Significance Of The Study

Improper refuse disposal in urban areas is posing a major threat to both the government and the populace. The rate of pollution is becoming unbearable. Therefore this research study is undertaken to ascertain the level of ineffective and inadequate solid waste disposal and its implication on public health. This will enable both the state and the local government realized the great problems they are facing in area of solid waste disposal 

Diseases associated with improper waste disposal and management is significant in public health. The study also aims at investigating the level of awareness of the populace as regards to filth in relation to health.

The research will  suggest measures to improve upon the present patterns of solid waste disposal, create and increases  community awareness on the inadequacies  of  patterns used in disposal of solid waste. A close study will reveal this problems as it affects public health, the government, the socio- economic and cultural outlook the political and legal systems, nurses, doctors an others which constitute the populace living in Abakaliki Urban and government to identity critically a more efficient and system of solid waste disposal in Abakaliki Urban. It will also add to the existing knowledge about solid waste disposal  and will be used as data base for further research.

Objectives Of The Study

The objectives are as follows:

1.         To identify the various methods of storing refuse.

2.         To determine the effectiveness of the present method of municipal refuse collection and disposal in Abakaliki   urban

3.         To ascertain the specific problem that are associated with improper municipal refuse disposal in Abakaliki Urban.

4.         To identify strategies that would be more effective for refuse disposal in Abakaliki urban.

Research Questions

The study will try to answer the following questions:

1.         How is  refuse or solid waste disposed?

2.         What are the present methods of storage, disposal of solid waste or refuse in Abakaliki urban?  

3.         Are these methods effective and adequate in terms of coverage?

4.         Does the patterns of refuse disposal constitute any hazard? If so what are they?

5.         What are the possible hindrance to effective disposal of refuse in Abakaliki urban?

6.         How can the present system of refuse disposal be improved upon?

Scope Of The Study

The scope of this study in terms of content is centered on finding out and evaluating the municipal/households refuse disposal. It was confined to five different selected areas of Abakaliki urban.


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