Get Well Soon My Nephew Quotes and Wishes

Sickness weakens the body and makes a person to be in lots of pains. Sickness is a phase that is not easy to go through.

Sometimes, our loved ones fall ill and all we can do is to be there for them, checking on them constantly and praying they get better.

Is your nephew sick and you are wondering the message you could send to him to wish him well? This is the reason I have written these get well soon quotes and wishes for nephew. Send any of them to him today and let him know he is in your prayers.

Here are get well soon quotes and wishes for nephew.

Hi, dearest nephew. I hope you feel better today? I really hope you get well soon and come back home to us. We want to see you smile and play like you always do. We want to see you healthy and strong again.

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1. I know you are in pains right now. Sickness is not what we wished for you. We miss you. Get well soon my nephew.

2. Today, we miss you at the family dinner. You always light up everywhere with your laughter. Get well soon my nephew.

3. It’s not fun to be sick. I can relate with the pain you are feeling. Get well soon my nephew. You will be fine.

4. This sickness has not come to stay. Your body is not a body of sickness. You shall be healed in Jesus name. Get well soon my nephew.

5. Thinking and wishing you get better soon. I miss you, my nephew. I wish you a speedy recovery.

6. I wish and pray you get better soon. May your body receive healing. Get well soon my nephew.

7. My nephew, we are praying for your speedy recovery here. May the Lord heal you. Get well soon dear.

8. Sickness Is not your portion. You shall not die Young. May you find the strength to walk again. Get well soon, nephew.

9. Sickens makes one weak and when it last longer, it becomes unbearable. I wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon, my nephew.

10. I can’t begin to tell you how much I have missed you these past few days. Get well soon, my nephew.

11. When you are here, it felt like you are troublesome but now, I don’t mind the troubles. Just be fine. Get well soon, my nephew.

12. No one to disturb me here. Everywhere is just quiet without you. Get well soon, my nephew. I miss you.

13. You don’t know how much I have missed you. You don’t know how much you mean to me. Get well soon, my nephew.

14. You have always been a fantastic nephew. You are always there to assist whenever your help is needed. Get well soon, my nephew.

15. Everyone misses you. We can’t wait to have you around. We can’t wait to have you around. Get well soon my nephew.

16. School has resumed and your classmates are asking of you. We wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon, my nephew.

17. While laying on my bed last night, your thoughts crossed my mind and I said a little prayer for you. May the Lord heal you and make you whole again. Get well soon my nephew.

18. You will be fine. I know God will do it. I wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon my nephew.

19. You have always been strong. I know this illness will not overpower you. May God be with you. Get well soon my nephew.

20. I really can’t wait for you to be fully recovered. I miss the way we play and have fun together. Get well soon, my nephew.

21. Knowing you are on the hospital bed really saddens my heart. I wish you a quick recovery. Get well soon, my nephew.

22. You not being here makes everywhere dull and boring. May God perfect your health. Get well soon, my nephew.

23. Sending you loads of love for today. I wish you a quick recovery. Get well soon, dearest nephew.

24. No one wishes to stay in the hospital. It is not a place to stay. I wish you a quick recovery. Get well soon, my nephew.

25. I know you must be tired of the hospital smell. It’s not easy being in there. Get well soon, my nephew.

26. You will be fine. We will keep praying for you here. I wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon, my nephew.

27. I wish I can be by your side right now to make you know everything will be fine. Get well soon, my nephew.

28. You are amazing being with so much life and humour. I wish you a speedy recovery and perfect health. Get well soon, my nephew.

29. Nothing would bring me more joy than knowing you are fine. Please, recover quickly. Get well soon, my nephew.

30. All I want to hear is news of you being discharged from the hospital. I wish you a quick recovery. Get well soon, my nephew.

Gracious God, I put my nephew in your hands, heal him, Lord. Make him healthy and strong again. I want you to help my nephew smile again. Grant my nephew perfect health. Sickness is not his portion. Give us testimony on my nephew. Amen.

31. May the Lord heal you. May He give you the strength to overcome this illness. Get well soon, my nephew.

32. Sickness is not your portion. May the Lord heal you. Get well soon, my nephew.

33. You will not die untimely. This sickness won’t break you. You will be fine. Get well soon, my nephew.

34. In life, different things happen to humans but with God, we overcome every situation. May the Lord heal you. Get well soon my nephew.

35. May God grant you the strength to pull through this. We will not hear bad news concerning you. Get well soon, my nephew.

36. There are moments we feel God has abandoned us. He hasn’t. He is working for your healing. You will be fine. Get well soon, my nephew.

37. Regardless of whatever might have happened in the past, just know that God is with you. He never leaves his own. Get well soon, my nephew.

38. You don’t know how much I love you and how much you mean to us. May God heal you. Get well soon, my nephew.

39. Every morning, the whole family organises prayer for your healing. We know God will answer our prayers. Get well soon, my nephew.

40. You are in my every thought and prayer. I know God will do it. Get well soon, my nephew.

41. Every minute, every second, I keep praying to God to perform his wonders and heal you. Get well soon, my nephew.

42. What I wished for right now is your recovery. Nothing will gladden my heart more than knowing you are fine. Get well soon, my nephew.

43. You are an exceptional being. This illness will not see the end of you. God will heal you. Get well soon, my nephew.

44. Very soon, we will celebrate your recovery cos you will be fine. You will leave that hospital with your two legs. Get well soon, my nephew.

45. The lord guides and protect his own children. He will protect you and perform a miracle in your life. Get well soon, my nephew.

46. We miss your laughter and your jokes. We can’t wait to have you home again. Get well soon, my nephew.

47. If there is anything I wish for right now, it is for the Lord to grant you perfect health. Get well soon, my nephew.

48. May the Lord grant you perfect health. May he keep you safe and healthy. Get well soon, my nephew.

49. As I woke up this morning, I said a little prayer to God. I told him to heal you and make you strong. You will be fine. Get well soon, my nephew.

50. Perfect health is yours. I won’t have reasons to mourn over you. Get well soon, my nephew.

Hello, dearest nephew, there are so many fun places we could go to after you recover. So, you have to be strong and use all your drugs. Once you are fine, we can go wherever you want to go. Have a quick recovery.

51. When you get out of that hospital, I promise to take you out to wherever you want to go. Get well soon, my nephew.

52. I really can’t wait to see you. I have missed you so much. I wish you a quick recovery. Get well soon, my nephew.

53. Your birthday is coming and you are in the hospital. I pray you make it out before your birthday so we can have all the fun you have always wanted. Get well soon, my nephew.

54. Thinking of you going through so much pain really hurts me. You will be fine, dear. I wish you quick recovery. Get well soon, my nephew.

55. I want to hear you tell me that you feel better. I want to see you perfectly fine. I wish you a quick recovery. Get well soon, my nephew.

56. Don’t worry dear, you will soon be fine. I know the hospital is not home. I wish you a quick recovery. Get well soon, my nephew.

57. I wish you a speedy recovery. May God heal you completely. Get well soon, my nephew.

58. I know being in the hospital is hard but you will soon be ok. I wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon, my nephew

59. We are wishing and praying you get better. We can’t wait to have you home. Get well soon, my nephew.

60. I was told you are sick. I pray and wish you recover quickly. Get well soon, my nephew.

61. Today is a bright day, may the Lord heal you and make your life bright. I wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon, my nephew.

62. Is there anyone as jovial as you are? We miss your laughter and how hard you force everyone to play with you. I wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon, my nephew.

63. You have always been astounding and bright. May the Lord heal you. I wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon my nephew.

64. I know right now, all you want is to leave that hospital. Don’t worry, you will leave soon. I wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon, my nephew.

65. May the Lord strengthen every part of your body and give you a perfect health. I wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon, my nephew.

66. Death is not your portion. This illness is just a phase and it will pass. I wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon, my nephew.

67. I want to watch you laugh and play all day long. I want to answer all the questions you ask. I wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon, my nephew.

68. You have always been a sweet young boy. I miss you so much. I wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon, my nephew.

69. I wish I am with you right now. But even though I am not there, just know that my love and prayers are with you. I wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon, my nephew.

70. May the Lord perfect his healing in your life. After this, you won’t have any reason to fall ill again. You are healed. Get well soon, my nephew.

Send these heartwarming get well soon my nephew quotes and wishes to your nephew to wish him a speedy recovery.

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