The researcher having looked at the aims and objectives of monetization wants to argue that equitable provision of amenities as one of the aims should not be inclusive as an aim to be pursued as those amenities were actually what monetized and given to our civil and public servant in money form.

The researcher also deem it necessary to add that monetization was not only aired at cutting down cost and wastages as declared by Njoku (2003), but also geared towards motivating workers to achieve efficiency and effectiveness, which was not noted by the different scholars.

Finally, the researcher observed that different scholars aired their views on what monetization is all about, its aims and objectives, and its effects, but failed to acknowledge the fact that it has some accompanied problems.

These problems as observed by the researcher include that, monetization brought about a situation of inferiority complex on the side of the low cadre officers who could not benefit well from the policy. The researcher also observed that through the policy of monetization some workers were retrenched from the civil service, since many offices were closed down as a result of monetization.

Generally, monetization creates a situation where government will further enrich those that were already rich in the service; thereby widening the gap between the rich and the poor.


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