Finding That Perfect Someone Quotes

Have you ever been in love? Most people have but while it is easier to find love, finding that perfect someone does not come easily, so you need to put in the effort for making it happen. That effort is all about loving that person which is a special feeling that comes with finding that one special person.

You are lucky if you are looking for someone because this is the time when you will meet different people with different beliefs and making a choice could be difficult but your choice is your choice. No pressure in any way.

When looking out for that perfect someone, you should not forget that everyone is different and has their own faults. Your perfect person might be imperfect to others but the person God has made for you will be your perfect match.

When you eventually find that perfect someone, expressing how happy you are in a relationship with someone special can be tough, but I have provided below a collection of finding that perfect someone quotes that might help you out. You can go through and make your choice.

I am finding that perfect someone who will always be there for me and make me laugh. I want to find love that is worth fighting for and love that will help me grow into the best version of myself.

1. When you find that perfect someone, it feels as if you have found a home. The kind of place where you could stay forever.

2. Finding that perfect someone is like the icing on the cake. You’ve already got a wonderful life; they just make everything sweeter.

3. There is a person out there that is perfect for you and when you find them, all the pieces will fall into place.

4. I am finding that perfect someone, who is waiting for me somewhere in the world.

5. True love in the form of the perfect someone cannot be found where it does not exist nor can it be denied where it does!

6. You never know when you are going to find that special person in your life and it can happen any time or any day when you least expect it!

7. The best way to find out if someone loves you is to see if they care enough to compromise with you.

8. The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That’s what it means to find that perfect someone.

9. Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

10. Finding the right one is not about having perfect chemistry. It’s about finding someone who inspires you to be a better person.

11. Don’t look for that perfect someone. Just be happy with the right someone.

12. When you’re looking for that perfect someone, it’s so hard not to settle, but when you find them, it’s worth it.

13. Once you find someone who can make you laugh, smile, and who accepts and encourages you for who you are. Don’t ever let them go.

14. I’m looking for that perfect someone who would rather have me than all the rest of the world combined.

15. When you find that perfect someone, they will be your light at the end of a long dark tunnel, even if they don’t seem like it at first.

16. When you stop looking for that perfect person, he or she will find you.

17. You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.

18. Don’t try to change someone else; embrace the good things about him or her and let the rest go (or help them work on themselves if they want your help).

19. I’m looking for someone I can be myself with. Someone who makes me smile and warms my heart every time I see them.

20. You don’t love someone because they’re perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they’re not.

21. I want to find someone I can share my life with; someone to laugh with, dream with, and reach my goals with.

22. It was nice to see someone who had taken the time to recognize that I was someone worth being with.

23. Sometimes you meet someone and you just click – you’re comfortable with them like you’ve known them your whole life and you don’t have to pretend to be anyone or anything.

24. I am finding that perfect someone who compliments the person I am, who helps me to become a better human being.

25. I am looking for the perfect partner, who will lift me up when I am feeling down, who will laugh with me and cheer me up and give me hope.

26. I am finding that perfect someone that will share this imperfect life with me no matter what, and they will always put my happiness first when it matters most.

27. I am finding that perfect someone that will support all of my dreams, never hold me back from doing what’s best for myself, and they will fight hard to protect our relationship and keep us together through anything that comes at us in the future.

28. I am looking for someone who will take care of my heart and never break it, who cherishes every part of my soul as if it is precious to them. That person is out there; I just have to find them.

29. I am finding someone who compliments the person I am and who helps me to become a better human being.

30. Finding the right person is like finding a partner to dance with.

31. It’s a mixture of patience and intuition. You have to be patient enough to wait for the right one, but intuitive enough to sense that he or she is there!

32. That perfect someone will always find a way to be part of your life and become your inspiration.

33. When you find someone who knows all your insecurities, fears, and flaws but still thinks you’re completely amazing !!!

34. I am finding that perfect someone who can laugh with me when I am feeling down, who cheers me up and gives me hope.

35. Sometimes you meet a person and you just click—you’re comfortable with them like you’ve known them your whole life and you don’t have to pretend to be anyone or anything.

36. I am finding that perfect someone who will always be there for me and make me laugh. I want to find love that is worth fighting for and love that will help me grow into the best version of myself.

37. I want to find that special someone who can make me laugh even when I am feeling down.

38. I want to find that special someone who will support me in my dreams. Someone that I can fight for.

39. 3. I am finding that perfect someone who is willing to share this imperfect life with me, through all the ups and downs.

40. I just need someone who can make me feel that I am the only one in this world who matters to him/her.

41. I am finding that perfect someone who encourages me and loves me for the way I act, who inspires me to be a better human being.

42. When you find someone who makes that little thing called life worth living, hold on to them and never let go.

43. I am finding a new person in my life who will make me feel wanted, who makes me feel needed.

44. When you find that special someone, sometimes that person can have a tremendous impact on your life.

45. When you find that special someone, you might find yourself feeling happier and more fulfilled than ever before.

46. If you’re lucky enough to have found that special someone, then you might enjoy these quotes about finding the perfect person for you.

47. I am finding that perfect someone who will put my needs before theirs, who will put my happiness first when it matters most.

48. When you find someone who can make you laugh, smile and feel good all the time, don’t let them go because they are the ones who will make a difference in your life.

49. I am finding that perfect someone who is always at my side, who is there to comfort me and let me know that everything will be alright. When I’m hurt they are there to make it better when I’m feeling down they are there to pick me up again!

50. When you find that perfect someone, everything in the world seems right.

51. Finding someone who loves you for who you are can be tough, but it does not mean that it is impossible because the right person will come along eventually and change everything for the better.

52. Finding someone who loves you means finding someone with whom you can share your secrets.

53. Someone who makes you laugh, who believes in you and is there for you is your perfect someone.

54. When you have someone to share your intimate moments with, then that person is your perfect someone.

55. To have someone who will love you as you are, and not try to change you.

56. Having a partner makes you feel secure and loved.

57. When you find that perfect person, everything else seems to fall into place. You feel safe when they’re around and know that no matter what life

58. 3. To have someone who will support and encourage your dreams, no matter how big or small they may be.

59. You would want to keep that person for a long time.

60. When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable.

61. A perfect relationship is not that you never get angry, upset or irritated with each other. It’s how fast you resolve & bounce back to normal.

62. Perfect people don’t exist, but there are amazing ones out there that can make us happy forever.

63. When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew it.

64. When I’m around you, my heart skips several beats.

65. When I look into your eyes, it feels as if I’m falling into them. They’re so deep…

66. When I hug you, I feel as if you’ve become a part of me.

67. When I kiss you,… words cannot explain the feelings that go through me…

68. The sound of your voice is like a melody to my ears; one that eases my pain.

69. The best relationship is when you two can act like lovers and best friends!

70. Don’t ever let a guy talk down to you, he needs to see the fire in your eyes!

71. In life we often find ourselves torn between the right thing to do and the thing we want to do… Choose wisely!

72. To have someone who will fight for you and for your relationship, even when times get tough.

73. To have someone who will wipe away your tears when you’re feeling low and hurt, even if they were the cause of it.

74. To be able to tell them all of your secrets, without them judging you or thinking you’re silly or stupid.

75. put up with my pestering and put your needs second most of the time.

76. To be able to tell them all of your insecurities and fears, without being laughed at or mocked in any way whatsoever.

77. I am finding that perfect someone with whom life is a joy rather than a bore, who makes it worth waking up each day to face anything.

78. Finding the right person is a lot like finding the right pair of shoes. You do not want to end up with just anyone or anything. You want to find the ones that fit, the ones that look good on you, and the ones that you can wear for a long time.

79. When we find someone with weirdness that is compatible with ours, we team up and call it love.

80. I am finding that perfect someone who will support me in my dreams, who will never hold me back from doing what’s best for myself.

81. If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they’re yours; if they don’t, they never were.

82. I am finding that perfect someone who is willing to fight for us, to fight for the relationship we’ve built together into something beautiful and worth protecting.

83. I’m looking for that perfect someone who will always be there for me, give me hope, put my happiness first, support my dreams, and fight for our love.

84. I’m looking for a perfect someone who compliments the person I am, who does not change me but helps make me a better person.

85. I am finding that perfect someone who will take care of my heart and never break it, who will cherish every part of my soul as if it is precious to them.

86. I am finding that perfect someone who won’t let their ego get in the way of our love, who will swallow their pride to make sure we are both happy with each other at the end.

87. That perfect someone who won’t always have to be right and cannot accept the fact that your partner has different opinions and thoughts from yours.

88. I’m looking for a perfect someone who is always fighting and arguing.

89. I am finding that perfect someone who made me see things in life that I had never seen before, he opened my eyes up to a world of beauty and potential.

90. I am finding that person who makes us smile when we are sad and can make us laugh when there’s nothing funny about it. It is hard finding that person who loves us with all of their heart, and don’t care what others think about them.

91. That person who won’t let age, race, or social status keep them from being with you. It is hard finding that person who looks beyond our flaws and sees how beautiful we really are on the inside.

92. I’m looking for a perfect someone who will be honest with us no matter how bad the truth hurts, and will stand by our side through thick and thin.

93. I’m in need of someone who is secure enough with themselves that they know they can be vulnerable around you without fearing that you will murder them with judgement.

94. I’m in need of that perfect someone who will be there for us when everyone else turns their back on us. It is hard finding that special someone who will help us reach our goals in life, and encourage our dreams every step of the way.

95. It’s not easy finding someone who will love us unconditionally and accept us the ways we are even if we don’t do the same for them.

96. We all want someone who won’t be afraid of their partner’s love or overwhelming emotions, but rather embrace them and return the same love back.

97. We all want a person who will fight for our relationship, for our future together and for what they believe in.

98. I’m looking for a perfect someone who will fight for us and our love. A person who is not scared to show emotions towards us but will stand up for us no matter what comes ahead.

99. I am finding that perfect someone who will be there with me through my ups and downs.

100. I am finding that perfect someone who will make my life easier than when they came in.

Hopefully, this article on finding the perfect someone has given you some insight into finding the right person to spend your life with. I’ve revealed the important things to consider when searching for your soul mate and offered up a few tips on how to quickly identify someone who might not be as suitable as they initially seem. I’ve also shown you how to make yourself more attractive (if you so choose) to the right person by improving your habits and becoming more open-minded. So next time your head is filled with thoughts of love, give these methods a try! Share and comment, please.

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