Genetic Analysis of the First Eight Weeks Body Measurements of Hubbard Broiler Breeder Chickens in Shika, Nigeria

 – Genetic Analysis of the First Eight Weeks Body Measurements of Hubbard Broiler Breeder Chickens in Shika, Nigeria – 

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This study “Genetic analysis of the first eight weeks body measurements of Hubbard broiler breeder chickens in Shika Nigeria” was undertaken to estimate the genetic parameters of body weights and linear measurements at different ages and to ascertain the extent to which linear body measurements could best predict weight at 8 weeks.

Data from 160 Hubbard broiler breeders at the National Animal Production Research Institute (NAPRI) Shika, Zaria was used for the study. Bi-weekly linear body measurements in centimetres were taken using a measuring tape, while body weights measured in grams were taken weekly for 8 weeks using a digital scale.

Body conformation traits measured included; back length, chest circumference, chicken height and shank length. The heritability (h2) estimates for body weight and conformation traits from 2 to 8 weeks were low to moderate.

Genetic correlations for body weight ranged from low to high but were positive in most cases except for correlations between 1 and, 5, 6, 7 and 8 weeks body weights. Phenotypic correlations for body weights also ranged from low to high and were positive in all cases (0.007-0.963).


Cover page————————————————————————————
Title page ————————————————————————————
Declaration ———————————————————————————-
Certification ———————————————————————————
Acknowledgement ————————————————————————–
Table of content——————————————————————————
List of tables———————————————————————————-
List of figures——————————————————————————–
List of appendices —————————————————————————
INTRODUCTION ———————————————————————-
LITERATURE REVIEW ————————————————————–
Broiler breeder —————————————————————————–
Hubbard male line ————————————————————————–
Hubbard white male ————————————————————————
Hubbard yellow male ———————————————————————–
MATERIALS AND METHODS ——————————————————–
Study location ———————————————————————————
Base population ——————————————————————————
Hatching activities —————————————————————————
Collection of fertile eggs ———————————————————————
Egg Setting ————————————————————————————-
Egg candling ———————————————————————————–
Hatching operations ————————————————————————–
Data collection ——————————————————————————–
Linear body measurements ——————————————————————
Data analysis ———————————————————————————–
Genetic parameter estimates —————————————————————–
Heritability ————————————————————————————-
Estimation of correlations ——————————————————————–
Body measurement characterization of hubbard broiler breeder chickens by age
Effect of fixed factors on body weight and conformation traits———————–
Effect of sire on body weight and conformation at different ages ——————-
Effect of hatch and sex on body weight and conformation traits at different ages-
Heritability estimates ———————————————————————–
Heritability and least square means with standard errors of egg weight, day old
weight and chick yield ———————————————————————
Heritability estimate of body weight and conformation traits
Body measurement characterization of hubbard broiler breeder chickens by age—–
Sire effect on body weight and conformation traits at different ages ——————-


Broiler chicken is a young tender chicken suitable for roasting or broiling. Broiler breeders on the other hand are birds reared to reproduce commercial broilers.

They grow more efficiently due to positive results from broiler genetic selection strategies. (Ewart, 1993). The primary goal of broiler breeding is to improve profitability of broiler meat production.

Until recently most birds were sold whole, but there has been a dramatic increase in the proportion of birds being grown for portioning and further processing (Ewart, 1993).

Poultry production and processing technologies have become rapidly accessible and are being implemented on a worldwide basis, which will allow continued expansion and competitiveness in the meat sector (Aho, 2001).

Therefore, the success of poultry meat production has been strongly related to improvements in growth and carcass yield, mainly by increasing breast proportion and reducing abdominal fat.

Intensive selection of meattype chickens for growth for more than 50 years has increased growth rate but rapid growth has been accompanied by a number of negative consequences, including an increase in fat deposition. (Zerehdaran et al., 2004)


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