fingerlings production in catfish – KINGSWAY AGRO SERVICES

FINGERLINGS PRODUCTIONS The male reproductive organ is
then prepared. This is done by
mixing of the male milt content
with physiological salt solution
(saline water). This is done by
using scissors to incise the milt sac, squeeze the reproductive
content (sperm) into already
prepared saline solution, mixed
gently and place aside. The female eggs are obtained
by a process called stripping.
The eggs are stripped out by
gently pressure the lower
abdomen into a dry plastic
container already prepared for the purpose. The eggs, collected are kept a side and
water is not allowed to
touch the content under any
circumstances. The egg in milt are then mixed to gether, this
is done by pouring the milt
solution into the egg and then
gently mixed together, after
which a saline solution is used
to rinsed the container containing the milt. PROPER FERTILIZATION Pure clean salin water is added to
the mixture and then gently
stir to make sure all the
mixture are thoroughly mixed
together. These are then spread on a
s pawning net. They should be
evenly spread to avoid
overlapping of the egg which
can cause clogging and
unhatched eggs. They are left alone for 24 hours
after which the egg would have
hatched out and they are seen
at the corner and at the bottom
of the tank. The net is then remove and
either placed in another water/
tank or they are washed away
to avoid pollution.

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