Genetic Profile of Morphological Traits and their Association with Production Capacity of the Red Sokoto Goat

Genetic Profile of Morphological Traits and their Association with Production Capacity of the Red Sokoto Goat.


This research was conducted to determine the morphological traits, production capacity and existing association between them in Red Sokoto goats in Kastina state. A total of 888 Red Sokoto goats (RSG) were used for the study out of which 152 lactating does were used to assess the milk production capacity of Red Sokoto goats.

The morphological and morphometric traits were identified and measured and their associations with production capacity were assessed.

The distributon and frequencies of the morphological traits were investigated and scored for the presence or absence of wattle (Waw or Wa+), beard (Brb or Br+), horn (Ho+ or Hop), supernumerary teat (Stt or St+) and head profile; straight or subconvex (Hpsv or Hpst). Wattle had a significant relationship (p<0.05) with beard (-0.12) but was not significant with the head profile.


Title page – – – – – – – – – i
Declaration – – – – – – – – – ii
Certification – – – – – – – – – iii
Dedication – – – – – – – – – iv
Acknowledgement – – – – – – – – v
Abstract – – – – – – – – – vii
Table of contents – – – – – – – – ix
List of tables – – – – – – – – – xv
List of figures – – – – – – – – – xvii
List of plates – – – – – – – – – xviii
Abbreviations – – – – – – – – – xix
1.0 Introduction – – – – – – – – 1
1.1 Justification – – – – – – – – 5
1.2 Hypothesis – – – – – – – – 5
1.3 Objectives of the Study – – – – – – 6
2.0 Literature Review – – – – – – – 7
2.1 The Goat (Capra Hircus) – – – – – – 7
2.2 History of Goats- – – – – – – – 8
3.0 Materials and Methods – – – – – 57
3.1 Study Location – – – – – – – 57
3.2 Animals and Their Management – – – – – 58
3.3 Measurements/Observation of Physical Parameters – – – 58
3.3.1 Body Conformation Traits – – – – – – 59
3.3.2 Qualitative Traits – – – – – – – 61
3.3.3 Production Capacity – – – – – – – 61
3.4 Milk Collection – – – – – – – 62
3.5 Milk Measurement – – – – – – – 62
4.0 Results – – – – – – – – – 67
4.1 Morphological Traits and Their Gene/Genotypic Frequencies – 67
4.1.1 The Frequency (%) of Qualitative Traits of Red Sokoto Goats
According to Zone, Coat Colour and Sex. – – – – 67
4.1.2 Correlation amongst Body Morphological Traits in Goats – – 75
4.1.3 Correlations between Dams Morphological Traits in Goats – – 75
5.0 Discussion – – – – – – – 101
5.1 Morphological Traits and Their Gene/Genotypic Frequencies – 101
5.1.1 The Frequency of Qualitative Traits of Red Sokoto Goats According to
Zone, Coat Colour and Sex – – – – – – 101
5.1.2 Gene Frequencies of the Observed Qualitative Traits in Red Sokoto
Goats – – – – – – – – – 104
5.2 Conformation Traits and Factors Affecting Them. – – – 105
5.2.1 Mean Values of Body Conformation Traits According to Wattle,
Beard and Head Profile – – – – – – 106
5.2.2 Mean Values of Body Conformation Traits According to Zone and
Sex – – – – – – – – – 107
6.1 Summary – – – – – – – – 114
6.2 Conclusion – – – – – – – – 115
6.3 Recommendation – – – – – – – 116
6.4 Major findings- – – – – – – – 117
References- – – – – – – – – – 118


Small ruminants are important genetic resources in the tropics, where they play a predominant role in the sustenance of the livelihoods of impoverished families especially in the rural areas. In Nigeria, they represent about 63.70% of the total grazing domestic animals (Yakubu et al., 2010).

The goat is a household animal in Nigeria and its importance cannot be over emphasized. It serves a number of purposes including sociocultural, economic and nutritional needs of the producer (Gefu, 1992).

Goats play an important role in the social life of many African people, being used as gifts, dowry, in religious rituals and rites of passage (Peacock, 2005). They are in fact the “small man’s cattle”, they are kept primarily for meat and cash income especially by peasant farmers in the country (Akpa, 2000).

Goats perform the task of supplying human population with meat, milk, skin, hair and other products.


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Acharya, R.M., Gupta, U.D., Sehgal, J.P. and Singh, M. (1995). Coat characteristics of goats in relation to heat tolerance in the tropics. Small Ruminant Research Volume 18, issue 3, pp. 245 – 248.

Adedeji, T.A., Ojedapo, L.O., Adedeji, S.O., Aderogba, T.A. and Abdullah, A.R. (2006). Characterization of traditionally reared West African Dwarf goats (WAD) in the derived Savannah Zone of Nigeria. Animal Veterinary Advances, 5: 686-688

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