It important to note that the commission shall initiate, develop or improve specific training programmes for its law enforcement and other personnel charged with reasonability for the eradication of Offenses created by this Act and such programme shall include:

a.      Method used in the detection of Offenses created under this Act.

b.      Techniques used by persons involved in Offenses created under this Act and appropriate

counter – measures 

c.        Detection and monitoring of the movement of proceeds and property derived form economic and finical crimes intended to be used in the commission of Offenses   under this Act.

d.      Methods used for the transfer, concealment of such proceeds, property and instruments 

e.      Collection of evidence

f.       Law enforcement techniques, etc 


1.      There is hereby established a commission   to be known as the independent corrupt practices and other related Offenses commission (hereinafter in this Act referred to as” the commission”

2.      The commission shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and a commission seal and may sue and be sued in its  corporate name

3.      The commission shall consists of a chairman and  twelve (2) other members,  two of whom shall come  form each of the size geo-political zones.

                 i.   A retired police officer not below the rank of commissioner of pole 

              ii.   Legal practitioner with at lest 10 years post call experience

            iii.   A retired judge of a superior court

            iv.   A retired public servant not below the rank of a director

               v.   A woman

            vi.   A youth not less 21 or more than 30 years of age at the time of his or  her appointment.

          vii.   A chartered accountant

4.       The chairman shall be a person who has held or is qualified to hold office as a judge of a Superior Court of record in Nigeria 

5.      Remuneration for member of the commission must be detained by the national revenue mobilization, allocation and fiscal commission.

It is necessary to know that the establishment of this body is made in pursuance to representing the  six  geo-political zones in (NIGERIA).  All the above are in contrast with the EFCC body

So also there are Offense which is not captured or taken serious the EFCC but the ICPC actually took proper cognizance of that.


27. Power to the  investigate reports and acquire into  information

1.      Every report relating to the commission of an Offense under this Act may be made orally or in writing to an officer  of the commission, and if made orally shall be reduced into  writing and read over  to the person making the report; and every such report, shall be signed or thumb – printing  by the person  making it.  Where the person making the report is an illiterate the officer obtaining the report shall endorse that fact on the report together with a statement of the effect that it was read other and interpreted to the  maker

2.       Every  report  whether in  writing or  reduced into writing, shall be entered in book kept of the office of the commission and  there shall appended to such entry   the date and hour at which such report may made

3.      Where an officer of the commission has reason to suspect the commission of an Offense under this Act following a report made under sub-section (1)  or information.  Otherwise received by him, he shall  causes investigation to be made and for such purpose may exercise all  the   powers of investigation provided for under  this Act  or any  other  law 

4.      A report made under sub-section(1) of  this section shall not be disclosed  by any  person to any person  other than officers of the commission or the  Attorney General until the accused person has been arrested or  charge to corrupt for an Offense under this Act or any other written law arising from such report.

The body also ahs power to examine persons for instance,

1.      An officer of the commission investigating an Offense under this Act may 

a.      Order any person to attend before him for the purpose of being examined in relations to any matter which may, in his opinion, assist in the investigation of the Offense, 

b.      Order any person to produce before him any book document or any certified copy thereof or any other article which may in his opinion assist in the investigation of the Offense etc.


61.  Prosecution of Offense (1) every prosecution for an Offense under this Act or any other law prohibiting bribery, corruption and other related Offenses shall be deemed to be done with the consent of the Attorney General

2.      Without prejudice to any other laws prohibiting bribery, corruption, fraud  or any other related Offenses  by public  officers or other persons, a public  officer or any other person  may be prosecuted by the appropriate authority for an Offense of  bribery.


I observed that the
two bodies are meant to fight corruption and other injustices in Nigeria.  Another observation I made form the two bodies is that these are some partialities being involved in their way of operation. President of Nigeria, Mr. Olusengun Obasanjo has not been questioned?  It is too had that the so believed competent bodies looks face on who to question and who not to question.  But apart from that the two bodies are giant in their duties. So my recommendation is that they should join together for more effective work since they have almost the same functions or roles.

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