Gender Differences And Similarities In Career Choice Among Secretarial Administration Students

Gender Differences And Similarities In Career Choice Among Secretarial Administration Students.


The major purpose of this study, was to determine the career preference of male and female in secretaryship in order to identify the gender difference and similarities in career choice among secretarial administrations student.

Secretarial Administration is not for any particular gender although there are some aspects of the secretarial work that are outside the competence of the female secretaries.

Secretaryship is a difficult and challenging profession. It is entails rigorous for both sexes. All those who go into secretary ship are exposed to rigorous training which spans from National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) first Degree.


Title page      i

Approval page      ii

Certification page    iii

Dedication       iv

Acknowledgement   v

Abstract   vi

Table of contents         vii


1.1    Background of the study 1-5

1.2    Statement of the problem          6

1.3    Purpose of study     7

1.4    Significance of the study   8

1.5    Research questions    9

1.6    Scope of the study    9

1.7    Limitation 10

1.8    Definition of terms   10-11


2.1    Currents arguments on gender employment       12-15

2.2    Vocational guidance towards a successful secretaryship         16-21

2.3    Career opportunities in secretaryship Parental influence        22-27

2.5    Peer group influence      28-31

2.6    Summary of related literature reviewed     32-33


3.1    Design of study 34

3.2    Area of the study        35

3.3    Population of the study   35

3.4    Sample of the study     35

3.5    Sampling techniques        36

3.6    Description of instrument used     36

3.7    Administration of instrument 36

3.8    Validation of instrument     37

3.9    Method of data analysis       37


4.1    Research question 1 on type of employers    38-40

4.2    Research 2 on preferred career option   41-43

4.3    Research question 3 on reason that influence choice of career    44-45

4.4    Research question 4 on whether marital circumstances influences choice of career    46

4.5    Research question 5 on the factor that determine Choice of career   47-48

4.6    Discussion of findings         49-54


5.1    Summary of findings      55

5.2    Conclusions     56

53     Recommendations       57

5.4    Implications     58

5.5    Suggestions for further research    59

References        60-64

Appendix   65

Questionnaire        66-70


For the past few years, there has been an on-going argument on the career choice among secretarial administration students. Career is the totality of work which a person perform in his life time. it is a way of earning a living  as well as a meaningful progression on a person’s working life.

It involves not only systematic education for initial occupation, but also a systematic occupational experience in which each occupation is considered as technical and social preparations for the individuals.

The preparation of a person on the acquisition of secretarial skill is in the right step towards employer ability. The executive secretary ship is an important aspect of office organization at it relates to division of duties and responsibilities.

It has various names depending on the establishment employing the secretary such as, personal secretaryship, confidential secretaryship, company secretaryship, administrative secretaryship etc.

Secretarial profession refers to professional area, which provides the services of communication and record with focus on the office functions giving, receiving, recording, analyzing and storing information. The professional is the secretary who is functionally described as the executive assistant, the personal assistant, the managers manager [The manager of the executive] or the private secretary.

Ohakwe, Idih and Chukwumezie (2000) states that a secretary is an assistant to the executive in performing secretarial duties such as taking dictation from the executive in important matters in shorthand and transcribing the dictated notes on the typewriter, handling personal and important mails most of which are confidential.

The executive secretaryship is an administration officer who is responsible to the chief executive in the daily running of affairs of an organization.


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