Gender Reporting in Nigerian Newspapers

 – Gender Reporting in Nigerian Newspapers – 

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This study examined in Nigerian Newspapers. The primary objective was to analyse how the two gender groups were represented in reported news stories in the Nigerian dailies selected for this study.

The study design adopted was . Four newspapers – The Guardian, Vanguard, Daily Sun and Daily Champion published in 2004 and 2005 were sampled and publications were selected per newspaper for each year using systematic random sampling technique.

Coding sheet was used to obtain data for the study and the data obtained was analysed using frequency distribution and percentages. The results showed that the female gender group is under-reported in  the selected newspapers compared to the male gender group.

In sum, Nigerian journalists should ensure that women are not under-represented in reported news stories. They should be gender sensitive in their coverage of news stories.

Table of Contents


Title page…….. i

Dedication…… ii

Declaration………. iii

Acknowledgments…… iv

Abstract……….. v

Table of Contents…… vi

List of Tables…….. viii


  • Background of the study…… 1
  • Statement of the problem……. 6
  • Research Questions….. 8
  • Purpose of the study……… 8
  • Scope of the study…….. 10
  • Significance of the study………… 10
  • Theoretical Framework……. 12
  • Operational Definition of Terms.. 13
  • Limitations of study…………… 15



  • Gender…………… 18
  • Female Stereotypes and Models……. 20
  • Female Representations in the Mass Media……… 26
  • Female Representations in Newspapers…… 30
  • Media Representations of Men…….. 34
  • Men on Television……… 36
  • Men in the Movies………… 40



  • Research Design……. 54
  • Population of the Study……. 54
  • Sample size……………. 54
  • Sampling technique…. 55
  • Instrument for Data Collection………. 56
  • Technique for Data Analysis….. 58



  • Data Presentation and Analysis…… 60
  • Discussion of Findings………. 67


  • Conclusion…….. 71
  • Recommendations……. 73
  • Suggestions for Further Studies…………… 74




1.1 Background of the Study

have been topical issues in recent times all over the world. Gender ordinarily constitutes no social menace. It is, however, the stereotypes which are attached to it that have succeeded in introducing and generating controversies within our society.

Studies on these spheres have brought to the limelight the fact that there exists a certain degree of discrimination and inequality as a result of this social construct.

This situation is better clarified when one x-rays , reproductive health, education, amongst others; and media matters are not left out. This is also the Nigerian experience.

It has been said that gender reporting in Nigerian newspapers is tilted to one side, thereby, favouring the male population. The result is a misrepresentation and underrepresentation of women in our society.

However, despite the fact that women make up at least one half of the country’s population, “the Nigerian society is traditionally a male- dominated society,” (Andrew Udiugwomen, 2004p.2).

This has resulted in marginalization of women traditionally and socially in our country. Udiugwomen, A. (2004:2) further asserts that the nature of our society has resulted “in a good deal of and women and that avenues for self-expression and self-realization by women are drastically limited by traditional and cultural practices.”


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