Forever Grateful to You Lord Quotes

Gratitude to God is more than just saying ‘thank you’. Showing gratitude is a choice to acknowledge and cherish every gift the Lord has bestowed upon you, and you find out that you are forever grateful for everything that concerns you.

You simply find yourself always saying thank you to God, be it in a good time or a bad time. You just want to always be grateful, and below are innumerable ways in quotes to show you are always and will always be grateful to God.

You could use any of the lovely collection of forever grateful to you Lord quotes to simply express your gratitude. Believe that in the quotes provided below, words will not fail you and feel free to use any. Enjoy!

Forever grateful to you, Lord. Thank you for giving me a chance to live and learn. Thank you for giving me the strength and courage to be myself. Thank you for giving me the gift of faith that keeps me going. Thank you for listening to my prayers and seeing the good in my heart.

1. We are forever grateful to you, Lord, and we’re so thankful for your mercies; may your mercy not stop in our lives. May you be with us through all of the days ahead as we embark on the journey of life, together with you and with Christ. Amen!

2. Thank you, God, for making me an instrument of peace. You’ve been a blessing in my life, and I am forever grateful to you, Lord. Thank you for giving me a chance to live and learn. Thank you for giving me the strength and courage to be myself. Thank you for giving me the gift of faith that keeps me going.

3. I am forever grateful to you, Lord. Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me. I’m always thankful for the lessons that you’ve taught me and for the strength and courage to be myself.

4. No one can be grateful to you for everything that you have given us. In every moment of our life, we are grateful to you for everything, my Lord. Thank you for being always with us, guiding us, protecting us, protecting our health and wellbeing, and protecting the purity of our lives in every way.

5. My parents are forever grateful to you, Lord. No one on earth is more merciful and loving than you are. You healed us when we were broken, but we did not know it. Thank you for listening to their prayers and seeing the good in their hearts.

6. Gratitude is not just a word for you. It’s your life. The smallest moments are the greatest gifts from you. Your eternal love is all around us, no matter what happened before. Everything is a gift from you, Lord.

7. Lord, we are forever grateful to you for all you have done. You sovereignly created the world and each human being, and the law of cause and effect that is so perfect it will never be broken.

8. We all are forever grateful to you, Lord. You are the God of almighty and sovereign, which has been so faithful to us in our weaknesses. We are not able to thank you enough for being with us in difficult times. Please, we honour your mercies that are new every day. Your mercies are made known through Jesus Christ. Through Him, will you give us perfect wisdom and the will to live a life worthy of your name?

9. Lord, thank you for giving me the gift of faith that keeps me going. Thank you for listening to my prayers and seeing the good in my heart. Thank you for giving me the strength and courage to be myself. Thank you for giving me a chance to live and learn.

10. Thank you, my Lord, for letting me live and learn. Thank you for giving me the strength and courage to be myself. Thank you for giving me the gift of faith that keeps me going. Thank you for listening to my prayers and seeing the good in my heart.

11. I am forever grateful to you, Lord, for blessing me with this life. I know it is not easy living on earth, but I will continue to make it even better with your help because I know that there is always hope if I look at things positively instead of negatively.

12. Lord, we are forever grateful to You, our Lord and God. We thank you for being there. You have always been faithful to us. Thank you for making us your children and being a father who cares. Thank you, oh merciful God, for giving us perfect wisdom and the will to live a life worthy of your name.

13. Thank you for being my God. I praise and thank you for each gift, each thought, each morning and family members. I am forever grateful to you, Lord. Help me never let go of your love and grace.

14. Thank you for bringing us together and for always providing for us through all these years. I pray that you will look after our family members and friends, especially those who need comfort, healing and help in their lives now and in the days to come.

15. I am forever grateful for your love, grace and mercy. You are my everything. I can never repay you. The only thing I can do is give you the best of me and trust that you will take care of the rest.

16. Thank you for every day of my life because it brings me another opportunity to serve and trust in you. Thank you, Lord, for forgiving all my sins, restoring me and making my steps steady again. Your loving kindness is something I have come to fully rely on and appreciate.

17. Thank you for always being there for me when l was about to give up my faith in your promises for the future. Thank you in advance for your guidance and never-ending help so that I may do something positive that will bring further blessings into my life and those around me.

18. All my children are forever grateful to you, Lord, for your blessings, protection and guidance throughout their lives. We thank you for your grace and mercy, which is new every day.

19. Lord, thank you for the many blessings You have given me. Thank you for giving me a way to express my gratitude every day. I pray that as I continue expressing my gratitude to you, it will make an impact on other people and change their lives.

20. I am forever grateful to you, Lord, for giving me such an amazing job opportunity that has made my life so much better than it was before.

21. Lord, we are forever grateful to you for your mercy and for the way you have been good to us. Your word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. You have never failed us in our difficult times and have brought us out of it well.

22. We thank you so much for granting us wisdom to run with whatever situation that comes along our way. Even when we fall many times, we are always reminded that you will never leave us nor forsake us. Lord, I am forever grateful.

23. I am forever grateful to you, Lord. From the roof of my mouth to the soles of my feet, I’m grateful to you, oh Lord! I’m grateful to you for every single moment of this day and every day of my life. Amid every struggle and hardship that comes my way, I know that you are at work in me.

24. Dear Lord, I am forever grateful for your mercy and kindness during the times when I was lost, a sinner, alone and helpless. You have established your mercies for me in a new day and in the best way possible.

25. I am forever grateful to the Lord for the many blessings He has given me in life. He is always with me in all situations, and I will never forget your kindness and love. Thank you so much!

26. Thank you, God, for all the amazing lessons you have shown me. They have made me a better person and given me a deeper faith in you. I’m immensely grateful for your many blessings and will forever be grateful to you, Lord!

27. Thank you for all the things you have given to me. I think of all the lives that are so much harder than mine and how lucky I am to be alive. I am forever grateful. Thank You, God.

28. Thank you for everything you have done and will do. Your love has been and continues to be a guiding light in my life. You would do anything for me, and I will continue to be here to be grateful to you every day.

29. My Lord, I thank you for giving me the strength and courage to carry on through all these challenges in my life. I know you are always with me, guiding me and giving me strength. Thank you.

30. Lord, thank you for making my times difficult. If not so, I wouldn’t have searched for you only to come across your goodness and love.

31. Thank you for giving me the ability to express how much I appreciate you. You are the giver of all good things. I am forever grateful to you.

32. I am forever grateful to you for letting me see that through the difficult times and struggles, the good will always come. Thank you for helping me start this company and giving me employees who help thrive it. I am so grateful to have these people around me.

33. Thank you for always protecting me from the evils of this world. If I ever forget how great you are, I only need to put my hand on my heart and think of the amazing man you have made me.

34. Thank you for bringing me and my boyfriend together, who I love more than anything on this earth. Thank you for guiding him in his career, his passions and his life in general. He is extremely grateful for that.

35. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for always making my life better and for never giving up on me. Thank you for your forgiveness and grace when I don’t deserve it. I am forever grateful to you, Lord.

36. Thank you, Lord, for being patient in teaching me to be humble, for understanding me and sheltering me. I am dearly grateful to you. You’ve been so good to me even when I have not been so good in your grace. I realize how much my life has improved because of your presence constantly guiding me.

37. Lord, how can I ever thank you enough? You are so amazing, and I am so grateful to know you. Thank you for blessing us with another wonderful year filled with many blessings.

38. Lord, we are forever grateful for all that has been given to us in the past year. May the year ahead be special and prosperous as well. We ask that each one of us be surrounded by positive energy and good people wherever we go. Bless us with happiness, love and light always. We are forever grateful to you, Lord.

39. We are forever grateful for everything that you have done for us. We wouldn’t have gotten this far without his guidance and unconditional love. Thank you, our Lord.

40. Thank you! I try my best to do better every day, but without your support and love, I may not have the strength to go on. I’m so thankful to be a reflection of your grace. I pray for you. Please show me what I need to change in my life so that I become more like you.

41. Thank you, Lord, for changing my life. I may not have the best of everything, but I am grateful for all that you have given me and even more for what you are doing in my life. Thank you for helping me start my own business. I know it wasn’t easy, but with your help, everything is coming together very well.

42. I am forever grateful to you, God, for giving me the strength to do what I do. Everyone says I’m God’s child, and you must have created me with a purpose in mind.

43. Dear Lord, thank you for helping me through this hardship. I couldn’t have made it without you. Please continue helping me stay on the right path and guiding me to the people who will love and support me. Thank you for sending me, my husband. He makes me feel like I can do anything and tells me how great I am.

44. It is hard to fathom how you can be so good and so great, Lord. You created everything from nothing, this unimaginable multitude of worlds filled with living creatures. You knew what was best for us when you created us in your image, the human. Thank you for everything you’ve given me and my family.

45. Thank you, dear Lord, for all the wonderful things you have done in my life. Here I am, forever grateful to you.

46. Thank you so much, God, for everything. You have given me so much, like clothes, food and a roof over my head. I am very grateful to have you in my life and thank you for always being there for me.

47. Thank you for your unconditional love in my life. You are always there for me, and I do not deserve you. Thank you for being the best God anyone could ever ask for.

48. Thank you for everything. I am grateful to have this life and all of the lives that you have surrounded me with. I love how every person I meet is a lesson in my life, whether it is big or small, positive or negative. I am forever grateful to you, Lord.

49. Thank you, God, for everything and everybody in my life. I know our paths are predestined to meet and interact with one another so that we can become better people. Thank you for every beautiful thing in my life. Thank you for the sunset as well as the rainstorm. Thank you, God.

50. God, thank you so much for all you have done. I can’t even begin to list how much I appreciate you because there is no end to it. You see all of my ups and downs, and you love me anyway. I’m deeply grateful for that.

51. Thank you for all that you have given me. I can’t even count all of the things that I am grateful for.

52. Thank you for everything. I am grateful to you for the opportunity to meet my beloved friend and husband. My life has never remained the same since I met him.

53. Thank you for all you’ve done. I can’t even imagine my life without your help and guidance. You have lifted and carried me through the darkest of circumstances helping me to see the light when none was there to be had.

54. Thank you for helping me during tough times and giving me the strength to get through. Thank you for bringing me back up when I was on my knees.

55. Thank you for waking me up and filling me with a new day. Thank you for giving me life, breath and eyes to see the world. Thank you for making everything around us come to life. I couldn’t have expressed that better myself!

56. You are God! You are the creator of everything. You are the father, the mother and everything in me. I am forever grateful for all of your beautiful works in me.

57. Thank you for all that You’ve done for me. I look down at my arms and see the marks that remind me of how far I have come and how much of a miracle it was. I’m forever grateful to you, Lord.

58. You are an amazing God, greater than I could ever imagine or comprehend. I love you, Lord, and thank you for being my best friend.

59. For my very existence, for the breath I draw today, for the food I eat today, for the life that courses within me and the blood that courses through my veins. Thank you, Lord, for all your blessings! You are deserving of all praise! I love and trust you, Lord!

60. Thank you so much for my life. I am so lucky to be alive, especially because I do not deserve it. You continue to bless me with people I love and money in the bank. I will forever be grateful.

61. Thank you, God. For everything you have blessed me with and everything, you continue to do. Thank you for helping me through tough times and teaching me lessons I otherwise would not have learned. I am grateful for your everlasting love. Words are not enough to express my gratitude to you.

62. Thank you for getting me through today. I know you are there for me, even when my family may not be. I love how you always listen and hear my prayers. Every day is a new day to be your best and live for you, Amen.

63. Lord, your love is amazing, and my life has been such a blessing for sharing it. I am always thankful, especially for friends and family who bring so much joy and love into my life.
64. Thank you for the great bonus you have given me this year. Thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed on me and my family. Thank you for the health that I have and for all the years of school I was able to attend. I am more than grateful.

65. Thank you, God, for everything you have done and will do. You are the epitome of love, grace, and mercy as you bless me with your divine presence every day.

66. Thank you to God for all he has done in our lives, from growth and development to opportunities that have come our way. We have seen many things happen and know there is more to come. All of this happened through the kindness of God, the Lord of the universe.

67. If only I could say a million thanks to God for giving me the most precious gift of all, the gift of life. Thank you, Lord, for always watching over us, and I am always so grateful to have you in my life.

68. Dear God, I am forever grateful for so many things. I want to thank you for showing me that I have a true purpose in the world and a huge reason to be happy today. Thank you for all of your help and encouragement along the way. For each aspect of my life, thank you.

I hope these forever grateful to you Lord quotes just read your mind, right? Then, feel free to use them to express your feelings to people. They will do wonders in speaking for you! Please do not hesitate to leave your comments below and also share.

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