May she become a wife and mother who lives up to your high standards?

76. Know that even on the darkest days, you are blessed to have a father willing to give his daughter away for marriage.

77. When a man gives his daughter away in marriage, he gives away part of himself.

78. A father gives away his daughter because he wants her to be happy.

79. A woman wants to marry a man who is good to the child she bore, but a man does not want to get married to a woman unless she has given him a good child.

80. You’ve already done all that you need to today. Now it’s time to rest, have some fun and celebrate with your daughter.

81. If you’re a man and want to be a father one day, then do it now. And don’t wait for the perfect time.

82. Marriage is difficult; it takes two strong, independent people to make it work. But when they do, it’s the most rewarding and beautiful thing in the world.

83. When you are in the company of someone with positive, beautiful and uplifting qualities, you can’t help but be drawn to them. And in turn, they draw you closer.

84. My daughter is the light of my life, the joy in my heart, and the reason I was born. She makes me a better person.

85. I am giving her away because I don’t want to lose her like I lost my other daughter.

86. Her father’s face is a reflection of his soul. His genuine care and affection for his daughter shine through in every moment he spends with her.

87. Let go of your fears, and allow the joy of giving away a daughter to shine through.

88. My daughter is growing up so fast that I barely even recognize her. But I can make a few memories before she goes away. She’s such a good girl, but she does have her moments.

89. The greatest gift anyone can give is the gift of love. We’re lucky to have you in our lives,

90. I’m so grateful that my daughter is growing up in a world filled with people who care deeply about her.

91. When a Father gives away his daughter for marriage, the whole world benefits.

92. When you’re blessed with a daughter, she’s always in your heart. But when she’s married and has a family of her own, you wish she could be there more often.

93. It’s the day you’ve been waiting for. Your heart is full of love, light, and hope for the future. You have given your daughter away to someone she loves with all her heart, and there’s nothing you can do but wish her good luck.

94. Our daughters are growing up and ready to be married. It’s time for us to start preparing them for their lives with their husbands.

95. Today is the day my daughter walks down the aisle, and I am so proud of her.

96. The happiest I’ve ever seen my daughter was when she walked down the aisle to meet her husband.

97. She’s grown up so fast. I can’t believe she’s leaving me behind to start a new life as an adult.

98. Today, we celebrate a woman who has decided to be married. A woman who has chosen to love her husband and his family. A woman who has chosen to be a wife. Today is a day for celebration, not sadness.

99. We are so grateful for her and her future husband-to-be on this special day. May she always find the joy that comes from knowing she is a gift from God.

100. Daughter, you are the most precious gift I have ever been given. May your life be filled with joy and adventure as you take this step into marriage.

Considering how close and special relationships can be between a father and daughter, it is not surprising that the best father giving away a bride celebrate the love and respect between these two. I hope these father giving away daughter quotes explained this beautiful relationship and also stress the emotions during such events. Please send them to your loved ones too.

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