Friend Like a Sister Quotes

Have you ever met someone and felt like they were instantly a part of your family? That may be because they really are. They’re acting as a friend but also acting as a sister with their support, laughter, and words of encouragement.

You are more blessed than lucky when we have someone who doubles as a friend and a sister in your life and you shouldn’t take that special friend-sister relationship for granted.

Don’t you love it when a friend starts acting like a sister? I do. It is so heartwarming to know that you have someone who cares so much about your wellbeing and is always there for the good times and the bad. I bet most of you can think of at least one friend who fits this category, right?

Having a friend who also acts like a sister is pure gold. And these friend like a sister quotes below perfectly describe the uniqueness and joy of having a friend like a sister.

Friends like a sister are special people in our lives. Having close friends is really a blessing for everyone. As we have a variety of friends in our life but only some of them become our lifetime friends and these friends are like sisters to us.

1. The most important thing in life is to have a friend who acts like a sister.

2. I love the uniqueness of this close friendship – it is the blessing of having a friend who doubles as a sister.

3. They say your family can choose you, but you have to pick your friend. And with my bestie, I feel like I’ve found the sister I didn’t know I had.

4. The most beautiful connection I have with a person is friendship, and that’s how it started with my sister.

5. Finding a friend who acts like a sister is something special. Someone who listens to your every problem supports you and knows everything about you. Honest and loyal, she will always find the time for you no matter where she is.

6. Sisters are not necessarily born into our families; they are made by the bonds we create when we’re together.

7. If you have a sister, she is a friend for life.

8. If I were to describe a best friend in one word, that word would be a sister. I love her so much and we always get along.

9. Good friends who also act like sisters are special. They give you a different relationship, connection, and bond. You can keep them all your life, but with friends that you also see every few days or every week these bonds really can be amazing as they start to get closer.

10. The most precious gift that life offers is friendship, and I have received it in a friend who doubles as a sister.

11. Alright, so she’s not actually my sister, but she does act like one most days.

12. We can’t choose our family, but we can choose our friends. And I choose you, bestie.

13. I would give anything to have a friend, who would be my sister.

14. A sister is a friend given by nature.

15. Friends are like family and they are the sisters we choose.

The beauty of having a friend like a sister is that even though you may disagree with each other, you know that your love for each other will last forever and the comfort of having a friend like a sister is that you can sit with her in silence.

16. I think of you as a sister. I feel like you’re my sister even though we aren’t biologically related.

17. Our friendship is like the moon, sometimes it goes behind the clouds but I always know it is there

18. Good friends are like siblings who want you to find love and get married more than they want anything for themselves. but much cooler.

19. It’s hard to find a friend who is like a sister because sisters know you better than anyone.

20. I have a friend that acts like my sister, but I still have room to grow.

21. A friend is someone who acts like a sister and walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

22. Mornings are better with coffee and friends who feel like family.

23. Friendship is the greatest of all possible gifts. It never fades with time or distance, it’s precious forever

24. Special friendships are the ones that become your family.

25. Nothing can be compared to having a friend who acts like you’re his sister.

26. I know that when I need to vent you are a listening ear, and when I need a laugh you always find the most amazing ways to make me laugh. You’re the funniest person in the world and I just love being by your side!

27. I’ll always be grateful to have you in my life. You are not just the best friend I’ve ever had, but my sister. Whether we fight or laugh, you can always make me feel better. You bring so much joy into my life. I will love you forever and ever.

28. I can’t imagine my life without you. You are an amazing friend. Knowing that you will be there for me no matter what means so much to me. I love you with all my heart!

29. I am so glad I have you, a friend who loves me as if we were sisters, whose kind words can change my mood and who always has my back.

30. I love you so much and I don’t know what I would do without you! You are going to be the best sister in law ever!

Having a friend like a sister is the ultimate blessing. It means you’ve found someone who will stick by your side through thick and thin, laugh with you about all your crazy mistakes, someday cry for you at your funeral, and never judge you.

31. I love you. You are such an amazing friend. Thank you for all that you do for me and everything you have taught me over the years. I will always be grateful and know that if I need anything I can count on you, like my sister.

32. There is nothing that can be compared to having a best friend who is like family.

33. Good friends are like sisters with different parents; They’re someone you can laugh with, cry with, vent out your anger and frustration too.

34. My best friend is so much the sister I never had, and I’m so grateful for that. She’s always there for me, taking care, listening to my problems and most important supporting me in everything I do or think of. She’s been that extremely dependable person everyone needs at least once in their lifetime.

35. A friend is someone we turn to for our needs. A sister is someone who thinks of us first.

36. Keeping a few good friends close by means that you will have someone to rely on in rough times and someone to celebrate your accomplishments. Friendships can last a lifetime. And the friendship between sisters is one of the most wonderful things!

37. A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become and still gently invites you to grow.

38. A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.

39. A friend is someone who’s there for you when he’d rather be anywhere else.

40. Some friends are like sisters, they change your life and make you see things in a new way, they have a big impact on your personality by showing you the best ways to live and react, helping you when you have hard times, being positive with everyone even that is not worthy of it.

41. I have a friend who was just as close to me as a sister. We shared secrets and cried with each other, we told each other about our crushes on boys, we fought with each other and even got suspended from school together. We did everything together.

42. Sometimes you feel sad, depressed or bored. but there’s one person who will cheer you up and make you feel better – a friend. But some friends are more special than others, they’re like sisters to you.

43. On top of the feeling for a sister being more than a friend, a friend has more passion for being nice to you than others. So I guess, in all honesty, sisters are best.

44. A friend is someone you can be sincere with; someone you feel like talking to without any effort, who won’t embarrass you.

45. You can never find a friend as loyal as your sister, funny as your brother, or nice as your parents, but if you’re lucky enough to have all of them at one time you’ll know what a real friend is.

A friend like a sister is a gift from God. And that’s true. No matter how good-looking, charming, intelligent and good at playing the guitar your brothers are, they will never be able to do everything that your sister can do when it comes to being your best friend.

46. A friend is one of the nicest things you can have. But if you ever notice that your friend is acting more like a sister, then you are more blessed than lucky.

47. It will be the time when you have the most friends like a sister that you will miss having one most. You may love your best friend who acts like a sister but after a few days or whatever-it-is days, you won’t want her to fight with you all the time like your sisters.

48. My friend can’t be described in mere words. She is my companion, lover, advisor and benefactor; somebody that I can rely on no matter what happens. My friend is like my best friend.

49. Being friends with someone is like having a sister. It makes life much more fun and enjoyable. You never feel alone and are always entertained by your sister-like friend, who is always there for you no matter what happens.

50. You are the sister I never had and the best person I know. Sometimes you can make me angry, sometimes you drive me crazy but most of the time, but, I know you’re amazing.

51. Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of. You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there.

52. There is no better friend than a sister, and there is no better sister than you.

53. A best friend is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find, lucky to have.

54. Friends come and go but friends that are like sisters are forever.

55. If you have a friend who doubles as your sister, you have a friend for life.

56. Friends are the family you choose yourself. And having a friend that feels like a sister is one of the biggest blessings in this world.

57. A best friend is a sister who’s always there when you need her, no matter what.

58. A Friend is the sister you want and the friend you need

59. You always find a friend in a sister, if you don’t have a good sister, you need to find one.

60. I have a friend, she’s like a sister to me, she helps me when I am down, she makes me smile when I’m blue and she’s always there, even when I’m not.

Having a friend like a sister will bring you so much happiness, abundance, and joy that you’ll feel as though your heart has blossomed into a giant purple flower. You won’t need anything else in this world. A friend like a sister will bless you with her kind looks, sweet smiles, and playful giggles

61. When I walk alone at night when I close my eyes, afraid to dream, I have a friend, she’s like a sister to me, she helps me when I am down, she makes me smile when I’m sad

62. You are my best friend you are my sister you are my soulmate you are my true love.

63. She’s my best friend, I’ve known her all my life, flower, bird and tree, she’s a friend like a sister and she always makes me laugh.

64. I have a friend like a sister, who pitches in and helps me carry the load. Who’s always there to remind me of my worth, so I never feel like I am alone.

65. Friend like a sister, the kind that lifts up your spirits, who’s always there to make you smile, so you never feel like your alone.

66. Friendship is like a sister, it’s like a sister has the power, to make you feel like you’re the only one, that you’ve got it so bad, but she’s got the power.

67. Friends have no secrets and speak no lies. If you need to talk this is the time. They’ll always be there to listen and lend advice, to have and to hold is my sister’s gift.

68. I have a friend like a sister who is my best friend, she might be a little younger than I am, but she’s more fun and she’s more my friend than all the other girls I know.

69. Friends can be more than just a friend, I have a friend so close to me, she’s my sister and my confidant. A sister is a blessing of all times.

70. Friends are like stars we all shine at night, but there’s one star that shines more bright, than all the other stars in the sky.

71. Like you we have a friend, a close friend who is our sister, and we understand the magic that we share.

72. A best friend’s a kind of sister, you share your heart and your dreams and your laughter and your tears. She knows all the things that you hide, and she loves you anyway; But when you’re feeling blue,

73. My sister is a blessing in disguise, as she always has a smile and a word of kindness. I’m so happy that she is my friend, I’m so glad that it’s not just my disguise

74. My sister, you are my friend. You’re as real as the sun, moon and stars. You are in my life, you are part of my happiness, you’re as real as a sister, as real

75. Friends make us feel as we can rely on them as if we have a sister next to us.

I have a friend who is like a sister to me. She’s also my best friend and makes me feel more alive than anyone else. I love her so much and thank God every day that she came into my life.

76. Friends are the sisters you get to choose. Yay, friendship!

77. A sister can be your best friend, your confidant and even your therapist. Be grateful for one today.

78. Sisters are flowers that never fade, roots that never grow old. Friends are like wines: the older the better.

79. Having you as my best friend is a blessing – I’m so glad that we’re bestie sisters.

80. I don’t know a better friend in the world. You’re one of my best friends, and I feel extremely lucky that you’re also one of my sisters.

81. I am so lucky to have you as a sister, you’ve always been there for me. Thanks for being my best friend

82. Here’s to all of us who can say with confidence that we have a true friend in our sister.

83. She may not be my sister by birth, but she’s my sister at heart.

84. A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.

85. Sisters are the best kind of friends.

86. Friends are the family you choose.

87. Friends are like sisters to me, who understand me and have my back, who holds my hand and never leave me alone, they are always there to help me through the hard times.

88. Friends are like sisters I know that sometimes you feel alone, sometimes you feel like crying, but no matter what, you are never alone, you are always with friends.

89. My friends are like sisters to me, I love them all because they understand me, they are my family, my only family, they are the only ones who know the secrets of my soul.

90. My friends are like sisters to me. Yes, my friends are like sisters to me. They are always there to help when I need them. They understand me when I’m in a bad mood.

We really are like sisters. The blood may be different, but that doesn’t matter, for our hearts and souls cry out the same song. I’m lucky to have a friend who acts like my sister, even though she is not.

91. We all need a friend like a sister, to share the joys of life, to lend an ear in times of need, to make you laugh, to make you cry.

Friends are like sisters to me. I love them all, but my sister is close to my heart, she understands me, she holds my hand and she is always there to help me through the hard times.

92. A friend is like a sister, a sister is like a friend. A friend is like a sister, who can tease you, in a sisterly way.

93. Friend like a sister, whose voice you hear when you’re lonely, whose smile you see when you’re down, whose eyes you see when you’re blue.

94. We all need a friend like a sister to share the joys of life, to lend an ear in times of need, to make you laugh.

95. There is no greater friend than a sister, you would do anything for her, you would give up all your treasures for her, and you would love her with all your heart.

96. You’re the sun on my day-to-day, you’re the warmth in my heart, you’re friend like a sister, we’ll always stick together, we’ll always be close, we’ll always have each other, and we’ll

97. Friend like a sister ~in the dark of the night, when it’s hard to see, you can always count on her to be your light.

98. Friends have each other and sisters have each other. The greatest of all gifts is to have a friend in a sister.

99. She’s like an angel, sent from above, with just one goal, but she’s been there for me, and I can never repay her for all she’s done because she’s a friend like a sister.

100. Friendship like a sister, it’s like a sister has the power, to make you feel like you’re the only one, that you’ve got it so bad, but she’s got the power.

101. If you’re ever lonely, and you feel as though, you are all alone, and you would like to have a friend, just think of me and call me sister.

102. Friends have no secrets and speak no lies. If you need to talk this is the time. They’ll always be there to listen and lend advice, to have and to hold is my sister’s gift.

103. Friends can be more than just a friend, I have a friend so close to me, she’s my sister, my confidant, a sister who is a blessing of all times.

I hope you liked this friend like sister quotes above. If your answer is yes, then share it with your friends and family and do leave a comment in the comment section below. Thank you.

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