Get Well Soon My Daughter Quotes and Wishes

To be happy when everything is fine is normal but in our happiness, we need to remember that many people are passing through turbulent times in their lives. While we celebrate and thank God for our situation, we should also learn how to empathize with those in pains.

Sickness, for example, is one thing that has the ability to cripple one’s activity and render one into a mood not pleasant. Friends and families need one another in times like these, and that message of hope to a sick family member could do a great deal in lifting up their souls and give them the needed help to recover.

When a loved one like your daughter is sick, then, you share in that sickness, and while you wait for a healing, pleasant messages expressing your concern and beautiful wishes for quick recovery of a loved one have been found to be very effective in her healing process.

There are a lot of them here at your disposal. Please, check the get well soon my daughter quotes and wishes here and use them generously. There’s no limit attached.


Dear Lord, I pray and send this message to you this morning on behalf of my daughter that you heal her of any kind of diseases in her body and that you grant her relief as I keep my hope for her to get well soon quickly.

1. I am not happy that you got sick because I know how much you always care for those who are sick. I wish you well, my dear daughter. Please get well soon.

2. I pray that you get well and your health be made perfect. You are my treasure. Please, be strong in the middle of the sicknesses flowing around.

3. Knowing that you are sick kept me mute and sad for days. May your health be renewed like that of a new day. Please, stay strong and get well soon.

4. sweet people are supposed to be exempted from falling sick. You are one of the sweetest persons on earth. Can’t stand seeing you sick. Please, get well soon.

5. May your body receive a new injection of fresh energy to function in a way proportional to your health. Please, get well soon, my dear daughter.

6. Dear daughter, I wish you well and I pray that every sickness will fly out of your bodies with speed faster than that of the speed of light. Be healed and be well. Please, get well soon.

7. I wish you well, my dear daughter. I pray that your body will be stronger than the invasion of germs. Please, get well soon, my daughter.

8. The knowledge of your sickness is something I wished didn’t come but right now, I pray for a quick recovery for you and I wish you a healthy life, my daughter.

9. I wish you good health and a sound mind. I pray that everything worrying you in your body ceases and you be given perfect health, my dear daughter.

10. To know that you are sick is something I detest so much. I pray for you that you will rise again and walk on your feet and your energy be restored for optimum functionality, my daughter.

11. I have all I desire in a child with you, my dear daughter. Therefore, I can’t afford to share you with sickness I pray that every sickness in your body will be removed and your health fully restored.

12. I pray that you will be whole again, that every pain in your body will disappear and your body will receive refreshment. Please get well, my dear daughter.

13. I pray that your body receives strength to function and that everything in you be rejuvenated for better production. Please get well soon, my lovely daughter.

14. I pray that your wounds are healed and your body restored. May your soul be lifted and your burdens taken away. Please get well soon, my dear daughter.

15. Your sickness will not overcome you because I know you are more than a conqueror. May your health be made whole once again. Get well soon, my dear.

16. I pray that all your troubles are taken away and that all your pains are wiped away. I ask that total relief comes upon you and that you will be free from all sicknesses.

17. My prayer for you is that whatever that has kept you down for this long in this sickness be removed and then you are set free from sicknesses. Please get well, my dear daughter.

18. Dear daughter, you are worth more than gold and rubies. I pray that your sickness be taken away and that your beautiful smile restored on your healthy face once again. Please get well soon, daughter.

19. The love I have for you cannot be shaken by any form of sickness. Be strong and be healthy. May your bones receive nourishment and may you be made whole again, daughter.

20. I pray that your innermost part receives a fresh injection of life and that every infection and germs in your system be flushed out. Please be strong, my daughter.

Health is wealth and with good health, life can be meaningful. Dear daughter, I know you are familiar with this quote but I want you to see it as a way of giving you the energy to get well soon. Stay strong.

21. The darkest part of the night comes when the day is about to break. I know that your pains may increase but know that it is prepping to leave you because its time is up. Get well soon, my dear daughter.

22. No matter how dark the night is, the brightness of the dawn must break the day. I know that your sickness will vanish because the dawn is nigh. Get well soon, my dear daughter.

23. Though sorrow may last for the night, joy definitely comes in the morning. Though you may have suffered the pains of this illness for this time, your relief is here. Please get well, soon, my daughter.

24. The road to the tunnel may be long, dry and narrow but I know that there’s definitely light at the end. Though this sickness may have taken its toll on you, I know that you are getting well very soon. Be strong, my dear daughter.

25. No matter how bent a road may be, the straight express lies just ahead. Hold on dear daughter, your express is just here and you’ll be freed from this sickness.

26. The weakest part of the tree is its zenith. This sickness is weakest when it threatens more ferociously. I know that the end of its time is nearer. Please get well soon.

27. The harder the trial, the more pleasant the testimony. Your victory over this sickness will provoke a resounding testimony from your mouth. Please get well soon, daughter.

28. Tough times are the measures and scales of mighty men. The confidence I have about this sickness is that it is coming out of you. Please get well soon, my dear daughter.

29. The best time to strike is when the iron is hot. The best time to fight off this sickness is now because it is now that you can chase it out. Receive the strength to do this. Please get well soon, my dear.

30. Our lives are characterized not only by the success we made but also by how many battles we fought. Fight on dear, victory is here. Please, get well soon, daughter.

31. Tough men last longer than the tough times they face. You are stronger than the battle of sickness you are presently combatting. Please get well soon, daughter.

32. The beauty of victories lies in the duels of the battles. This sickness has only come as a duel; victory is yours in battle. Get well soon, my dear daughter.

33. The present pain you are passing through cannot be compared to the great joy that lies ahead of you after this bout. Please fight it off and get well soon, my dear daughter.

34. You are a special child and no power of the enemy can overcome you. Please get well very soon because you are meant for great places.

35. Tough people outlive their challenges. You will outlive this sickness and come out unscathed. Please get well soon, my dear daughter.

36. The tougher you are, the more challenges come because challenges come our way to elevate us. This sickness is s a challenge and I know you will overcome it. Please get well soon, dear daughter.

37. The challenges of life either make or mar us. May this sickness not mar your victory but that you will make a story will your victory over it.

38. When life throws lemons to you, make a lemonade. I know how strong you are in converting negative situations into positive ones. Please get well soon.

39. Life does not give us what we deserve, it only gives us what we demand. Demand for healing and it will come. Please get well soon, my dear daughter.

40. You have been higher and bigger than all of them; yes, all these challenges. Ride over them and get freed. Please get well soon, my lovely girl.

I have no other wish for today except that my daughter gets well soon and that her health is restored to her normal state and she begins to smile as she used to do. Be healed, my dear little girl.

41. you are supposed to be bouncing playing around and not on the sickbed. I wish you all the good health you wish for and a fast return to normalcy. Please get well soon.

42. I wish you all the best and total restoration of your health. Please get well soon, my dear daughter. Your health is very important to everyone.

43. Everyone is concerned about your health and pray for your quick recovery. Please get well soon. I wish you divine healing, my dear daughter.

44. I wish you a very good day and then healing from Above. I wish you good health free from pains, suffering and everything that makes you uncomfortable. Please get well soon, my daughter.

45. Your body is made whole and your health is completely restored. These are my wishes to you, my daughter as I send to you my care and concern. Please get well soon.

47. I wish you all the good things of life and above all complete healing and freedom from your sickness. May you be healed and delivered from any kind of sicknesses. Please get well soon, my dear daughter.

48. There are many things I wish you for you today but top on the list is your perfect health and healing from this sickness. Please get well, my dear daughter.

49. Daily I’m optimistic that you will be well and that you will recover and everything about your health will be made perfect. I wish you a complete restoration from all sicknesses. Please get well, soon.

50. I wish you a return to normal health. Please get well soon, my dear daughter and smile as you are used to doing. Be healed.

51. You are a wonderful girl and every moment with you is always fun. I miss that part of you, so, I wish you a quick restoration in your health. Please get well soon.

52. Your sickness has made everywhere boring. I desire a return to our normal way of life. Please get well soon, my dear daughter.

53. You will always be fine no matter the intrusion of sickness. Please get well soon, my dear daughter. I miss you a lot.

54. You are the apple of the Lord’s eye. I wish you healing because that is your inheritance and your right. You are healed from sickness.

55. I proclaim you delivered from this sickness and I wish you perfect health even as you rise up from the sickbed today to begin your usual activities.

56. You are my beloved daughter and I wish you well even as you battle with this sickness. May you come out victorious and stronger than you used to be. Please get well soon, my dear daughter.

57. You are stronger than any infiltration of a stranger into the system of your body because you are fully equipped with a strong body defence system to fight it off. I wish you get well soon.

58. I am sure of one thing; nothing can overcome you, not even any form of sickness. I am wishing you perfect health and that you get well soon, my dear daughter.

59. I have an assurance that even in our most difficult times, the Lord has never forsaken us and I know that even now, he cannot abandon you. Please get well soon, my dear daughter.

60. You are a daughter with a difference. I wish you a complete restoration in your body and in your health. Please get well soon, my lovely girl.

I have prayed for you, my dear daughter and I am also wishing you a very quick recovery from every sickness in your body. I know you will come out stronger than before.

61. Though I may not be present with you, this is just to let you know that I am praying for your quick recovery. Wishing you a speedy recovery from this illness, dear daughter.

62. Distance may abide but in the realm of prayers, there is no barrier. I have you in my heart and my spirit yearns for your sound health. I am wishing you a speedy recovery. Get well, dear little girl of mine.

63. Please let everything in you receive strength to wade off any infection in your system. I am wishing you the very best of health and a speedy recovery from this one that has held you down, Get well, my daughter.

64. I have a thousand and one reasons to rejoice because I am confident that you will find peace and that your bones will be nourished once again for a complete bounce back to perfect health. I wish you a speedy recovery, daughter.

65. there are many cells in your body and I am very sure that not all of them are weakened by the infection in your system. I am wishing you a quick recovery and that your active cells overcome the infected ones.

66. May you receive more power and enablement to overcome sicknesses and anything that happens to have made you so weak and sick. I am wishing you a speedy recovery.

67. Your speedy recovery is non-negotiable because with you there’s a spark of life in everyone around. I am deeply pained a parent to see you lie down sick. Wishing you a very quick recovery, my dear daughter.

68. There are more reasons to be happy in spite of your sickness; that you are alive and strong enough to get through this period is a testimony. Wishing you a very speedy recovery and full; restoration, my daughter.

69. I wish you a full recovery, my dear daughter. You have fought a good fight. You have made the mark of a WARRIOR. I pray what’s left will be flushed away too. Get well, my daughter.

70. I am delighted that you made it this far. You scared me on the first day here, but I am relieved by the positive appearance I can see on your face. I wish you a speedy recovery, my dear daughter.

71. What more can I say? I wish you a full recovery. You have not come this far to break down again. You have come so that you can walk away and be on your feet once again. Wishing you a speedy recovery to full health, dear daughter.

72. Your joy is my joy and your pain is equally my pain. Seeing you in pains for a few days back wasn’t pleasant and I hope that you will recover completely. Wishing you a speedy recovery, my daughter.

73. Everything comes in life for a reason. Our only prayer is that our reason should an encouraging one. I am confident that you will come out stronger and better. Wishing you a speedy recovery, dear daughter.

74. I want you to know that you are very special and that everything around you will work very fine with you. You will be fully restored and healed. Wishing you a speedy recovery, my daughter.

75. What man cannot see with the sharpest of telescopes, God can see clearly. This sickness is for your testimony and not otherwise. I am sending you wishes for a speedy recovery. Get well, daughter.

76. I am very confident that you will make it through and you will back better and stronger. I am wishing you a speedy recovery. Get well, dear.

77. I am wishing you a speedy recovery, my dear daughter. May you receive peace and calmness and total relief from all pains and rigour.

78. You are such a strong daughter and I am proud of you. I wish you a speedy recovery and total restoration for everything you have lost in this brief moment of sickness.

79. Whatever that is left of the sickness in you will be ejected, expunged and cleared away. I wish you a speedy recovery and a complete one indeed. Get well, my dear daughter.

80. You are healed and restored from every kind of sickness. I wish you a speedy recovery from everything troubling your body and your inner system. Get well, my dear daughter.

Recovery for you, dear daughter is not just out of sickness. It comprises of the time you lost due to hospital admission. My message for you is that you will recover all and get well.

81. Just as the eagle soars in the air without stress, such is the way you are fashioned to operate. I wish you a quick recovery from this sickness. Get well, my dear daughter.

82. I know how difficult it is to pass through the pangs of sickness. Receive healing and soothing from above. I wish you a quick recovery, my daughter.

83. Your recovery is very sure and I am confident that your body will be restored to full and maximum operations. I wish you a quick recovery, my dear daughter.

84. You are an amazingly beautiful lady and a wonderful daughter. I wish you a quick recovery from this sickness and back on your feet. Please get well soon.

85. The trees do not need too much attention because the power to self-heal is inherent in them. Be rest assured that are worth more than many trees in the forest and your quick recovery is sure.

86. The Lion does not eat grass no matter the scarcity of meat in the forest. You are a special breed b= and I am sure that your quick recovery is sure and imminent. Get well, my dear daughter.

87. The more the days pass by, the better your chance of healing. I wish you a very quick recovery and return to normal activity. Be healed, my dear daughter.

88. I’ll be here waiting to hold you in my arms because I know that you will be healed and completely restored to your better state of health. Wishing you a very quick recovery, my dear.

89. You are a shining light and with your light shining, you have become a terror to the enemy. Your health is restored and you will be made whole.

90. No matter how long it takes, you will get well but my prayer is that it is expedited and not delayed. I wish you a quick recovery, my dear daughter.

91. You are a child of covenant and no sickness can halt your progress. You will grow beyond obstacles and fully recover from this sickness. Wishing you a quick recovery, my dear daughter.

92. I wish you a quick recovery, my dear daughter. I know that you will come out of these trying times a stronger daughter both physically, psychologically and even spiritually.

93. I do hope sincerely that everything goes well and that you fully recover and get well from sicknesses that may want to hinder you. Get well, my dear daughter.

94. I know that you will surely recover from this sickness because you have a strong and fighting spirit capable of fighting every germs and infection in your system. Get well, my daughter.

95. When sicknesses come, they spend their time in our bodies hiding because they are cowards. You are strong and brave, so knock it off. Get well, my dear daughter. Quick recovery is released unto you.

96. None of your peers can stand your mental strength. No sickness can stop you from functioning. You are more than enough, my dear daughter.

97. I know your strength because you are a dear daughter. You will definitely recover from this sickness and be fully restored. Wishing you a quick recovery.

98. Dear daughter, I know you have knocked out this sickness and I am very confident you are coming out in few days. Wishing you a quick recovery.

99. Hi daughter, you have been an encouragement to me. Now, I can boast about your mental capacity to overcome anything that comes your way. Wishing you a quick recovery.

100. Have you seen birds fly effortlessly in the air? That’s how you will ride over this sickness. Wishing you a very quick recovery, my daughter.

Sharing in the pain and dark moments of our relatives shows the strength of the bond we have. The messages you have sent have more impact than you can imagine. The awesome get well soon my daughter quotes and wishes here are great for that your sick daughter. Don’t stop sending and sharing to many other people who need them.

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