Feeling Hurt by Husband Quotes

Have you ever been hurt by your husband? Has he ever done something you thought was unforgivable? It happens more often than you would think. Men are always confusing us women and doing the unexpected. Hurt is something that is often not talked about or even understood in the country I grew up in. A lot of people don’t understand what it feels like when you feel hurt by your husband. Likewise, some men might not understand how hurt affects their wives as well.

It hurts deeply when the person you love deeply hurts you emotionally. It is hard to take in that your life partner doesn’t really feel the same way about you. It is not easy to be hurt by a family member, even if that member is your husband. Hurtful words, no compromises and a total communication breakdown will make you feel broken down.

Plus, the thing about feeling hurt by your husband is that, unless you’re one of those people who speak about their relationship problems with friends and family, it can be hard for others to understand why you feel the way you do. This makes it difficult to get them to empathise with you. 

These feeling hurt by husband quotes can help you deal with the hurt that you feel. You can use them to help yourself come to terms with the hurt that you are feeling and share them with others in order to help them realize how they might be feeling.

When you’re feeling hurt by your husband, remember that there’s always a reason why he’s doing something out of character. He may feel differently about it than you do, but whatever his reasoning is behind the unexpected behaviour, it will pass, and soon, he’ll be just like before again.

1. When you’re feeling hurt by your husband, it’s easy to feel like there is nothing that can be done. But when you take a moment to remember the real reason behind this pain, you’ll realize that change starts in your head, not in your heart.

2. When you’re feeling hurt by your husband, a wounded heart will hurt you. And that’s a problem because a wounded heart can end up hurting your kids.

3. When you’re feeling hurt by your husband, hold on and give him space. Time is your best therapy for the heart and soul.

4. When you’re feeling hurt by your husband, stay strong and keep moving forward. Don’t give up on the relationship—just because of a few rough patches.

5. It’s a good thing when you’re feeling hurt by your husband since it means that you are in a healthy place and growing together. Sometimes we need to go through difficult times with each other in order to know how strong our bond is.

6. When you are feeling hurt by your husband, remember that you have a choice. Stay or go.

7. When you’re feeling hurt by your husband, it’s never too late to take a look at your relationship and make adjustments.

8. When your husband hurts you, remember that God loves you and will lift you up.

9. When your husband is the one who breaks your heart and hurts you, you feel like nobody can ever help—especially not his friends.

10. When your husband hurts you, you will feel rejected, ignored and humiliated. You can’t do anything about that because the problem is his character.

11. When your husband acts out, there’s always a reason. Is it because he wants to make you happy? Or is it because he’s trying to push the blame for the argument onto you?

12. If he’s doing something that hurts you, there’s always a reason why. The question to ask is not, “Why was he doing this?” but rather, “Is this what I want?”

13. When you get hurt by someone who loves you, it’s because they love you. It’s not their fault. Be gentle with yourself and smile through it.

14. Hurt by my husband… Feeling like it’s over.

15. When you’re feeling hurt by your husband, remember that he isn’t God, and neither are you; he’s just a man. So go on and trust him again because God has already decided who he wants to be with.

16. Sometimes, you just have to be patient and give him a chance to explain what is going on in his life.

17. When you’re feeling hurt by your husband, you are required to acknowledge that what he did was wrong. This isn’t to excuse his behaviour or make him feel better, but rather to let him know that there is a problem and that he needs to fix it.

18. If you’re feeling down and out, remember there’s always a reason why your husband acted this way.

19. When men act out of character, it’s because they’re hurt. They feel abandoned and hopeless. They think you’re mad at them, and you may be right there with them. But remember, he’s just a man, not a monster. He needs your help, not your anger.

20. When you’re hurting or angry with your husband, remember that there’s always a reason behind this.

21. When your husband is doing something completely out of character, remember there’s always a reason he’s doing that.

22. Feeling hurt by my husband is more than a feeling. It’s a heart attack waiting to happen.

23. Remember, there is always a reason why your husband is doing something out of character.

24. You may believe that your husband doesn’t really love you any more or even that he doesn’t care about you, but deep down, you know he would never intentionally hurt you like this.

25. You know what hurts? When your man’s always telling you how much he loves you and then does something that breaks your heart—especially when he’s already proven time and time again that he doesn’t care about you at all.

26. Your husband is changing, not because he’s angry, but because he’s afraid.

27. When you’re feeling hurt by your husband and all you want is for him to just have his way, remember that God does not change, and neither does your husband.

28. When you’re feeling hurt by your husband, remember that there’s always a reason why he’s doing something out of character. It might be because he wants to compensate for something, but it could also be because he has an ulterior motive.

29. When you feel hurt by your husband, remember that there’s always a reason why he’s doing something out of character. It may not be as scary as it seems at first; just remember to stick to the plan, and you’ll soon find yourself on top of the world again.

30. I’m so hurt by my husband. He doesn’t want to spend time with me anymore because he’s busy with his friends at the bar.

31. I’ve been hurt by my husband more times than I can count. I don’t know how to trust him again.

32. Sometimes, your husband does something out of character because he truly feels guilty about something.

33. Hurt? You’re not the first. Remember that there’s always a reason why he’s so hard on you—something that he doesn’t want you to know or understand at this time.

34. Sometimes, we forget why our husbands are acting the way they do. Sometimes we get so caught up in defending ourselves that we forget to ask Yahweh to give us grace and understanding, so we can see things from their perspective.

35. I need a time-out from my husband. I’m sorry to be so boring, but I am feeling hurt by him.

36. My husband was a great dad, but he’s not so great when it comes to sharing his feelings. I’ve tried being patient, but I’m feeling hurt, and now I just want to be done with this marriage.

37. When your husband hurts you, remember that it’s just a part of the game.

38. I’m feeling hurt and confused; some days, I just want to be alone and cry. What should I do?

39. When you’re a wife, and you feel like your husband doesn’t appreciate you or value your time.

40. I feel like my husband doesn’t want to be married. He tells me he loves me, but I don’t get it.

41. When your husband tells you he doesn’t want to be married anymore, don’t feel like a failure. You’ll get through it, and eventually, love will find its way back into your heart again.

42. When your husband is hurtful, you need an ear to listen.

43. Being betrayed by your spouse is one of the most traumatic life events imaginable. While it may seem impossible to cope with such a betrayal, it is possible to survive.

44. When you’re feeling hurt by your husband, remember that there’s always a reason why he’s doing something out of character.

45. When you’re feeling hurt by your husband, the best thing to do is listen. Let him know how you’re feeling. He’s not perfect and may need some time to work through his issues, so don’t take it out on him. Instead, assure him that you love him and want to spend more time with him.

46. I don’t know how to explain it, but I’m feeling hurt by my husband tonight. I do love him, and I’m scared that if he read this, he would feel rejected.

47. When someone hurts you, the best thing to do is listen. Tell them how you feel.

48. When you’re feeling hurt by your husband, remember that it can be hard to feel loved. But don’t give up on him! He is trying his best to love you and provide for you.

49. When you’re hurting because of your husband, it’s difficult to know how to handle the situation. You can have many different responses when you and your husband aren’t communicating well, but it’s important to remember that he loves and adores you. However, he may feel a great deal of regret over what’s happened.

50. I’m so hurt by my husband that I don’t know what to do.

51. I just can’t take it anymore. He said he loves me, and he acts like I’m a stranger.

52. When you’re feeling hurt by your husband, remember that it’s a normal reaction to some of the things he does. And remember that you are not responsible for his feelings—you are only responsible for how you feel about him.

53. I wish I could say it’s just a bad day, but the truth is he’s been miserable in his life and is not interested in changing.

54. I’m so hurt by my husband. He doesn’t understand me; he’s always on his phone and never texts back. I want a divorce!

55. When your husband doesn’t value you. When you feel like you don’t matter. When he treats you like a possession, not a person, when he plots against you, lies to you and cheats on you.

56. No matter how hard I try to be the perfect wife, he doesn’t appreciate me. It hurts so much. What should I do?

57. When you’re feeling hurt by your husband, is it possible that you’re too hard on him? He’s only trying to help you!

58. When you are feeling hurt by your husband, don’t forget to love him too. Never forget that he is the man responsible for taking care of you and your happiness.

59. I don’t know how to be happy again. My heart has been broken, and I am lost in this world.

60. When you’re feeling hurt by your husband, the best thing to do is listen.

61. When your husband is hurting you, don’t wait for him to apologize. Accept his apology when he makes it.

62. When you’re feeling hurt by your husband, remember that God is sovereign over all things. He is able to give you patience, hope and grace.

63. When you’re feeling hurt by your husband, there’s nothing like the comfort of a good iced tea.

I hope you found these feeling hurt by husband quotes useful. Let me know what you think of this post in the comment section. Thank you for reading; please share this post with your loved ones before you go.

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