Friends Are Angels in Disguise Quotes

Friendships last longer than relationships and they are full of good memories and laughter. You get to share your innermost feelings and thoughts with your friends. There is no need for invitations or some official procedures, all it takes is a single call or an SMS message.

Friends are like angels in disguise and they are like guardians, always keeping us in check, patiently waiting for you to drop your guard so they can give you a great big hug. A close friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself but still chooses to spend their time with you regularly. They know what matters to you and want you to succeed because they care about you.

True friendship offers us unconditional support, solidarity, good advice, and encouragement. Friends are angels that bring our hearts back to life when they often feel broken, damaged, and discouraged. Friendship is one of the greatest treasures in life; we are blessed to have true friends in our lives.

Have your pick from any of these friends are angels in disguise quotes below and send it to those friends that are dear to your heart. You can read it out loud to remind yourself how valuable friends are in our lives, and at the same time, to thank someone special who has always been there for you.

Friends are angels in disguise. They are sent to lift you when your heart takes flight. They lift you when you fall, console you when you cry, and help you find the light when you can’t see it. They’re there for you when life pulls you down, they’re a shoulder to cry on, and they’re the light at the end of a dark tunnel.

1. Friends are angels in disguise. Whenever we are in need, they are the ones that come and help us rise from the dark. You will always find them by our side.

2. A friend is someone who will always be there for you when you need them. They’ll be your shoulder to cry on and your voice of reason. Friends will cheer you up on the saddest days that’s why friends are angels in disguise.

3. Friends are angels in disguise. They make the world go round. Even when they’re not around to give you that great big hug, they’ll still remember you and let you know it by doing special little things.

4. True friends are always there for you. They make you laugh, listen to you when nobody else does and give you their shoulder to cry on.

5. Everyone deserves the friends that are angels in disguise. With this kind of good friend, you’ll never walk alone.

6. A good friend will always be there for you, but a great friend will also believe in you. That’s why friends are angels in disguise.

7. Friends are angels in disguise. They lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

8. Friends are angels in disguise. They lift you in times of need and encourage you always!

9. Friends are angels in disguise. They are our greatest supporters and our most trusted confidants. We can rely on them for comfort and encouragement when the world pushes us down.

10. We have all had friends or family members who have lifted us in our darkest moments and helped us grow into our best selves. These friends are angels in disguise.

11. A good friend will support you in times of need and pick you up when you’re down. They are by your side through thick and thin, good times and bad.

12. Friends are angels in disguise as they are there for you when life feels grim. We feel close to them, and we know that they will always be there for us.

13. Friends are the people who support you and bring you happiness when times are tough.

14. No matter who you are, what you look like, or where you come from, we all need somewhere to turn for help and support. We need our friends.

15. Friends are angels in disguise as they make us laugh, lift us when we can’t fly, and help us make memories that last forever.

16. There’s nothing like a good friend who knows how to cheer you up when you’re down. Friends that are there for you always, for better or for worse.

17. A good friend is hard to find, but a great friend is easy to be around. A good friend is someone who understands.

18. Friends are angels in disguise as they don’t turn their back on us in times of struggle. They are supportive and caring. And they know when we need hugs and when we need to just get shit done.

19. A good friend is hard to find, but a great friend is easy to be around. A good friend is helpful and supportive, not turning their back on us in times of struggle.

20. Friends are angels in disguise who care and listen, knowing when we need a hug and when we need to just get things done.

21. A great friend doesn’t turn their back on you in times of strife. They don’t judge but instead understand and care.

22. A great friend will not only help you when things are rough but let you vent and share your feelings.

23. A great friend understands the difference between a vent session and a time to get things done. Friends will be there for you either way and possibly even bring snacks!

24. Making a good friend is easy, but keeping a good friend is difficult. A good friend understands who you are when the chips are down.

25. Friends are angels in disguise that listen to us when we’re struggling and they always have our back.

26. Good friends are those who are there for us. They cheer us on, believe in us, and support us even when life gets hard.

27. There’s nothing like a good friend with who you can be yourself around. Something about being around a good friend just helps you feel like yourself.

28. When we let ourselves be vulnerable it permits others to let down their guard as well. And that’s where the magic happens!

29. Great friends encourage us to be ourselves, motivate us when we’re down, and care about how we’re doing. Friends are angels in disguise.

30. You might think that a good friend is someone who will always make you feel better, but good friends are also friends that don’t hide their feelings from each other, even if those feelings might hurt sometimes.

31. Dear best friend, I don’t know why people talk about finding their soulmates, I found mine and it was you. You are my angel in disguise.

32. You are a person who truly understands me and who I can have fun and be silly with. You are one of my friends that are angels in disguise.

33. It’s not a good friend; it’s a great friend! A super-duper friend, even! A friend that is always there to support you and be positive energy in your life.

34. The best relationships happen when you have a friend who respects your independence but can also act as a shoulder to lean on.

35 When you find a great friend, you know it. When you’ve found someone who likes you for all your weirdnesses and awkward moments, who takes on the problem with you, who’s been there for all the best and worst moments, then you’ve found a keeper.

36. Friends come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. They can be the neighbours you’ve known for years or the people who help you through the day. In you, I found my angel in disguise.

37. You are a friend that is good to have. You are my angel, you’ll always be special to me.

38. Friends are the family we choose and when we find our angels in human form, those are the best.

39. There are angels among us, some of them watch over us, others show us the way. They walk beside you and pick you up when you fall. They give you hope and make our lives less empty, these are our friends.

40. A friend is a second self. Love your friends in the same way that you love yourself.

41. Friends are important. Having people in our lives who support us, challenge us, and love us makes the world a better place to live.

42. Friends are angels in disguise. Their smile is a ray of sunshine.

43. Friends are angels in disguise who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

44. Discovering and nurturing a genuine friendship is one of the greatest gifts that life has to offer.

45. I am so lucky to have you in my life. I feel like angels sent you down to me!

46. You’re a special angel in disguise and I’m so grateful to have you in my life. You’re my best friend forever.

47. It’s the little moments with friends that make life worth living.

48. Your friendship is a blessing. And like an angel, it’s one I’ll never deserve.

49. Thanks for being my friend! You are the angel I don’t deserve.

50. Your friendship is something I’m always appreciative of. The least I can do is return the favour by being a good friend.

51. Your friendship means the world to me. I’m so glad to have you in my life!

52. Words can’t express how much your friendship means to me.

53. I’m glad we’re friends because nobody deserves you, but me.

54. I’ve never had a friend who made me laugh so hard I almost threw up. Thank you for being there for me through the good times and the bad.

55. I’m so glad you’re in my life because you make everything better. You’re such a beautiful person.

56. A best friend is someone who you could not live without, and even if you can, it would never be the same. Your life would be completely different without your best friend.

57. I am so thankful that you are in my life. You are that real friend who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

58. People wonder what friendship is, I think it’s love without jealousy. Friendship is love with laughter.

59. I am never alone. Friends like you are angels in disguise in my life

60. Friends are angels in disguise. They soften the blows of life, share our joys, lift us when we’re low, and give us hope for tomorrow.

61. Friends are angels in disguise. They keep a smile on our faces and joy in our hearts.

62. Friends are angels in disguise, sent down from above to make our lives here on earth complete. Thank goodness for friends.

63. Friends are angels in disguise. They will come out of nowhere at just the right time and lift you or hold you when you’re hurting.

64. Some friends are angels in disguise. They pop up at just the right time to bring you back to earth or to remind you of your purpose.

65. Friends are the most precious things ever. They are there when you’re crying, happy, and sad.

66. From childhood throughout life, friends are people who hold a special place in our hearts.

67. Friends are angels in disguise, they can brighten our day with a phone call or email, lift us when we’ve had a bad day, and care for us when we’re sick.

68. When the day is done and you’ve had a bad day, your friends are there to lift you

69. Like family, friends are angels in disguise that care for you when you’re sick and always look out for you.

70. Friends are people who make our lives better just by being in them

71. Friends are people who hold a special place in our hearts. They make us laugh, cry, and everything in between.

72. Friends are people who know us at a core, fundamental level. They don’t need to ask how we’re doing because they can tell.

73. Friends are angels in disguise, they can make us smile with a simple look or laugh even when we’re sad. Friends show their love by providing support and caring for us when we’re sick.

74. From childhood to adulthood, friends are always there for us. They keep us company on good days, comfort us on bad days, and care for us when we need it most.

75. Friends can make you feel better when you’re sick, brighten your day, and love you unconditionally.

76. Life is full of friendships. From childhood to adulthood, friends are the foundation of our lives. They lift us make us laugh, and help us get through the hard times.

77. You can always find a friend when you need one. Friends are angels in disguise, they are kind, caring, and attentive.

78. Friends are angels in disguise that know just what to say or do to make things easier and always know just how to show they care.

79. Friends are a vital part of our lives. They provide support and encouragement.

80. Friends are angels in disguise that help us through life’s challenges and celebrate our achievements.

81. Friendship is a gift. A friend warms your heart and makes you smile, lifts you when you’re down and lets you know that you matter to them.

82. The people we surround ourselves with play a big role in making us who we are. Friends are made from every kind of background. Find the friends you deserve!

83. There’s nothing like a friend who shows up when you need them the most. They support you, encourage you, and make your day a little better.

84. Friendships built on trust, acceptance, honesty, and support are the best and they are like angels in disguise.

85. Friends are angels that we cannot see. They arrive when you need them most, and their powers and strength help you when you’re weak.

86. Friends are the people you can trust clearly. And they will always be there when you need them.

87. Friends are angels in disguise. They are those who surround you and make life worth living.

88. Friends are angels in disguise. They lift us when our wings have forgotten how to fly.

89. Friends are angels in disguise, sent to lift us when our faith is weak and to encourage us when we lose sight of our dreams.

90. Happiness and friendship are unbeatable combinations. Friends are angels in disguise.

91. If angels are real, then friends must be angels in disguise. You’re the best

92. Friends are angels disguised as humans.

93. Your best friend is your sister in arms, a fellow soldier in this journey of life, an angel in disguise.

94. Friends who understand you like no other, who can look at you and know without a word what you mean; those are angels in disguise.

95. She’s the one by your side when you’re hurting, crying, or laughing. That’s your friend

96. Friends are angels in disguise. they are the guardian angels that are here to help you through all your ups and downs.

97. Friends are angels in disguise. They never come when you call them but they arrive just when you need them the most.

98. Don’t forget to tell them how you feel: they’re such angels in disguise.

99. You can’t go through life without making mistakes. That’s why you have friends, so they can help you clean them up.

100. You are my best friend, and I will love you forever.

Friends make us feel valued, loved, and wanted. They understand us and give us the strength to do anything. These friends are angels in disguise quotes will inspire you and your friends to be loving and caring people in your everyday relationships. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did compile them. Please share before you go.

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