FF XIV Job Requirements and Available Positions for Staff in 2020 See Update

FF XIV Job Requirements and Available Positions for Staff in 2020 See Update.

FF XIV Job Requirements: There are many different Jobs in Final Fantasy XIV. Once you’ve mastered your main role as a class of your choosing,

you can then choose a Job that relates more specifically to your role in groups and solo play, and ultimately it is what defines how you like to play. One of the greatest aspects of FFXIV: ARR is flexibility.

Players are not locked into a single job choice, so when reading over the various zones in the game, keep in mind that it is not a permanent choice.

Once you’ve completed the class level requirements and completed the associated quest for the job you are going for, you will be granted a Job Soul Crystal which you will equip onto your character to grant the abilities of that job.

1. The Monk

The Monk is also known as Black Belt and Blackbelt is a job class that appears in many of the Final Fantasy games.

Though now under Garlean rule, the city-state of Ala Mhigo once boasted the greatest military might of all Eorzea. Among its standing armies were the monks—ascetic warriors as dreaded by foes on the field of battle as the city-state’s great pikemen.

The monks comprised an order known as the Fist of Rhalgr, and it was to this god—the Destroyer—that they devoted their lives of worship. By mastering seats of power within the body known as chakra, they are capable of performing extraordinary physical feats.

2. The Dragoon:

The Dragoon also localized as Dragon Knight or Lancer, is a recurring job in the Final Fantasy series. First appearing in Final Fantasy II, they have become one of the most iconic job classes in the series.

Of all the things that are symbolic of the nation of Ishgard, few are more recognized than the dragoon. Born amidst the timeless conflict between men and dragons, these lance-wielding knights have developed an aerial style of combat, that they might better pierce the scaled hides of their mortal foes.

Taking to the firmament as though it were an extension of the land, they descend upon the enemy with every onze of their bodies behind the blow. It is this penetrative power that characterizes the dragoon.

3. Ninja:

Ninja is a recurring job class in the Final Fantasy series.

Hailing from the war-torn lands of the Far East, the secret arts of the ninja were born of necessity, and have since given rise to a unique breed of highly-trained combatants.

Able to manipulate the vital energies of the land, the air, and living beings, they manifest their power through the weaving of signs, unleashing a wide array of attacks against their foes. Master the arts of the ninja and learn to bend the tide of battle to your will.

4. The Samurai: 

The Samurai is a recurring job in the Final Fantasy series.

Far across the rolling waves, towards the rising sun, there lies the island nation of Hingashi.

In the distant past, the realm’s great lords vied for supremacy over its sea-girt confines in a long and bloody conflict. And taking to battle in their lieges’ names were noble swordsmen whose art was forged in the crucible of war: the samurai.

Eventually, the nation was unified under one banner, and these warriors came to wield their katana not upon fields as part of an army, but upon streets as protectors of the peace.

But as a neglected blade grows dull with rust, so to do men forget their purpose. Amidst waning memories of the old ways, a determined few hold fast to their convictions, hands by katana grips, awaiting the moment for steel to sing.

5. The Black Mage:

The Black Mage also called Black Wizard, is a job class in the Final Fantasy series, and is featured in several installments.

In days long past, there existed an occult and arcane art known as black magic—potent magic of pure destructive force born forth by a sorceress of unparalleled power.

Those who learned to wield this instrument of ruin came to be called black mages, out of both fear and respect for their gift. Yet great power served to corrupt the judgment of mortal man, and so he unknowingly set out upon the path of ruin.

Adventurers who take the black will become agents of devastation, capable of annihilating those who oppose them through little more than the force of their will.

6. The Summoner:

TheSummoneralso known as the Caller or Evoker is a job that appears in various games in the Final Fantasy series. One of the earliest introduced job classes, summoner first appeared in Final Fantasy III.

The beast tribes of Eorzea worship and summon forth beings known as primal, among which are Ifrit, Garuda, and Titan.

Yet what is a god to one man is a demon to another, for the city-states of Eorzea see these beings as a grave threat to their collective survival.

In times immemorial, there lived mages who had not only the power to summon the primal, but also the means to transmute the primal essences, thus binding them to their will.

Known simply as summoners, the existence of these men and women and their arcane art have been all but lost to the ages.

7. The Bard:

The Bard is a job class that appears in various games in the series.

The word “bard” ordinarily puts folk in mind of those itinerant minstrels, fair of voice and nimble of finger, who earn their coin performing in taverns and the halls of great lords.

Few know, however, that bards, in fact, trace their origins back to the bowmen of eld, who sang in the heat of battle to fortify the spirits of their companions.

In time, their impassioned songs came to hold sway over the hearts of men, inspiring their comrades to great feats and granting peace unto those who lay upon the precipice of death.

8. The Scholar: 

Scholar Gakusha) is a recurring job in the Final Fantasy series. Experts in the theory of warfare, Scholars provide battlefield support and wear academic robes with mortarboards.

In an age long past, when mankind flourished under the radiance of arcane mastery, the island of Vylbrand was home to a city-state called Nym.

Though the history of that age tells of countless wars waged with earth-shattering incantations, it was the brilliant strategic maneuvering of Nym’s scholars that allowed their mundane army of mariners to throw back would-be conquerers time and again.

These learned men and women defended the freedom of their tiny nation with their unique command over spell-weaving faeries, utilizing the creatures’ magicks to heal the wounded and bolster the strength of their allies.

9. White Mage: 

White Mage also called White Wizard, is a job class in the Final Fantasy series and is featured in several installments. It is among the first job classes introduced in the series.

White magic, the arcane art of succor, was conceived eras past that the world might know comfort. Alas, a man began perverting its powers for self-gain, and by his wickedness brought about the Sixth Umbral catastrophe.

Although the art subsequently became forbidden, it is now in the midst of a revival at the hands of the Padjal, chosen of the elementals.

Those who would walk the path of the white mage are healers without peer, possessed of the power to deliver comrades from the direst of afflictions—even the icy grip of death itself.

10. Red Mag:

Red Mag is a job class in the Final Fantasy series and is featured in several installments. It is among the first job classes introduced in the series.

On the eastern edge of Abalathia’s Spine lies the mountainous region of Gyr Abania.

It is in these elevated lands that people took shelter when a burning star guided them away from the Sixth Umbral Calamity’s treacherous floodwaters.

The survivors gathered from near and far, and amongst them were refugees of the sorcerous cities of Mhach and Amdapor.

These sworn enemies buried their history for the sake of the future and cast aside their vestments of black and white. Upon the remnants of their arts a new discipline was built, and the first red mages stepped forward with rapiers in hand to fight back against the rising tides of destruction.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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