Finally Completed My Master’s Degree Quotes

For someone who wants a master’s degree badly and who is putting in the work to get one, finally completing the programme will be so exciting that he/she can jump over a mountain.

The hard years and the hard work are all behind you now, and you need some quotes as you celebrate the completion of this programme? Trust me to show up with quotes when they are needed.

You’ll find quotes for a person who just completed their master’s degree right here. They can be used on social media, as text messages to people who want to hear from you and for many other purposes.

I’ll definitely come here when I get my master’s degree to get quotes, and you should do the same too.

You can also use these quotes if you just completed your Bachelor’s degree or doctorate degree. Just a little tweak here and there, and you’re good to go.

Now, all you have to do is dig through these cute creative, finally completed my master’s degree quotes and spread the word about completing your master’s degree with the ones you love best.

I’ve finally completed my master’s degree; I have worked hard and have endured the long months, but it was well worth it. My fellow students, remain true to your dreams and never lose sight of them no matter what obstacles you may face. Keep believing in yourself because if you believe in yourself, then others will as well.

1. After four years of sleepless nights, mountains of paperwork and multi-million dollar budgets, I have finally earned my Master’s Degree. I couldn’t have done it without you.

2. A lot of hard work and dedication was put into getting my master’s degree, and I have it now. Thanks for all the support. I couldn’t have done it without you!

3. I just finished my master’s degree today. I am so proud of myself and happy to be done! You guys are the reason I did it. I may be older than you, but we always shared a special bond, and I’ve watched you grow and become even more amazing people. So here is a toast! I hope that all of you find the happiness and success in life that you deserve.

4. Thanks for all your support throughout the period I spent trying to get my master’s degree. It took two years of hard work and effort, but it’s done! I haven’t had a prouder moment in my life. I can finally relax now and enjoy the fruits of my labour.

5. I am so proud of you for finally making it through the program. We did it! I know how hard you worked, and I just wanted to say congratulations again. I hope to make a difference in other people’s lives like you have in mine.

6. It took a while, but we did it! It’s official: I am now a master’s degree holder! This is just the start; now I know what real hard work feels like because of you. You truly are amazing people.

7. I have finally finished getting my master’s. I don’t know how I made it through without you by my side, but I did because you were there to hold me up. You are the most amazing woman, and I can’t believe how glad I am that we found each other.

8. I’ve never been so proud of myself! I never thought I could do it. You all have helped me, motivated me and pushed me. I have finally completed my master’s degree, and it’s because of you!

9. I know I have said it before, but I am so proud of myself! I can’t believe I have finished my degree after all this time. I have come so far and worked so hard. I am so happy for myself.

10. I am overwhelmed with joy right now. I have finally finished my master’s degree programme, and it is all because of you! Thank you all for being there when I needed encouragement. I couldn’t have done it without you.

11. Dear family, I have finally done it! I have completed my master’s degree. Thank you for being so patient with me while I worked through this journey. I know it definitely wasn’t easy on any of you, but mine was a dream come true.

12. I am so proud of you that I can’t stop smiling. You have worked so hard, and I am delighted you have completed your degree. I promise to keep striving towards my master’s with you by my side!

13. Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes for my thesis defence and for completing my master’s degree! It’s finally finished.

14. Thank you all. I wouldn’t be with this degree today without your friendship and support. Going to school was tough, but you all made it worthwhile!

15. Thank you to all who supported me through this journey. I am now officially a master’s degree holder. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

16. With this paper, I complete my master’s degree. You may now take me seriously when I tell you that I am, in fact, a professional!

17. This never would have been possible without the support of the best co-workers anyone could ask for. Thanks for helping me get my degree and giving me more education than I ever dreamed of!

18. I have finally fulfilled my lifelong goal of getting a master’s in counselling! It has taken a decade to achieve this, but I now have my degree. I am so excited to get out there and help people find wholeness in their lives.

19. Today, I finished my master’s degree. It took longer than it should have taken, but I made it. I haven’t been more proud of anything else. You are the most amazing support system and always push me to be the best person I can be.

20. It took me four years to finish my master’s degree, but I did it. I worked hard, and I finished. We can do more than this if we put our minds to it.

21. I can finally say that all the late nights, early mornings and endless studying actually paid off. I am so proud of myself. If my determination and hard work can get me through this degree, then it can get me through anything. Thanks to all of my friends, family and colleagues for their inspiration and support throughout the years.

22. I am writing this to anyone who will listen, to those of you that have been watching my progress and have been supporting me. I had my last final today and officially received my master’s degree. It is more rewarding than I could have ever expected. Every bit of effort was worth it seeing all of you finally achieve your goals. Congratulations!

23. Being here for five years has been a huge accomplishment. We are lucky to have the opportunity to be here, so we must strive to make the most of it. Time is precious, and you should never regret what you do with it. Look forward, not back!

24. Words can’t express my excitement! I’m finally done with my graduate degree, and the skills I learned will serve me well throughout the next chapter of my life.

25. All I can say is that it has taken me the better part of a decade to get this degree, but it was worth every minute and every penny. I’m super glad that I finished. Thanks so much — and congratulations to each of you as well!

26. I can assure you that college is tough, but with the help of my family and friends, I have made it through. My advice to those of you out there who are still struggling is to never give up hope. The end result will always be seen if you keep your heart wide open and work hard every day.

27. Yes! I finally have my master’s degree, and it feels great! All the sleepless nights, early mornings, and late nights were worth it. Congrats to everyone that graduated with me! Keep striving to achieve your goals.

28. I have been working hard for several years now, determined to reach this goal. I worked harder than I ever could have imagined, but it was all worth it. I am so proud of myself. I never knew I had it in me!

29. Three years of hard work. Three years of countless hours studying and writing. Three years to get my master’s degree. I can’t believe it is finally over. Thank you all for making this possible.

30. I knew you guys could do it! I knew that you had it in you to finish your master’s degree. This is a great accomplishment, and I’m so proud of all of you! You have worked extremely hard, and I know that you will go on to accomplish many great things in your lives. Congratulations!

31. Thank you for being there. Thank you for staying with me. I couldn’t have done it without you. I am so glad to be done and even more thankful that I will wake up every morning next to you. I love you so much and love to celebrate with you!

32. After 20 long years, I finally graduated! It took longer than I expected it to, but the hard work will be worth it. This is one of my biggest achievements yet. I am thankful for each day and hope that you will be too.

33. I can’t believe it! It’s finally over. I’ve been working on this stupid program for four years, through thick and thin. I am so glad to have completed it, and I’m proud that it’s done. Hopefully, this brings you some joy, knowing that now we have that degree under our belts.

34. I learned countless valuable lessons over the last two years, and I’d like to thank you all for your help, support, and inspiration. I will miss learning and sharing ideas with each of you. You helped me grow as a person, thinker and scholar. I love you all!

35. It only took some long, gruelling years, but I did it! Most people would have given up long ago, but I’ve learned perseverance and dedication are key to success. Without a doubt, I know that you can achieve whatever you set your mind to accomplish. So go out there and go get it!

36. I did it! I can’t believe I finally finished and got my master’s degree after all of those long nights at school, studying, writing papers and finally defending my work. It feels so good to be done. I’m tired, but I feel happy. Congratulations!

37. I can’t believe I have finally finished my master’s program. I am happy, satisfied, but more than anything else, relieved. I’ll finally get a job I love and not work as hard. I guess what I am trying to say is that you are a great friend and one of the smartest people I know. Thanks for always being there for me. I couldn’t have done this without you.

38. I have never been able to thank you for being there for me during this. I am too lucky to have such great friends and family.

39. There are so many things I want to say. They’re all coming at me at once! When you have moments as sweet and special and wonderful as the one I have just had, words of appreciation can’t do them justice. You know I love you all, but words fail me here.

40. I did it! I’ve worked hard, and I’ve completed my master’s degree. I did it all while marrying an amazing girl, having a beautiful daughter and living on my own.

41. As you know, I have been working on my degree for the last three years. You all have been so patient with me and understanding during this time. I cannot believe it is finally over. Now I can move on to bigger and better things. I love you all so much and could not have done it without you!

42. I used to be lost. Now I’m found. I learned more in school than just going to class and taking tests. I learned how to learn, and whatever happens, I will always have that. Now, I have a Master’s degree.

43. I still have the feeling that I am living a dream. The fact that I completed my master’s degree at the age of 47 is still unbelievable to me. You guys were always there. Thanks to you, I was able to cope with all the difficulties and complete my studies successfully. Congratulations on my graduation!

44. I thought I would never make it! The only reason I made it through all those long nights of studying was that you were always there to keep me going. I am finally done, and it feels AMAZING!

45. I finally did it! It took getting sick and almost dying, but I’ve actually graduated from college. Remember in high school when everyone told me college would be fun? Well, after all these years of hard work, I can honestly and emphatically say that it is not fun.

46. The last semester passed, and I got my master’s degree. I want to thank you for all your support, for believing in me and for always being by my side. You were the motivation I had not to give up when the workload seemed impossible. Now that we are done and I have gotten what I wanted, I will never forget that time when you were there with me, supporting each other.

47. The day has finally arrived! The degree I worked hard for is finally in my hand. I want you to know how much this accomplishment means to me and how proud I am to be able to call myself a master’s degree holder. It has been too long since I have written, but that’s because I didn’t want to spread myself too thin.

48. I am so proud to be done with my master’s program. Nothing like sweating and stressing out over exams, writing a thesis and graduating with honours. I should finally be able to find a job now that I do have my master’s degree. My parents are proud of me!

49. I have finally overcome it all — the long days, sleepless nights, the tears of joy and pain. I have fought through it all with my head held high and my love for you as my power. I can’t wait to get home tonight and celebrate with you, my one and only.

50. I wasn’t always the confident person I am today. I struggled with issues common to graduate studies, particularly issues of time management and motivation. But I stayed strong, and now I have finally achieved my degree. I would have been nowhere without your encouragement.

51. It wasn’t easy, but I finally did it. I have managed to achieve my lifelong dream thanks to all the support from you. This wouldn’t have happened without your love and support.

52. I am so proud of you! You have worked hard and deserve all the good things that will come your way. We are all proud of you too, and I can’t wait to see what you do with the rest of your life. The future is yours!

53. After three years of school and 28 classes later, I have finally gotten my master’s degree. From my heart, thank you, Lord, and thank you, school.

54. I can’t believe it. I got my degree! I would never have been able to do this without your support. For everyone that was there at my graduation, my parents and my family, not a day goes by that I don’t think of you all! You were all there for me, and you still are, helping me realize my dreams of becoming a doctor. I’m so grateful to have you all in my life. Thank you for being there for me every step of the way. I love

55. I can’t believe it! You are done with your master’s degree. Well done! I am so sure you will rock the job market. We miss you here, but you made it, and that is what matters. Congratulations, and keep up the good work!

56. For going through so many years of school, I am proud to say that I finally did it. I know that you were among those who were there for me when I needed encouragement and support. You are the best group of friends a girl could ever ask for. Thank you for being proud of me!

57. Congratulations on completing your degree! No one is more deserving of this accomplishment than I. I commend myself on all my hard work and perseverance throughout this journey. I should be very proud of myself!

58. A month ago, I was sitting at home in the same position we are in today. I was worried about the future and whether or not I would be able to succeed in my career as an educator. Today marks a milestone. I now have my master’s degree.

I am announcing that after years of hard work, I have completed my master’s degree. It was not easy to balance new responsibilities learning a new language, and completing an academic program while working full-time. It was not simply an individual accomplishment; it would never have been possible without my friends and family’s support and assistance.

59. I have finally earned my master’s degree! It was a moment of greatness, but I guess it’s because you all were there with me. I wouldn’t have gotten this degree without you all. Every time you reached out to me, it gave me the motivation I needed to continue. Your wisdom and advice are what helped me get through my degree. Thank you!

60. I really appreciate all the help you have given me over these past few years. I still can’t believe I finally have a master’s degree. Thank you so much for your support. Without you guys, I don’t know if I would have ever completed my coursework!

61. I finished my Master’s Degree! Thanks to you all. Without you, I would have never done it. It was the toughest schedule ever, but I kept fighting and doing well. Once again, a job well done. I love you all.

62. Congratulations! As master’s students, we have completed something huge. We have learned more than books and theories. We have learned about real life. We have read, studied and practised our skills. We have worked long hours and late into the night. We were dedicated to our goals and dreams. We had to make sacrifices, but with hard work, we did it!

63. Dude! Yes, I know I owe you a beer. It’s taken me a while, but my own degree finally arrived in the mail today. How sweet it is to scroll through the pages of hard work that I’ve done that has finally paid off!

64. You made it! This was an awesome journey, and I’m so happy it’s over. I wish you many enjoyable moments during your summer and a very successful career. Congratulations to each one of you, and don’t forget to attend my graduation ceremony soon!

65. Hurray! I have finally finished my master’s degree! It was pretty hard to accomplish this feat, but you were always there for me. You motivated me so I wouldn’t quit. You gave me the support I needed to make it through. Thanks for always believing in me! I love you so much!

66. Dear all my fellow students, this is a letter to let you know that I’ve finally completed my Master’s degree after seven long years of hard work and perseverance. I am very happy that this day has finally arrived, but it was not without a lot of hard work.

67. I couldn’t have gotten this degree without your support. I am forever grateful and highly appreciate all the effort you put into my education and my life. I love you all!

68. I am the first student in my family to complete my Master’s degree! I have worked so hard on this, and I’m so proud. Congratulations to all of us, and especially to the other students who have been working along with me.

69. After many late nights, early mornings and countless hours of work, I have finally reached the finish line. The one thing that has driven me to succeed is you. Since the first day of grad school, you have motivated me in ways no one ever has. You are always there to support me, and this accomplishment is a reflection of your love and kindness.

70. You all know that I started my Master’s degree program in 2009. My research included an examination of the effectiveness of a particular treatment for depression and anxiety. I have learned so much over these five years, and I truly feel like I have become a better person. I have also grown professionally, which I am sure will help me greatly when looking for a job as a psychologist. I am so proud to be walking across this stage in May!

71. I have always been a good student, a smart person who has good grades. I got my Bachelor’s degree and then worked hard to get my Master’s degree. I will continue working hard because achievement and success are my top priorities in life.

72. I have finally completed my Master’s degree, and all I can think about when I look back is the time I shared with you, the friends I made along the way and mostly you. Writing this letter has been one of the most difficult things for me to do, and even though it has not been easy on you either, the time we spent together was a nice journey, and I hope we can explore much more together in the future.

73. To all my fellow students in a timely and charming tone: we finally did it! We accomplished the task at hand, and for that, I am so proud. Although hard work is a requirement for any job successful, we have proven ourselves time and time again to be strong and persevering. Congratulations to all of you, and good luck in your future endeavours!

74. I hope you will be thrilled when I tell you that I have finally completed my Master’s. I would like to thank you for all your support and belief in me, without which this achievement would not be possible.

75. I have completed my degree and will be starting a new job soon. I am very pleased with myself. I wish I could share this degree with the love of my life, who supports me and believe in me so much.

76. I have finally completed my Master’s degree after many years of hard work. I am proud of myself and wanted to share the news with you all. It has been a long journey, but I have never doubted my success. My friends and family supported me throughout the years and believed in me when I faltered. I am thankful for everything you have done for me. I love you all!

77. I have finally completed my Master’s degree. After seven gruelling years of writing papers, studying, and taking exams, I can proudly say that it is all over! There were times that I thought about giving up, but my motivation for becoming a graduate never died, and here I am, ready to take my future by the horns. I want to thank all of you who passed me through this, my final semester.

78. When I was a kid, I never thought I’d be here. I didn’t know what it would take to get here, but now that I’m here, there’s no way I would go back. Whether it’s been through the good or the tough times, you’ve all been my support and friends.

79. I got my Master’s Degree yesterday, and I really want to share my joy with all of you. Thank you all for your support. It has kept me strong along the way. If it weren’t for you guys, I wouldn’t have been able to make this dream come true! You guys are the best! And now it’s time to celebrate!

80. Graduation is a time for celebration, and YOU are the reason I am here. I could have never done it without you. I will always remember all the long nights studying together, crying to your shoulder when I was so frustrated, and laughing at my mistakes as we corrected reports together.

81. I want you to be proud of me. I have given up some of the most carefree years of my life to work hard and strive for the best. I wanted this for myself, but I also wanted it for you too. If I had never done it, you would have always wondered what would have happened if I had. Now I will have a degree that can open doors to future career opportunities and also tell everyone who asks that yes, I DID finish!

82. You’ve been with me through 4 years of hard work. You know how dedicated I am to my education and how much I love to learn and grow. You were there when I struggled so much with my thesis, and you were there when I finally completed it. Without you, this wouldn’t have been possible. Thank You!

83. I graduated! I’m done! It’s over! I’m free! I am proud beyond words to finally call myself a professional. 6 years ago, college was never a possibility for me, but here I am with one of the most prestigious degrees in my field.

84. Dear fellow students, I will be getting my Master’s degree today, and I am very much looking forward to it. We studied very hard to get here and today is finally our day to shine! I just wanted to let you know that I am proud of each and every one of you as well. We did it!

85. You are my family and my friends. You have been there every step of the way. I can’t even begin to say or explain how thankful I am. Thanks to you all, I’ve finally finished my degree!

86. I just want to take a moment and thank you for all your support. This degree doesn’t belong entirely to me. It belongs to us. Together we have accomplished something that nobody else in the whole world could do. You have helped me on this journey in so many ways, and I will never be able to adequately express my appreciation. I couldn’t have done it without you!

87. I know it took me a few years to complete, but I am proud that I finished. I wanted to thank everyone for their support and encouragement. It was tough, but you helped me fight through it.

88. I have applied to over 300 jobs and only received one call back, with an offer in a temporary position. I hope that this degree will open many doors for me. I’m excited about the future!

89. I have finally completed my Master’s degree! I will be graduating this weekend and passing my thesis defence. THANK YOU for supporting me throughout this journey to fulfil my lifelong dream of becoming an aerospace engineer.

90. I have finally finished my Master’s program. I am very proud of the work I have done, and I’m confident that it will open many opportunities for me that weren’t possible before. The past nine months have been some of the most difficult yet rewarding that I have ever experienced. I want to offer each of you my sincere thank you for all of your help and assistance this past year. You were all so helpful, compassionate and understanding through the whole process.

91. I have finally completed it. After working day and night, I have finished my Master’s in Marketing. I can’t thank you all enough for getting me through it and helping me to someday achieve this goal. You were there to listen even when the going got tough. I truly appreciate all that you’ve done, and you will all be remembered at the end of the course project!

92. I finally did it. I finished my Master’s degree. It may not be all you hoped for, but it was a lot of hard work. This is your chance to be proud of me, so am I asking you to cheer or what?

93. I did it! I finally got my Master’s degree! I only needed two more credits to be done. But with my full life, I just didn’t have time to go back to school. But now I do! Finally, after all these years, I can call myself a master’s graduate.

94. I want to thank each of you for the help which you have given me. I am so happy to finally complete my studies and receive this degree. With this completed degree, I can move forward professionally and personally. May God bless each of you as well!

95. Dear friends, I want to thank you for being there for me when I needed you most. The past four years have been the most difficult of my life, but it’s also where I’ve made some of the best friends a girl could ask for. I worked so hard to get where I am, and this degree proves that anything is possible if you work hard enough. Even though college is over, let’s stay in touch!

96. During the past 12 months, your support has been truly impressive. After today you will finally realize how important your contribution to my success was. I am honoured to be able to share this moment with you and so very happy to share it with you.

97. I have finally completed my Master’s degree after three years of hard work. Thank you so much for your support. It means a lot to me. I hope we can go out to dinner soon to celebrate.

98. I’ve finally done it. I have completed my Master’s degree and can officially say that I am a college graduate! I am so proud of myself. This was something that I had wanted to do for so long. Sometimes it seemed like a distant dream, but I never gave up even when things got tough, or I was tired or busy. I wouldn’t have gotten this degree without your encouragement.

99. I did it! It took me five years to complete my Master’s degree, but I did it. You guys have supported me through all my trials and tribulations over the years, and now I have a piece of paper to show for it. I’ll be celebrating tonight with drinks and pizza with my best friends. Cheers!

100. I finally did it. I completed my Master’s degree. I wouldn’t have gotten it without all of you, everyone here supporting me. It was not easy, but we pulled together and graduated, and as a group, we will go on to do some great things. Together we made it!

101. After years of study, I have finally finished my graduate degree. Thank you for believing in me when I needed it most. You are all such a big part of my life, and I cannot thank you enough for all the support and love that you give me every day, even when I’m stubborn.

102. Thank you so much for the support and encouragement while I was getting my Master’s degree. I have been a full-time student for the past three years, with no job and only $10 to my name, putting every penny I earn into paying the bills. I have finally completed the program.

103. So many challenges have been overcome, so much stress has been endured, and so many sleepless nights have happened. A vision has become clear. A dream has come true. Although it wasn’t easy, it was all worth it. Look at what we’ve achieved! Our hard work and inspirations are the things that got us through those tough days. Let’s celebrate our success!

104. Dear Family and Friends, today, I have taken a huge step toward my dreams as I have finally completed my Master’s Degree. Thank you for your support along this long and arduous journey. Soon we will all be able to share in the good fortune that pursuing my dreams has brought me.

105. I want to say many thanks to all of you for making this day so special. I know it wasn’t easy, but all the sweat and tears paid off, and I can now say that I have completed my Master’s degree! I am so excited and so happy. With all of your help, we reached the goal! So once again, thanks for all you did for me.

106. I hope everyone can join me in my victory. I am announcing that I will be graduating with a master’s degree this coming weekend. It has been over years of hard work and study, but I have finally completed it. I couldn’t have gotten this degree without the support and dedication of my family.

107. Do you realize how amazing we are? All we need is each other and a little hard work, and voila! We just did one of the hardest things any of us could have ever done. We made it through college and earned our degrees! I am so proud of us!

We’re finally at the end of the best collection of finally completed my master’s degree quotes for a person who just completed their Master’s degree. I’m sure you loved the quotes, and I’m glad you did!

Surf around a little. There are many beautiful blog posts waiting for you. Also, please share this with your classmates, so they will have quotes to use too, and you’ll have my thanks.

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