Field Hockey Goalie Quotes – Motivation and Love

In field hockey, there is much more intense focus than in any other position on the pitch. The goalkeeper is one of the best and most difficult positions in field hockey. They are responsible for defending the most important part of the field, their goaltender, who covers the only goal on a field hockey rink.

The goalie needs to possess many skills. These skills include being physically fit, fast and agile enough to make a save at any time, strong and having great reflexes to stop shots that come their way.

There are things that a hockey goalie must know. One is the position of his peers on the field. Another is the suitability of any given moment for play-making. A great goalie knows all this and more, including what it is like to win and lose at every level.

These field hockey goalie quotes below are inspirational lines or sayings that can motivate people to play better as a defending field hockey goalkeeper. It will encourage you to keep practising and trust yourself even when things aren’t going your way.


A field hockey goalie is a goalie, but not in the whole “big shot” way. They just focus on stopping things and making them look easy. It’s actually pretty hard to do. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you can’t keep up with them. You will push through and make it work for you.

1. There is nothing more beautiful on this earth than having a field hockey goalie between the pipes.

2. The position of being a field hockey goalie is quite risky, but you must love the challenge of being the last line of defence, knowing that no matter what happens out there, it’s your job to stop it.

3. Keep your head down, focus on the ice and be a good field hockey goalie.

4. Field hockey goalies are the unsung heroes of the game. They make amazing saves and help their teams win. Hockey goalies have skills and abilities that many people don’t even realize exist!

5. It’s hard to find a field hockey goalie that can’t keep up with the speed of today’s game. It takes tenacity, focus, and passion to skate and stop at the same time.

6. With a field hockey goalie, the game is always on. There’s never a dull moment when the goalie is on your side.

7. If you aren’t off your feet, you may as well be playing as a field hockey goalie.

8. A field hockey goalie can’t be mad all the time. They just have to let their lips flap and then catch it with their glove.

9. A field hockey goalie is a rock, the foundation of the team. You have to be strong, and you have to stay focused.

10. A field hockey goalie is someone who makes saves and saves people’s lives.

11. A field hockey goalie requires extraordinary focus, determination and commitment. A hockey goalie will work hard to become the best goalie she can be while also helping other people.

12. Goalies are the unsung heroes of any hockey game. They keep the puck out of the net, saving their team from defeat and perhaps humiliation on social media.

13. Field hockey goalies are like the superheroes of their sport: they get stopped from doing something amazing, but they’re still forced to save the game.

14. The most important thing for a field hockey goalie is to keep your focus, to stay calm and disciplined. You have to look at the situation with a clear mind and be decisive.

15. Great field hockey goalies have something that’s special and important about them. They’re like blank pieces of paper, waiting to be written on with experience.

16. Field hockey goalies are the most important players on the team. They make all the big saves, block all the shots, and put in all of the hard work. Too bad no one appreciates them…

17. Field hockey goalies are the best preventers of real estate disasters. They Keep your eyes on the puck.

18. Goalies are always looking to improve their game, but it’s their teammates that help them shine.

19. Being a field hockey goalie is all about being in the right place at the right time. Hockey is also about being ready to make that save when you need it.

20. Goalies are the best at preparing themselves for the unexpected.

21. Field hockey goalies are like taking a test in school. You start slow, but you do well once you get the hang of it.

22. Field hockey goalies are fast, strong, and agile. They move quickly from one side of the net to the other to block shots and find ways to catch pucks in their pads. The other team’s goalie eventually gets tired and has to go to the bench for a period break, but never do they get the chance to rest.

23. Field hockey goalies live in the moment. You always have to forget about everything except the next save.

24. Goalies are made of iron, not clay. Keep your head up, and keep working hard!

25. Being a field hockey goalie is the most important position on the team. Always remember that.

26. The best goalies are the ones who are always looking to improve.

27. The goalie is the only one who has the opportunity to show his true character.

28. The field hockey goalie is the man or woman who stands between the team and defeats.

29. Each shot you block or save is another opportunity for your team to win. You are the field hockey goalie, so don’t give up.

30. The only thing that can stop a field hockey goalie is the ref.

31. Hockey is a team sport. The field hockey goalie is the glue that holds it all together.

32. Field hockey goalies are the superheroes of the rink. They are the ones that save us, they are the ones that let us down, and they are the only ones who can make us cry. So cheers to you, my friends.

33. The field hockey goalie position is the most important position in hockey. You have to make a save 40 times a game. Everyone thinks the goalie is all strategy, but the shooter makes you better.

34. The first thing you learn about a field hockey goalie is that he’s probably the most important player on your team, and he’ll probably be the one who gets scored on.

35. A field hockey goalie’s job is to stop the puck. A goalie’s job is to stop himself from losing his mind.

36. Despite the player’s skills, it’s the field hockey goalie who wins or loses a hockey game.

37. The field hockey goalie is the only player on the ice who knows no fear.

38. The difference between a good field hockey goalie and a great field hockey goalie is how they react to bad passes.

39. The best field hockey goalie has a very short memory. The goal is to forget that you are a goalie and make the players forget it too.

40. The field hockey goalie is the last line of defence and always has to remember that he’s only human.

41. The field hockey goalie is the last line of defence. He takes all the abuse and is the first taken out when things go wrong, but he’s also the one who wins you games.

42. Field hockey goalies don’t make the save. They just take the credit.

43. Some field hockey goalies play the puck, and some play the angles. You don’t need to be a superstar to make a difference in the game.

44. The goalie is the only player whose body can be seen while his mind is invisible.

45. When you’re a field hockey goalie, you are everything’s about the net.

46. Field hockey goalies are the unsung heroes of hockey. They’re the only ones who can stop a puck and don’t get paid anything but love.

47. Field hockey goalies are the most feared position in sports, but most people don’t know that. We’re here to help you make the right decisions about getting a goalie shirt or equipment.

48. When you’re a goalie, you must have a good balance. And not just because there are so many important things you can’t knock over when you get up from the ground.

49. The best goalies make the saves, but the ones who do that are not necessarily the best goalies. They’re the ones who give their team chance after chance after chance. That’s what a goalie does.

50. The field hockey goalie is the most important team member in a hockey game. The goalie is considered to be the last line of defence for his team, so he has very high pressure and expectations on him. A good goalie will make many saves throughout the game and help his team win!

51. The puck might be coming your way, but it’s up to you to ensure it doesn’t hit the back of your net. Practice makes perfect!

52. You’re not going to get anywhere in this world if you don’t know the difference between a good goalie and a great one.

I hope you love these field hockey goalie quotes above. You can share them with friends, family and your social media network. Please, do well to comment on your favourite quote in the comment section.

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