Fed up of Being Ill Quotes

Being ill is miserable. The feeling of being unwell and the resistance you put up against it, combined with the changes in your body, can lead to a lot of pain, fear and stress. Illness often puts us out of step with the pace of life: the way we see things and feel begins to diverge from reality.

Our lives can become ruled by illness, but it can make us more aware, too: our thoughts may turn to things like what really matters in life; pain makes us more compassionate; we develop patience.

The agony of being ill or in pain is not that it lasts for a year or for an hour. It’s the feeling of being shut off from life. The worst thing about being ill has to deal with people who don’t understand your suffering when you are looking forward to getting better.

When you are in the middle of it, when most days are a struggle to get through. When you want to sleep for all of them, even though sleep just lets the pain be there when you wake up as well.

You can get tired of it all when you are in such a situation. You can get upset about being sick and wanting to get better quickly. It’s okay to feel that way. However, if you need to express how much you are fed up of being ill, you should see the list of fed up of being ill quotes below.

I’m fed up of being ill. I’m fed up with feeling unwell every single day. I’m fed up with not being able to run, climb or even walk without getting winded. I’m fed up with nausea and vomiting. And I’m so annoyed that my energy levels are so low that it is physically painful to do the simplest things.

1. I’m tired of being sick. I’m tired of feeling like an inconvenience to everyone around me. I’m tired of not being able to do things that other people can do. I’m tired of not being able to move my body in the way that it wants to move or be home like everyone else.

2. A tired and stressed-out body is a sad situation. When you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, that’s when you find out what really matters.

3. I’m fed up of being ill. I’m sick of the constant fatigue, nausea, and weakness—and I want it to end.

4. I’m fed up of being ill. I am fed up of being tired and falling over. I need to feel better and start living my life again.

5. I’m fed up of being ill, of not feeling well, of being weak all the time and I really want to feel healthy again.

6. No one knows what I’m going through. It sucks. I’m fed up of being ill, tired and weak all the time, having low energy and hoping that this will go away soon.

7. I’m fed up! I need to be well again. So tired of being sick, and having to take sick days. I’m fed up!

8. I’m fed up with feeling poorly. I want to get better so that I can be more of who I really am!

9. I am sick and tired of being sick. I hate that I’m not where I need to be physically, mentally or spiritually. When will this end?

10. I’m fed up of being ill and being so drained of energy that I can’t do anything. I don’t want to be like this anymore.

11. I’m fed up of being ill; I’m fed up of being sick. I’m sick of having to sit and wait for my body to let me know that it’s time to get better.

12. I am so tired of being ill. I want to feel better and be able to do everything I used to.

13. I want to feel well again. I am fed up of feeling miserable, ill and tired. I’m sick and tired of being sick. I want to feel well again, just like everyone else!

14. I’m fed up of being ill. It’s hard to get out of bed when you’re sick. I feel like I’m running on empty and can’t find my energy as quickly as I would like

15. I’m fed up of being ill. I’m fed up of being tired, and I’m fed up of feeling like crap. I need to find a cure, but it’s not here yet.

16. I’m fed up of not feeling good. I’m fed up of not being able to enjoy my life. I’m fed up of having to watch my friends do things I can’t.

17. I’m fed up of being so ill. I want to feel healthy again. I don’t mind if I get ill sometimes, but when it gets so bad, I feel like I cannot even function properly? That’s when I get fed up.

18. I’m fed up of being ill: it’s taking too much of my time and energy, I’m exhausted, and I feel like I’ve lost the capacity for enjoyable things.

19. I’m fed up of being ill, I’m fed up of feeling like I’ve done everything I can to get better.

20. I’m tired of feeling tired, tired of feeling tired, tired of being off work and not being able to do things. I’m sick of not getting my body back to normal.

21. I’m fed up of being ill. I’m fed up of not being able to run or dance or hike or snowboard like I used to. I’m fed up of not being able to protect my family the way they need me to.

22. I’m fed up of being ill. I’m fed up with taking days off work. I’m fed up with feeling like a million years old. But most of all, I’m fed up not feeling better by the end of it all.

23. I’m tired of being sick. I’m tired of getting antibiotics and feeling like crap. I’m tired of being in pain. So, let’s fix it!

24. I’m fed up of being ill. I’m fed up of sleeping all the time. I’m fed up of not eating properly and feeling weak. I can take this anymore!

24. I’m sick of being ill. I’m sick of having a cough and feeling so run down. I can’t take it anymore. I want to be well.

25. I’m sick of being sick. I’m sick of taking medications, and I’m sick of feeling like a freak. I just want to feel better.

26. I’m sick and tired of being sick, I’m tired of being tired, I’m not sleeping, my life is unfulfilling, and I can’t keep up with the pace!

27. I’m fed up of being ill – I’m fed up with feeling like this. I can’t do this anymore. I’ve had enough of all this pain and suffering that comes with illness.

28. I’m fed up of being sick. My body aches, I can’t eat or sleep and every day is a struggle.

29. I am fed up of being ill. I am fed up of not feeling better after being on antibiotics, of the fear that something worse could be happening, and the frustration of waiting.

30. I’m fed up of being in pain all the time. I don’t want doctors and hospitals, I want to live my life. I want to feel better and you can help me.

31. It’s been a bummer week of sickness, but I’m taking it day by day. I’m just not okay. I’ve been sad and tired for days. I can’t catch a break.

32. I’m fed up of being ill. I need a break from the pain and exhaustion. I can’t wait for the next flu season to be over.

33. I’m fed up of being ill and tired all the time. I need to find out what is wrong and fix it.

34. I’m fed up of being ill. I’m fed up of not being well. I want to feel good and think clearly again—and most importantly, I want to be healthy.

35. I’m fed up of having a cold. I’m fed up of being ill. I need a solution… I’ve never wanted to curl up in bed and cry more than I do at the minute.

36. I am sick of being ill. I am tired of taking medicine, feeling like a skeleton and unable to move around properly. I am fed up with not being able to enjoy life because I have been in bed so long.

37. I don’t know how the rest of you do it, but I’m in bed with a cold and feeling unwell. I’m fed up already.

38. Stress, sleeplessness and not being able to take care of myself have made me feel like crap. I always feel sick because my immune system doesn’t work as it should. I’m fed up of being ill.

39. I’m fed up of being ill. I want to get better, but it’s so hard when you always stay inside and can’t do anything. I wish there was a pill that would make me healthy again.

40. I’m fed up of being ill. There’s nothing wrong with me, but my body is rejecting the medicines I’ve been given.

41. I’m fed up of being ill, the long fevers and mucus-filled coughs; I’m fed up of feeling so weak and fragile. I want to be happy, healthy, and positively filled with positivity!

42. I’m fed up with being ill and not feeling myself. Time to take control of my health.

43. I’m fed up of being sick all the time. I can’t keep up with my workload and my family needs me. I need to do something about it!

44. I’m fed up of being under the weather and feeling miserable. I’m sick of being sick, I want to feel better.

45. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m tired of being sick. I’m tired of being in pain. I’m tired of being on antibiotics. I’m tired of being restricted from eating certain things or having to eat them off a list.

46. I’m tired of feeling like my life is not living up to its potential because the pain has taken over my life and time is too limited to spend it doing things that make me happy.

47. I’m fed up of being ill and not being able to see the world. I’ve been fighting this illness for too long.

48. I’m fed up of being ill. It’s exhausting, frustrating, and time-consuming. I wish there was a cure for this thing called “tomorrow”.

49. I’m fed up of being sick, of not feeling well and worrying about it all the time. I’m sick and tired! I hate being here, feeling this way.

50. I’m so ill right now. I wish I could curl up in a ball and sleep away the rest of my life. I feel like a prisoner in my own body and need help.

Sometimes, when you’re ill, there is a kind of gap between the way you feel and the way the world sees you. It’s only normal to be fed up, want to get better and express your feelings. And with the fed up of being ill quotes here, you have all the right words to use. I hope you found relief going through them.

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