Five References That Can Land the Job, Check it Out Now!

References: There are different types of references you can use to help you land a job, depending on the circumstances. It’s a good idea to prepare a document listing your references so you can have them ready for employers.

Here are five people you can include on your list of professional references if you want to land the job.

You may have both professional and personal references that you can call upon, depending on their expertise, how they know you and the job for which you are applying. These references should be able to attest to your skills, abilities, and qualifications as they relate to the jobs you apply for.

The Best Way to Ask for a Reference

Not sure who you should ask to give you a reference or how to ask them to recommend you for employment? Here’s how to ask for a reference, along with a sample reference request letter you can tailor to fit your circumstances.

Be sure to take the time to follow up and keep the people you use for references updated regarding your status. You should also write a thank you note to show your appreciation for their willingness to serve as your reference.

When you ask for a reference, you should also provide them with the information they will need to speak or write persuasively about you. Good documents to send them to include your resume, the job descriptions for which you are applying, and lists of your volunteer and/or team activities.

Five References That Can Land the Job

It’s a good idea to prepare a document listing your references so you can have them ready for employers. Here are five people you can include on your list of professional references if you want to land the job:

  1. Former Employer

A previous employer can provide the best insight into your work ethic. They know what your responsibilities were at your job and how you handled them.

  1. Colleague

Someone you worked alongside at a previous job, even if they weren’t your boss, can be an excellent reference. They will be able to speak about things you worked on together and what you achieved as a team. Teamwork is one of the most important soft skills an employer looks for, so having someone to vouch for your teamwork skills is vital.

  1. Teacher

A teacher or professor can provide a really strong reference, especially if they taught a course pertinent to your major. They will be able to talk about the skills you picked up during their course, as well as your character.

  1. Advisor

An academic advisor, depending on the amount of time you spent with them, is another great option for a reference. If your advisor is someone who got to know you well during your college career, they can talk about how you’ve grown into the professional you are today.

  1. Supervisor

Someone who supervised you, but wasn’t necessarily your boss, could be another excellent reference to include. This could be a supervisor from a volunteer project, an internship, or some other extracurricular activity. Any of these people spent enough time working with you to get a sense of your character, and probably your passions. That combination makes for a great reference.

Choose at least three of these people to include on your list of professional references. Always bring a few copies of your list to interviews, in case you’re asked to provide them. Promptly let the people on your list know when a hiring manager asks for your references, so they know to expect a call or email.

Important Reads:

What to Include on a Reference List

Your list of references should include at least three people, along with their job title, company, address, phone number, and email address.

How to Share Your References With Employers

There is no need to include references on your resume or to give references to an employer before they ask for them. However, you should be prepared to provide references to potential employers when requested. You may be asked to provide references when you apply for a job, or you may be asked for them further along in the application process.

Your references could make or break your chances of landing a job, so make sure you select the best people to speak on your behalf. If this was indeed helpful to you, kindly share it with your friends via social media.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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