Free Summer Programs for High School Students 2021 (UPDATED)

– Free Summer Programs for High School Students –

Just as the saying goes, ‘no knowledge is a waste, don’t hesitate to grab knowledge whenever the opportunity comes. Thus, instead of just staying at home during summer, you can add to your wealth of knowledge through these programs.

This article will give you information about some of the available free summer programs for high school students.

Also, in this article, you shall read about:

What is a Summer Program

It is important to note that is also called Summer school. Also, it is called Summer University. It is a school or a program generally sponsored by a school.

And, it is also sometimes sponsored by a school district. Also, it is provided by a private company. The summer program provides lessons. And activities during the summer vacation. Participation in summer schools has been shown to have substantial benefits. As well as effects on educational progress.

Some Free Summer Programs for High School Students

Below are some free summer programs for high school students in 2020:

  • Carnegie Mellon University Summer Opportunities for Access and Inclusion

It offers young people and seniors the opportunity to focus on creativity. Also, on problem-solving. This is in a challenging and supportive environment. And, it provides basic elements for future studies. This is in a rigorous university environment.

It is important you note this. The course selection includes . Also, there is Artificial Intelligence Field and more. And, there is no tuition, room, or board fees. Please take note; this is for students selected to attend these programs.

  • American Collegiate Adventures

This is one of the free summer programs for high school students. It offers programs both in the United States and abroad. Also, it ranges from one to five weeks. And all of which are details on the website.

Please take note of this. Your 4-week program takes place during the summer. This is in Wisconsin. And, details the process of admission to the university.

  • Cornell University Curie Academy

This is a one-week residential program. It is for high school girls who excel in math and science. Also, older people on the rise (class of 2021) will automatically be considered. This is for an exemption of the full enrollment for the CURIE 2021 Academy. Also, those who are African-American will be considered.

And, African-American, Latino, and Native American/Alaska Native will be considered. Furthermore, Pacific Islanders and/or the first generation will be considered too. This is as long as they meet the requirements.

  • Inspiring Girls Expeditions

It offers wildlife expeditions. This is without registration in Alaska, and Switzerland. Also, without registration in Canada.  And other places for young women.

Furthermore, please note. Each year they select expedition teams. These teams comprise 8-9 teenage girls. And 3 instructors.  They spend 12 days exploring and learning. They learn about a remote and wild environment.

The girls develop critical thinking skills. Also, they gain self-confidence. And make lasting friendships. This is through scientific field studies with a team of professional scientists. As well as artists and wildlife guides.

  • Telluride Association Summer Programs (TASP)

This is a six-week educational experience for high school students. Also, it’s a free summer program. Here, students participate in seminars. These seminars are led by members of colleges and universities. Also, they participate in educational and social activities. This is outside the classroom.

It is one of the free summer programs for high school students. Also, it seeks students of all types of educational backgrounds. It seeks those who share a passion for learning. It seeks those who want a personal and intellectual challenge. The programs do not offer grades or college credits.

  • Business Opportunities Summer Session (BOSS) at Penn State

is a two-week residential program. It is for high school students interested in obtaining a business education in college. Also, it is an opportunity for students to take college preparatory courses. And business fundamentals taught by Penn State faculty.

Also, participants will be able to see what college life is like. This is by living in a college dorm. And this is during their two-week stay at the University Park campus in Penn State.

  • University of Pennsylvania Programs for High School Students

It combines rigorous work in the classroom. And in the laboratory with a wide range of social activities, trips, and excursions.

Also, it provides a college-level experience. This facilitates the transition from high school to college.

  • American Collegiate Adventures

This is one of the free summer programs for high school students. It offers programs in both the United States and abroad. Also, the program ranges from one to five weeks.

All of which are details on the website. The 4-week program takes place over the summer. This is in Wisconsin. And details the college admissions process.


Below are some FAQs about these programs:

1. What is a Summer Program?

It is important to note that summer program is also called Summer school. Also, it is called summer university. It is a school, or a program generally sponsored by a school.

2. Are there Free Summer Programs?


3. Who Sponsors Summer Programs?

It be sponsored by a school district. Also, it be provided by a private company.

4. What is the Benefit of Summer Programs?

Summer program provides lessons. And activities during the summer vacation. Participation in summer schools has been shown to have substantial benefit. As well as effects on educational progress.

5. Would You Advice Me to Join a Summer Program?


In summary, please note. Summer is the perfect time for high school students to discover new interests. Or, learn more about a current interest. Also, it is exciting to spend your summer with a program. Furthermore, you will also experience life on a college campus. And, you’ll explore new and exciting fields.

However, bear this in mind. Participation
in any of these free summer programs for high school students in 2021 is not essential to obtain admission to a selective university. But, it is recommended that students who are looking for an exciting summer experience outside their area, while improving their student applicant profile in the process, explore the above listed free summer programs for high school students in 2021.

In conclusion, please note. You can share this information with your friends. It might just be what they need for the summer holidays. Thank you.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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