Firstborn Daughter Quotes From Mother

A mother’s love for her daughter is unbreakable. Whether it’s the first child or the last one, it doesn’t matter — the love is still there. A mother would never get tired of having daughters because they are special and unique in their own way. A mother’s love for her daughter is unconditional; it doesn’t have an age limit or a deadline.

When a mother has a daughter as her first child, it’s like she’s been given a gift. Along with all the joys of motherhood comes the responsibility of raising a strong, confident and independent woman who can make her own decisions, stand on her own two feet and never take no for an answer.

In more cases than not, mothers have a special bond with their firstborn daughter. It is for this reason that the daughter’s birth is celebrated in a unique way. The firstborn daughter quotes from mother below are the best way to express your love and affection for your daughter.

I am so glad that the birth of my firstborn daughter has brought me so much joy and happiness. I am proud to call her my firstborn daughter because she is strong-willed and independent, but more importantly because she is kind-hearted and compassionate towards others!

1. My firstborn daughter is my best friend and greatest encourager. I’ll do anything for her. She’s my everything!

2. I’m so proud of my firstborn daughter. She is smart, beautiful and funny. I wish I could give her a million wishes. I love you, baby girl!

3. My only daughter is the best part of me, and she’s my very firstborn daughter. I love her so much, and can’t wait to watch her grow into the person she is meant to be.

4. She’s not just my first daughter but also the light of my life. I am so proud of her and she is a beautiful blessing from God.

5. I love having a firstborn daughter. I know she’ll always have my back, and she’ll surpass me in every way.

6. I don’t take my firstborn daughter for granted, but I sure do appreciate her.

7. You are the love of my life. You are my first born and you already have your own style.

8. There are no words. My dear daughter, you have been born into a family that believes in you and your dreams. We love you and will support you through every step of your life.

9. My firstborn child, my own special snowflake. You are my reason to wake up every day.

10. My firstborn daughter is the best baby in the world. She is so smart and sassy, when she grows up she will be a perfect woman.

11. You were always my firstborn, and there is no one else quite like you. I love you as you are and even more than that

12. My firstborn daughter was determined to be the only child in this world who would possess two full sets of teeth.

13. I’m blessed with the most precious gift; my firstborn daughter. I get to watch life unfold in front of her and I will never forget that I got her from above.

14. My firstborn daughter is the gift that keeps on giving. She’s beautiful and she makes me smile every day.

15. She is my firstborn daughter and the first thing I have ever done right.

16. My firstborn daughter is so lovely. She’s so much like me when I was her age—bubbly, energetic and full of life.

17. My firstborn daughter is the first thing I think of every morning and the last thing I think of every night.

18. She is the firstborn daughter in my heart. She is always so patient and kind, she has a good attitude and she is looking forward to her future.

19. My firstborn daughter is the best part of my life. Nothing is more precious to me than the little light she brings into the world.

20. My firstborn daughter may not be the most beautiful girl in the family, but she’s the one who gets everything.

21. My firstborn daughter is my greatest blessing and I’ll always strive to raise her right.

22. My daughter is a different kind of firstborn. She is a rebel, who asks “why?” in all situations. She is courageous and driven, willing to risk herself to do the right thing.

23. My firstborn daughter may have been a surprise, but she is the best gift I have ever received.

24. My firstborn child is a gift from God. Her life is an adventure in which I can grow with her daily.

25. Let me tell you, my firstborn daughter is the strongest girl I’ve ever seen. She’s also the most stubborn and difficult to deal with. But they say every good thing comes with a little bit of hard work.

26. My precious daughter, you are the most beautiful little girl in the world. Your eyes shine like stars, your hair is as bright as sunshine and your smile beams like the sun on a cloudless day.

27. My firstborn daughter is the woman I never thought I would be.

28. My firstborn daughter is more like me than any I’ve ever met. She’s funny, smart, and falls in love with people easily.

29. I’m so proud of you, daughter. You’re so smart! You’re the best at everything you do. I love you more than anyone else in the world!

30. I love my firstborn daughter because she’s direct, honest and sometimes funny. She has a great sense of humour and can see the funny in everything.

31. I know that she is my firstborn, but I still see her as my little girl.

32. My firstborn daughter is the light of my life; The joy that fills me every morning. She is the reason to wake up every morning to work.

33. I love my firstborn daughter the most out of all my children because she is sweet and gentle and always does what I tell her to do.

34. My firstborn daughter is someone who’s strong, compassionate and loving. She is loyal, honest and independent. She’s a good friend, a great employee and an even better sister to her brother. I’m so proud of her.

35. I’m grateful to have my firstborn daughter, who makes me laugh and is beautiful inside and out.

36. My firstborn daughter and I have laughed a lot together. We’ve also had some pretty epic disagreements, but we always make up. And she has taught me so much about the world and everything in it.

37. My daughter is the greatest gift I have ever received, and I am so grateful for her!

38. To my firstborn daughter, who makes life so full of possibility. I love you dearly, and I’m so glad that we are a part of this journey together!

39. My firstborn daughter is my best friend, my shoulder to cry on and my adventure buddy. She’s also the one who changed my life forever.

40. I’m so proud of the kind of daughter my firstborn is. She’s always there for me, and I know she’ll be a great mother one day.

41. I love my baby girl more than there are no words to describe it. She is my inspiration for everything I do, she never fails to prove me wrong and she is the best mother I could ever ask for.

42. She’s a hardworking and determined young lady. I couldn’t be more proud of my firstborn daughter.

43. My sweet pea, this one’s for you. I am so proud of you as a daughter, friend and sister. You make me smile every day!

44. Proud to announce this is my firstborn daughter. She’s my best friend, confidant and the joy of my life.

45. My daughter is the smartest person I ever met and the most amazing person who never fails to make me laugh. She is my best friend and confidant.

46. I’m so proud of my daughter for all the hard work she puts in and for all the awards she’s earned. I love you, baby girl

47. My best friend always supports me. She makes me laugh, and she keeps me grounded. I love my daughter more than anything on this earth.

48. God’s greatest gift to me was my beautiful daughter. I love her with all my heart.

49. My best friend is my daughter, she’s a hard worker and makes me proud.

50. My daughter is my best friend, confidant and joy of my life. She’s always there for me and she’s just as quick to give me a hug as she is to give me a hard time.

51. As a first-time mom, my daughter’s first words were “mommy”. I can’t imagine life without her in it.

52. Daughter, you have so far exceeded my expectations! I am so proud to call you my firstborn daughter and I know you will go on to do great things.

53. I love you, my firstborn daughter, for what you are and for what you will be. I’m so proud of you.

54.  My firstborn daughter is now a mother of four. I am so proud of her.

55. I’m so grateful for my firstborn daughter. She makes me laugh, and she makes me proud. I love you, pumpkin.

56. I’m so grateful for my firstborn daughter. She makes me laugh and she makes me proud. It’s a wonderful feeling to have someone who shares your love of life and the planet.

57. My firstborn daughter is so precious to me, I love her so much. She makes me laugh, and she makes me proud.

58. My firstborn daughter, who is the sweetest, smartest, funniest and most beautiful little girl in the world.

59. My first daughter is the best! She’s got me smiling every day.

60. My firstborn daughter is a gift from God. I’m so grateful for her.

61. You are the first fruit of my womb and the apple of my eye. You have my complete attention, love, and respect. I am so, so proud to be your mother.

62. Dear daughter, I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. You’re such a joy to be around, both inside and out. I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for you!

63. Baby girl, you will always be my firstborn. You are the beginning of all my hopes and dreams for the future, and I promise to never let you go.

64. You are my firstborn daughter and I am so proud of you.

65. My dear firstborn daughter, may you always be strong, smart and beautiful.

66. You’re the foundation of my life, you’re the firstborn daughter I’ve ever had, and I love you so much.

67. I couldn’t be more proud of you. I’m so glad you’re here with us. You are my little sunshine.

68. My firstborn daughter is someone I can’t wait to grow up and be around. She’s the best thing that could happen to me and I’m so glad that she’s in my life.

69. You are the light, the joy and the inspiration in my life. I am so proud of you and everything you have achieved so far. I will always be there for you, always be your mommy no matter where you are or what you do.

70. My firstborn daughter is a gift from the universe. She’s the first person in my life who makes me feel complete and whole again; someone so loved, wanted, and needed by me that I don’t know what to do with myself without her.

71. My daughter is my greatest creation. She has brought me so much joy and made me a better person. I love her so much and am thankful for her every second!

72. You’re my firstborn daughter, and I’m so proud of you. You are a beautiful woman who inspires me every day.

73. You are my firstborn daughter and that is a gift. Don’t ever forget it.

74. My firstborn daughter is the most loved member of my family. 

75. We live and breathe as a family. My firstborn daughter, you are my greatest treasure.

76. My firstborn daughter has been blessed with the gift of beauty, grace and personality.

77. You are my firstborn. I love you more than words can say. You have made my life better, brighter and a dream come true.

78. My firstborn daughter is a hard worker, and she makes me proud. She’s my best friend, my confidant and the joy of my life.

79. My firstborn daughter was born on the darkest day of my life and has been my light since I became her mother.

80. Remember this my firstborn daughter, when you look at the world through her eyes. Remember that she is an individual and make sure you give her the freedom to learn and grow on her own terms.

81. I’m proud of you, my daughter. Remember that the world is a big place full of people who will let you down. But it’s also full of people who will stand by you and support you when you’re down. I’ve always been there for you, as a mom and a friend, so I hope to continue doing that through all this craziness we’re going through right now.

82. I’m so grateful for my firstborn daughter. She makes me laugh, and she makes me proud.

83. My firstborn daughter was born on the same day as her sister, but she is a year older. The two are as different as night and day and their differences are what make them so special.

84. My firstborn daughter is the best baby in the world. She makes me smile every day, she is so smart and sassy, when she grows up she will be a perfect woman.

85. My firstborn daughter. She is so smart and sassy, when she grows up she will be a perfect woman.

86. She is the sweetest baby in the world. She smiles and laughs all the time, she is so smart and sassy. She will be a perfect woman when she grows up.

87. My baby girl is my sunshine, the world is her oyster and I’m so proud to be her mommy.

88. My firstborn daughter is the best baby in the world and she is so smart, sassy and beautiful. I’m very proud to be her mother.

89. My first daughter can talk like a little adult and she is so smart. I hope she grows up to be a perfect woman.

90. My firstborn daughter is my sweet angel, who keeps me going every day. She has no fear doing anything, she is always happy, and has a beautiful smile. She will be a wonderful future wife and mother.

91. My firstborn daughter is my little sunshine and when I look at her I feel like the luckiest mom in the world.

92. This is my first daughter and she is everything to me. I am so proud of her and she is a beautiful blessing from God.

93. My first daughter is a year older today! I’m so proud of her and she is a beautiful blessing from God. Happy birthday to the most beautiful girl in the world.

94. My first daughter is so beautiful and special. She makes me so proud.

95. My first daughter is so beautiful and she’s such a joy to be around. I can’t wait to see all the wonderful things she will do in the future.

96. My beautiful firstborn daughter is growing up to be such a wonderful, kind and caring person. I am so proud of her.

97. My firstborn daughter is just one month old, but she already has such a big personality! She’s getting big and strong, so I can’t wait to watch her grow up. I love you, princess!

98. My firstborn daughter is my sunshine, my best friend and the light of my life. I can’t wait to see what adventures she has in store for us.

99. I am so proud of my firstborn daughter and I know she’s going to be an amazing woman.

100. I am so proud of my first daughter. She is a beautiful blessing from God and she lights up my world with her smile, laughter and passion for life.

101. My first daughter is such a fun and beautiful child. She brings so much joy into our lives and I’m so grateful to God for her.

102. I am so proud of my daughter, she is gorgeous and smart. I love our family together from all over the world.

I hope you love these firstborn daughter quotes from mother above. Let me know if these quotes resonate with you in the comment section below. Please, don’t forget to share this post with mothers like yourself. Thank you for reading.

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