Give Me Attention Quotes – Sweet Love Messages

The psychology behind attention is certainly interesting, but it’s not too difficult to comprehend. There are millions of people in the world. Many of them struggle for attention, whether it be the attention of others or that which is given by their conscience.

If you want people to pay attention to you, spend time first aiming to be empathetic towards others. It’s not as easy as it sounds. If it were, there wouldn’t be so many people who struggle to get attention from others and their own conscience.

So, you like the limelight? That’s ok. Who doesn’t? What’s the best way to make you pay attention? It’s to receive in return. This is a list of give me attention quotes to help you get some attention.

You are the only one who can give me attention. I don’t want to hear from anyone other than you. I want your attention — I need it, crave it. I want you to look at me and pay attention to my every word. I need you by my side.

1. Just give me your attention, it would go a long way in helping me at this low moment.

2. I’m worried right now person. If you can, please listen to me carefully. I am in a challenging situation and I’d like to share my thoughts with you.

3. I am having trouble with being ignored. I can’t handle it. I need your help. Please help me at least once. Your opinion will be very important to me.

4. It’s my birthday, and all I want is some attention. So take a second and look at my adorable face.

5. Please give me your attention. I promise in return that I will listen to everything you have to say. I don’t ask for much, just the attention I want in return for the help I provide.

6. Pay attention. Be there for me when I need you. Share and care. Why should we compromise?

7. I know attention is something everyone needs in their life, but if you could give me a little bit, I would appreciate it.

8. Could you please be at my side again and give me your attention? It’s okay if you find it uncomfortable, but I need all the help I can get. Thank you,

9. I’m feeling a little vulnerable today. Please don’t push me away. Give me the required attention. Be there for me and I promise to be around for you too.

10. It’s been a rollercoaster for me lately. I need someone to be there for me now. Someone to help me get through this rough patch in my life.

11. I understand you’re busy, I understand you’re tired, and I understand your mind is racing. I know exactly how you feel. All I’m trying to do is get your attention for a few minutes. Please indulge me.

12. I am facing the issue of being ignored by my loved ones and to deal with this is for you to give me your attention. You are my last hope at the moment.

13. I’m fine. I am just having a bad day so I wanted to see if anyone would be willing to help me feel better. I’ve been feeling really sad lately, and I need some attention.

14. I’m going through some hard times. I would appreciate it if you can be there for me as a friend and make sure that I am not left out or ignored by people.

15. You’re leaving me off all day, every day. That hurts my feelings. You keep talking to yourself or Siri but never paying attention to me. Don’t you care?

16. I know you may be feeling overwhelmed. You may have a lot on your mind and the last thing you need is another email. But I’m going to ask for a few minutes of your attention. Please take a few deep breaths, clear your mind, and give me that time.

17. I like to understand your point of view. It helps me make the best decisions for both of us. I won’t make a decision that’s not in both of our best interests. We should do things together because we are on the same team, after all.

18. I feel like I’m losing my identity—you would notice my presence if you gave me your attention.

19. I’m feeling a little restless today. I need your help. Don’t push me away, please. Talk to me. I want to be there for you, I promise you will find in me the same friend you get today.

20. Give me your attention, it would go a long way in helping my present state.

21. Your attention and presence would mean the world to me. They are all I need to get my head straight right now.

22. My love, I’ve never needed anyone to listen to me so much as I need you now.

23. Give me your attention now. If you give me your attention now, I have something to tell you, but briefly. Your attention is essential for me.

24. We both matter to each other, so it is a mutual win when we do something good for each other.

25. It’s hard to stay focused on work when you’re thinking about how terrible your week was. Please give me some attention. I need that to get through this day.

26. I can give everything I have to give, but please know that your attention is important to me.

27. Hey, I’m a little lonely over here. Can we hang out? I promise to make you laugh and play with you, maybe even give you treats.

28. Just be by my side. I may not ask for it, but I need you now. Be there for me and I promise you that I will always be around to help you too.

29. I know you are busy, but if you follow me, I promise I will make your day more enjoyable. You’ll be able to see what I’m doing in the future and we can communicate better!

30. Please listen to me carefully. If you have time, please respond. I need your help solving this problem.

31. If you could give me your attention for a moment, I would appreciate it. What I have to say is important and personal and I would like to share this with you in person.

32. I need your help. Give me your attention for a few minutes and show me some concern. I would appreciate it. It would go a long way in helping my present state.

33. I need your attention. Your attention will help me regain control of my thoughts.

34. I’m in a very difficult situation, if you have time to help me, please let me know. I need the attention of someone like you.

35. The night before the big test and you’re staring at the ceiling. All I need from you now is your attention. It would go a long way in helping me in my present state.

36. I know you’re busy and almost always on the move give me some attention just for a little while, and I want to show you something beautiful. I promise it won’t take long.

37. I enjoy creating work that is not just beautiful but also meaningful. I would appreciate it if you could talk to me, request my work and anything else you can think of.

38. I know how hectic your schedule can get, how pressure at the office can wear you out, and how difficult is to slow down and think about what’s important. I just want to get your attention. Please give me a few minutes of your time.

39. I’m completely helpless and that’s why I need your attention. Your attention would mean a lot at this tough time.

40. I’ve never needed anyone to listen to me so much as I need you now. I’m sending you this because I want you to know how much you mean to me, and how much I need your attention at the moment.

41. Please give me all your attention. I need to talk, and I don’t know how much time I have left. I’ve always been in bad health, but now it’s serious.

42. Recognizing the value of your attention, I promise to share content that is honest, transparent and inspiring.

43. Give me some attention and time for us to be together. We’ll have a great time. You will enjoy being with me and reading my emails.

44. I know I have to be strong. But if I’m being honest, I just don’t feel like it right now. If only you can be vulnerable with me, and give me attention at this time.

45. What’s most important to me is that you feel appreciated. I want you to know how much your work means to me. That’s why my attention is on you right now.

46. My love, I feel like I need you more than ever right now. You’ve been such a good listener in the past and I wish I could hear your voice again.

47. Give me your attention and I promise to make it count.

48. I know amid this pandemic you’re busy, but I hope you still have some time to spare for helping me out.

49. As a valued member of our community, you can help us on our journey by just providing your attention.

50. I think it’s time you paid me some attention. I’m right there with you. Let’s connect, today.

Give me some attention, I’ll give you back all the attention you need, I like it when you look at me. It’s tough to get attention in a world where everyone’s already got their hands out. But I guess it makes you feel good that I fancy your attention so much.

51. Give me your attention, it would go a long way in helping my present state.

52. Please make an effort to listen to me. I need to talk about some important things. The world feels like it’s falling apart and I just want to be heard right now.

53. The best way to show your support for me is through your attention so I can adjust to this new system.

54. Please pay attention to me, even when I’m not in front of you! I promise that we will be very happy together.

55. I don’t know about you, but I need some attention today. Things have been good. They’re just a little crazy. If you could help me out, please give me some attention.

56. Yes, it’s true. I’m going through a rough phase right now. Do you have time to support me? Go on, pull me out of this mess by being there for me. I’ll be around too when you need me.

57. Hi, I feel ignored by my loved ones. I’m reaching out to you as a last resort.

58. I feel alone at the moment. I need you to be there for me in my vulnerable state. I want you to care about me and show sympathy for what I am going through.

59. I have something to tell you and I’m afraid to look bad. I feel like you are becoming less attentive to me.

60. It doesn’t matter if your audience is one or one thousand. I’ll give you my undivided attention, and together we’ll make your message heard.

61. Please pay attention to me. Even when I’m not doing anything, and especially when I’m sleeping.

62. I love you. Like, for real. I watch you work all day. I’m your constant companion. And you haven’t even said a word to me in weeks. Please give me some attention.

63. I’m in a tough spot. If you have time to help me out, please let me know. I need your attention right now.

64. I need someone to talk to, so would you be up for a long phone call, or grabbing dinner sometime soon?

65. I need you not to judge me, but to listen to me. I need you to give me your full attention. I need you to be there for me without reservations.

66. Hey, I want your attention. You’re worth it, so look at me when I’m talking to you.

67. I may be a little unavailable but once I’m free, please let me know. I look forward to connecting with you.

68. I need your love, care, and attention to get me through this tough time. Your support will help me make it through this challenging period and for that I won’t be able to thank you enough.

69. I’d appreciate it if you gave me your full attention. I am in a vulnerable state of mind and would love to tell you something very important.

70. Hey there. I know your mind is racing and you’re busy, but I promise if you give me a few minutes of your time you’ll have something awesome to take away from this.

71. I value your time and attention. By giving me yours, you remind me you care. Isn’t that what both of us want?

72. You might not know me, but I need help. If you have some time, I would appreciate your attention.

73. Hey, I need your help. I am feeling overwhelmed by a crazy week. Can you meet me up for lunch soon?

74. I want to make work that is meaningful and beautiful. I need your help to do this and would appreciate it if you could talk to me, request my work, or do anything else you might imagine.

75. Your attention matters. Your time and energy matter as well You’re important to me and it makes me happy when I am important to you too.

76. You’ve been working tirelessly all day and forgot to give me a little love. I always long for that unreserved attention from you.

77. Hey, I’m over here. Come hang out with me. At least turn and look at me, give me some attention.

78. I don’t need much to make me happy. Just give me your attention and I’ll be fine.

79. I’m willing to give you everything I have, but in return, I ask for your attention.

80. It may seem like little to you, but a comment or a like would do so much to lift my spirits.

81. If you would, please listen carefully to what I’m about to tell you. It’s a bit sensitive, so I’d appreciate it if you pay attention right up until the end.

82. I won’t take much of your time, but it would go a long way in helping my present situation.

83. I am requesting your immediate attention because I am in dire need of it.

84. I feel like you are ignoring me. I love you so much and I just want your attention. Please listen to me. I can’t take it anymore.

85. Hey, I’m over here. Come hang out with me. Sure, you could choose to sit on your phone and be anti-social, but wouldn’t you rather make memories?

86. I am now your focus. Show me some attention and I will compensate you handsomely

87. I need your attention, would you help me? I am in a bad state of mind and I need your help and guidance now.

88. I would appreciate it if you could grant me your attention for a bit. It would mean a lot to me and help me with my current situation.

89. I need to tell you something very important. If you have time, I would love to sit down and talk.

90. You don’t talk to me anymore. I see you scrolling on the bus, scrolling on the train, scrolling at dinner. We have so much to talk about, though. I have a lot of things that I want to show you. And you are missing out.

91. I am in a very difficult situation. If you have time to help me, please let me know. I need your attention.

92. I’m looking forward to meeting you and your family. You’re always in my mind, so please take some time to be with me and let’s enjoy life together.

93. I am extremely sick right now. Coughing, sneezing, body pain and all. Please give me your attention. I need to be able to rest.

94. I’d appreciate it if you listened to what I have to say. I’m feeling anxious and would love to tell you something very close to my heart.

95. Give me your attention. Let me know if I’m important to you. Show me I matter to you by giving me your time and energy. Because guess what? You’re important to me too. Why should we ever do anything right if we both don’t win?

96. I know you’re busy, I know you’re tired, I know your mind is racing. I am just trying to get your attention. Please give me a few minutes of your time.

97. I know you are a little busy up there, on the field, but could you spare me a moment of your time? I just need a little bit of your attention.

98. If you give me your attention, I promise to make it worth your while.

99. Please listen to me. Please pay attention to me. Please help me remember that our relationship matters. Because, hey! I care about you too. Let’s both do what we can to make it work.

100. I’m wishing for a more peaceful life with more moments of silence, would you give me your attention?

Let me know what you think of these give me attention quotes in the comment section, will you? Thank you for reading, please share this post with your loved ones before you go.

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