Frequently asked Questions | National Identity Management Commission (NIMC)

These are frequently asked questions about National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) and its enrollment portal. Please be informed that most of the information on this post was curled from the NIMC official website available at For more information, scroll down.

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What is NIMC (National Identity Management Commission)?

The National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) is the Federal Government Agency established by the NIMC Act No. 23 of 2007, to create, own, operate, maintain and manage the National Identity Database, register citizens and legal residents, assign unique National Identification Number (NIN) and issue National Identity (Smart) Cards to those registered individuals, as well as to harmonize and integrate existing identification databases in Nigeria.

What is NIMC setup to do (Mandate)?

  1. Establish the National Identity Management Commission.
  2. Wind-up and take over the assets and liabilities of the former default Department of National Civic Registration (DNCR).
  3. Establish, operate and manage the National Identity Management System (NIMS) including to:

Functions of National Identity Management System (NIMS)

  1. Establish and maintain permanent, mobile and temporary enrolment centres for primary data capture and data updating;
  2. Create and operate a National Identity Database;
  3. Issue Unique National Identification Numbers to citizens and legal residents;
  4. Issue a general multipurpose Card to every registered person;
  5. Provide Identity Verification services platform
  6. Harmonize and integrate existing Identity Databases in Government Agencies.
  7. Collaborate with private and or public sector institutions to deliver on the National Identity Management System (NIMS).

What is National Identity Management System (NIMS) ?

  1. A National Identity Database;
  2. Generation and Assignment of Unique National Identification Numbers to citizens and legal residents;
  3. Production and issuance of a  multipurpose National Identity Card to every registered person;
  4. Provide Identity Verification services platform
  5. Harmonize and integrate existing Identity Databases in Government Agencies.

How is the NIMS being implemented?

The Implementation is divided into two broad components;

  1. Front-end Services:  This focuses on provision and management of Enrolment and Enrolment centers, deployment and management of Verification services.
  2. Back-end Services: This focuses on the provision and management of connectivity from enrollment centers to the National Identity Database (NID), issuance and management of the National Identification Number (NIN) and National Identity Card, management of the National Identity Database and its components and the management of the Disaster recovery sites.

What is the National Identification Number (NIN)?

The National Identification Number (NIN) is a unique number assigned to an individual for life, upon successful enrolment into the National Identity Database.

What is the NIN used for?

The NIN is used to assert a person’s Identity. You enroll once and you are identified for life with the NIN assigned to you.

How will I get my NIN?

Upon successful enrolment, an individual will be issued a National Identification Number (NIN) immediately or be told to come back at a given date to pick up the NIN.

Do I need to carry my National Identity Card at all times?

No. You can assert your identity with or without a physical ID card. Your NIN, Card and/or Biometrics can be used to irrefutably assert your identity.

I do not have a card, can I identity myself?

Yes. You can assert your identity with or without a physical ID card. Your NIN, Card and/or Biometrics can be used to irrefutably assert your identity.

Will NIN change with a re-issuance (replacement or renewal) of an ID Card?

No. The NIN is unique to an individual and does not change once assigned; it remains with the individual for life (even in death).

Can I display my NIN along with my contact details on cards or social media?

No. The NIN is your unique identification number to be protected like your ATM/Deibt/Credit card number or PIN. It is neither a receipt number nor a certificate number.

Do I need to re-enrol again if I forget my NIN?

No, you do not need to re-enrol. Simply visit an enrolment centre to have your identity verified before the process of retrieving your NIN can commence (in some cases you may be charged a token fee). You can also contact NIMC’s Customer Service >>

I lost my NIN Slip/e-ID Card, do I need to re-enrol again?

No, you do not need to re-enrol. Enrolment is only once in life per individual. Simply visit an enrolment centre to have your identity verified before the process of retrieving your NIN or being reissued an e-ID card can commence (in some cases you may be charged a token fee). You can also contact NIMC’s Customer Service >>

What is the Cost of obtaining an ID Card?

The registration and first issuance of the Identity Card is FREE. However, there is a cost for any subsequent card replacement e.g. in the event of a loss, update, damage, expiration etc.

What security/encryption technology secures and safeguards data on the ID Card?

Appropriate security measures have been considered in the design of the card in conformity with global standards.

How and where will I pick up my card?

You will be notified when your card is ready and pick-up will be at the same centre you were enrolled.

Why is the ID card restricted to 16 years of age?

The NIMC Act stipulates that only persons 16 years and above will be eligible for an ID Card. This is certainly for the commencement of the scheme.  There is plan to review the age limit in future.

Who is eligible to have an Identity Card?

Every eligible person who must have attained the age of 16 years can obtain an ID Card. Children less than 16 years of age will be issued a NIN only.

Who is eligible to register and enrol?

The criteria for eligible persons are as follows:

  1. Any person who is a citizen of Nigeria;
  2. Any person, whether or not is a citizen of Nigeria, who is lawfully and permanently resident in Nigeria; and
  3. Any non-citizen of Nigeria who is lawfully resident in Nigeria for a period of two years or more.

Can an Identity Card or NIN be blocked or revoked?

Yes. If a NIN is falsely obtained and if the ID card is lost or has an error, is misused or discovered to have been improperly issued etc. The ID card remains the property of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Where are the Centres for registration?

There are Registration Centres in all the 36 state capitals including the FCT. There are also designated Enrolment Centres in various locations within Abuja. There will also be centres in all the 774 Local Government offices nationwide. Plan have been made to also establish special enrolment centres. Click Here To Locate An Enrolment Centre 

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