Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarships 2022 Application Updates

– Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarships

This article will give you a rundown on the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung scholarships. It will give information on its application guide, benefits, requirements, and the duration of the 2023/2024 opening.

The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarships: What You Should Know

The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarship is a scholarship program for undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

It is basically a scholarship for foreign students who wish to study in Germany. The scholarship comes with fully-funded tuition and other expenses package.

It also covers a mouth-watering basic monthly allowance of EUR 850.

Aside from this, there is also health insurance coverage, and where necessary, family and baby allowances are equally catered for. The above might sound too good to be true, but it is indeed true.

This is why there is a cap on the number of candidates who could benefit from the scholarship.

As of now, the scholarship only gets to be awarded to forty (40) excellent students. By excellent, it means such students must have performed excellently in their previous academic levels.

That is, for undergraduate applicants, their secondary or high school results or certificates must have been excellent. And for postgraduate candidates, they must have passed their undergraduate courses of study with distinction.

In addition, successful applicants are then engaged in seminars geared towards facilitating and enhancing their competencies. They would be coached to sharpen their social abilities, academic competencies, among others.

The application for the scholarship is open to suitable candidates in any academic background to apply. By implication, secondary or high school leavers with Arts, Commercial, and Science backgrounds are all qualified to apply.

But it’s only those with excellent records who stand a chance of being successful. It is open for people in every region of the world, preferably, from developing nations.


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Details Of The Scholarship

Categories of Study

The scholarship is open to different categories of studies. These include the undergraduate category which is for those who wish to apply with their secondary or high school certificates. It is also open for Masters studies.

This is a post-graduate level of study exclusively reserved for candidates who have completed a degree program or its equivalent.

Another category of study is the PhD category. This is for candidates who wish to study for their Doctorate degrees having already completed their graduate and certain levels of postgraduate studies. The program also has a window for Diploma studies.

Country and Institution

The scholarship program is only targeted at those who wish to study in Germany. And mind you, it does not involve all the German tertiary institutions.

The only school involved is the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung School.  

Scholarship Period

The scholarship funding is scheduled to correspond with the BAfoG rules and guides

Number of Awardees

As already stated, the scholarship can only be awarded to forty (40) excellent candidates from all parts of the world especially those from developing countries.

Application Timeline

This scholarship program like many others is not open all year round. There is a time frame for its application.

Meaning that anyone interested in the programs would have to do so within a specified time.

However, there are time differences depending on the category of the program.

Timeline for All categories of Applicants

For those who wish to study for their Master’s degrees as Germans, foreigners with education, or refugees, there are two opening windows for application. 

For the winter semester, the deadline is in October 2022. For Bachelor, Diploma, and Magister students or candidates and those who have the aim of sitting for a state examination, the following is their guide.

According to the officially released information, candidates are at liberty to apply after the first semester. They could also apply later.

This later application is to be about three (3) semesters before the end of the standard period of study. This is however different for Medical students.

Medical students are required to apply after the 4th semester or after Physics until the end of the 6th semester. Masters students or candidates in this category are also required to apply for the Winter Semester until November 30th and for Summer until May 31st.

Timeline for Foreigners

Foreigners who are aiming to study in the Bachelor/ Diploma or as Magister students, and those seeking to write state examination are guided as follows.

They are to apply early after the first semester. The window for late application is 3 semesters before the expiration of the standard academic period. For medical students, their guide is similar to that of the previous category.

Timeline for PhD Candidates

For Germans, foreigners, and refugees with education who wish to apply for their PhD studies, they could apply at any time. The same applies to the exclusive foreigners’ category as well.

But as stated by the scholarship board, candidates in all the categories could still submit their applications at any time but following the above guides gives one an added advantage.

Full And Fringe Benefits Of The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarships

The most important benefit of the scholarship is that it is fully funded. In other words, successful candidates get to study throughout the duration of their courses without having to pay any fees.

The intuition, accommodation, and other fees are fu
lly paid for by the scholarship.

In essence, the scholarship primarily provides you with the option to study for free. In addition to this, it guarantees a monthly stipend of EUR 750 for Bachelor’s, Diploma, Magister, or State Examination programs students.

For Postgraduate students, there is a slight upgrade. The stipend is set at EUR 850. There are fringe benefits too.

These include coverage for health insurance as well as a family allowance for students with children. These are in the tone of EUR 276.


IREX Community Solution Program

YSEALI Professional Fellowship

Vistula University Merit Scholarship

Who is Eligible for the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarships 2022

Every scholarship program is targeted at a specified set of individuals. Therefore, to be eligible to apply for the scholarship, the following criteria have to be met:

• Linguistic Requirements: The Languages required are English and German languages. As such, proficiency in any of the two is enough. Meaning, you need to be a fluent speaker of the English or German language. Knowing both languages is therefore not necessary but it could be an advantage.

• Nationality Requirements: To be eligible to apply, candidates must be from any country in Africa, Asia, Latin or South/Central America as well as Eastern Europe.

• Academic Requirements: Applicants are required to be of the highest academic abilities. Their records must reflect this. Candidates must have also been admitted or enrolled to study in a state or state-accredited institution in Germany.

• Social requirements: Candidates’ personalities and social deportments must be equally excellent. They are expected to be committed to the values of democracy and defend the same. Their personalities are streamlined to conform to the following:

• Political awareness

• Zest for knowledge

• Frankness and ability to tolerate and adapt

• Team orientation

• Critical thinking

• Self-reflection

Steps To Apply For The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarships

To successfully submit your application for the scholarship, the following steps have to be observed and followed almost religiously.

1. First, ask and answer the following questions: Do I fit into the and does the Foundation fit me? How good are my grades? And what is my motivation level to indulge myself in the development of society?

2. After answering those questions, proceed to the online application portal with the first step being a selection of desired program and category.

3. To carry out this command, click on the bar below the ‘Apply directly online’ The bar which indicates ‘please make a selection will display a drop-down menu. From the list, choose the category that suits your application and background.

4. After you make the selection, an electronically generated form will display.

5. Here you will fill out your bio-data. The first set of information required here includes your first and surname, date of birth, place of birth country of birth, nationality, and when you started staying in Germany (month and year).

6. Going down, you would be required to make a number of selections while also filling out other information before finally setting your passwords with which to log in upon successful completion of the first step. The following are the samples forms for the various categories of studies.

7. This first step climaxes with a link sent to your provided email address for authentication purposes. Successful authentication will ensure you are able to go ahead with the application.

8. After filling the form, a few questions would then be asked of each candidate’s professional and family backgrounds

9. Having completed the above steps, eligibility for the scholarship will be reflected in a request for further documents which would be sent via e-mail. These documents are to be sent within three weeks of notice

To Apply Now


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Now you have learnt the basic things you need to know concerning the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarship for 2022. However, we expect further updates regarding the application and selection process to be announced subsequently.

To be availed of these updates and on time, visit this page regularly so as not to miss out on any important information. Also, try and share this page with others you think would need the information here.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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