Give Me the Strength to Accept the Things I Cannot Change Quotes

One thing about life is that there are many things and events in life that are out of your control. It can either make you angry or frustrated, but underneath it, you can feel weak and lost because life does not ask for your permission before things happen.

Don’t you want to be capable of gracefully accepting those things you can’t change? What about the areas in which you seek God’s strength to be able to surrender to Him? Will you let Him strengthen you, or will you remain in anxiety and negativity?

I understand what it feels like to worry and fear things you cannot change, but God’s grace can always help you overcome your anxiety. He can give you the strength to accept things you cannot change.

There’s always something better when we wait on God and trust Him to strengthen us to accept the things that cannot be changed. These give me the strength to accept the things I cannot change quotes below were written to encourage you and strengthen you to accept the things you cannot change. Enjoy!

Sometimes, we get so caught up in trying to control what’s going on around us that eventually, we discover that we can’t. When this happens, we need to remember to focus our energy on the things we can change and let God give us the grace to accept the things we cannot change.

1. There’s always something better when you wait on God and trust Him to strengthen you to accept the things that cannot be changed.

2. Give me the grace to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

3. Today, I asked God for grace to accept the things I cannot change. My attitude, my ability, and others’ actions and decisions.

4. Have the grace to accept things you cannot change and the courage to change the things you can.

5. Give me the grace to accept the things I cannot change. Patience for others and perseverance for myself, wisdom to know the difference.

6. Give me the grace to accept the things I cannot change. Accept who you are. Your flaws and all.

7. Give me the grace to accept the things I cannot change and the courage to change the things I can.

8. In every prayer you pray, thank God for His grace to accept the things you cannot change.

9. Grace me with the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

10. It’s not always easy to accept the things you cannot change. But if you want to grow as a person, you need to ask God for the strength to do so. He will give you grace.

11. Reach out to God and ask Him to help you accept the things you cannot change. He’ll give you the strength and grace to face whatever is troubling you.

12. Rest in the Grace of God. Allow Him to be your strength when nothing else can give you peace. Know that nothing is impossible with Him, and He will continue to strengthen you as you lay at His feet.

13. Grace gives you the strength to let go of what can’t be changed.

14. Don’t worry about things you can’t change, accept gracefully and enjoy today.

15. Because you cannot change everything that happens to you, you must accept what comes your way with grace!

17. There’s always something better when we wait on God and trust Him to strengthen us to accept the things that cannot be changed.

18. I pray that by the grace of God, I will accept the things I cannot change. Help me to be open to your guidance and direction. Amen

19. When you are facing a situation you can’t change, remember that God is willing to give you the grace to accept it.

20. When you are facing a situation you can’t change, remember that God is willing to help you accept it.

21. We all face situations we can’t change. The good news is that God will give you the strength to accept them.

22. When you face challenging situations, remember that God will always give you enough grace to get through them.

23. When you can’t change the situation ask yourself, “Is it God’s will?”

24. Being strong doesn’t mean you have to be alone. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and accept God’s help.

25. When you accept what you can’t change, think of the power you are giving yourself. You can’t control life, so give up the struggle and take control instead.

26. Isn’t it better to wait and accept the things we can’t change than it is to try and change them?

27. With that in mind, isn’t it better to wait and accept the things you can’t change rather than try to change them?

28. Can you imagine how much better your life could be if you stopped trying to change the things you can’t change? Wouldn’t it make more sense to wait and accept these things instead?

29. Shouldn’t we accept the things we can’t change and then wait? Trying to change them is not only costly but unnecessary.

30. Nobody likes waiting, but it can be better to accept things you can’t change rather than try and change them.

31. So what’s better: to accept the things you can’t change, or to try and change them?

32. It’s impossible to change the things we care about. Why not wait it out?

33. Do you want to reduce stress and anxiety in your life? It’s easy…just accept the things you can’t change.

34. Waiting for things to happen only leads to disappointment. Don’t wait for things to change. Make the change happen

35. If you want to get the most out of life, it’s better to accept the things you can’t change fast rather than fight them.

36. When you’re dealing with something you can’t control, it helps to remember that God will support you and help you find a way through.

37. Letting go of the things we cannot change is one of life’s greatest challenges, but letting go gives you the grace to live more joyfully in what you can change.

38. If you cannot change a situation you are in, accept it and seek to change yourself. If you cannot change someone’s behaviour, accept them as they are and focus on changing yourself for the better. When you accept the things that you cannot control or change, you gain power over those things that you can—your attitude, your actions, your response.

39. Change your situation by focusing on what you can do. Accept and embrace the things you cannot change. When you accept the things that you cannot control or change, you gain power over those things that you can. Change your attitude, your actions and your response to empower yourself.

40. When you quit trying to change the people and things you cannot control, you regain power over your attitude, your actions and your response.

41. If you are in a situation that you can’t control, accept it and try to change, so you will be able to choose your attitude, actions and response!

42. Grace comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms–but sometimes it’s completely unexpected. Wait on God and trust Him to strengthen you to accept the things that cannot be changed.

43. Quiet your soul and ask God to give you the grace to accept the things you cannot change.

44. Lord, give me the grace to accept the things I cannot change. Some people have a hair colour they can’t change. Speak peace to them and say that you believe in their potential and that God is going to bless them for sure.

45. Our strength is made perfect in our weakness when we are given grace from God to accept the things we cannot change. Ask Him for grace today.

46. Without a doubt, accepting things you cannot change is always impossible. But waiting on God, and praying to Him constantly, will help you accept the things that cannot be changed.

47. Give me the grace to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

48. Grace doesn’t mean we accept bad things that happen. It means we accept God—who can change any situation for the best, no matter how tough

49. You are a person of immense potential. You are meant to be a blessing, and God is willing to give you all the grace you need to fulfil your destiny.

50. Never give up—no matter how hard your circumstances may seem, God is near, He gives grace to the humble and will direct your paths into a blessing. Here’s something to remind you of that.

51. Reaching a place of acceptance can be difficult. But if you try to see the big picture and trust that there is a divine purpose behind your situation, you’ll start to experience inner peace.

52. Don’t give up. There’s always a way out of any given situation. You just have to have the courage to change your path and believe that there is a better way to solve this. God would never give you a problem without giving you the solution to it too.

53. Sometimes, it is better to wait and see how things turn out rather than taking a risk. That doesn’t mean you should give up, but embracing acceptance can bring its rewards.

54. The world is a scary place, don’t you wish it was easier to find peace in your life? Change is not easy, but trying to change things requires courage and understanding.

55. Accept your losses and failures and work on improving yourself. Don’t waste your time trying to turn people into something they are not. When you focus on what you have control over, you become the person you want to be.

56. Belief in yourself. Set goals and standards for your life. Don’t let others set them for you or keep you from reaching your goals and dreams. But when it’s out of your control, don’t force it, just do your thing.

57. You are the master of your emotions. Don’t let life get you down when you can change how you view any situation and how you handle it – in your favour. Find grace to let it go when you can’t control it.

58. The conviction to be yourself, the power to believe what you believe lies in your hands. Stand up and make others see your worth; when you can’t, just let it go.

59. Some people say that you can never change a situation, but others believe that each person controls their destiny. I believe the former to be true because control can be out of our reach at times.

60. Faith is not about wishing for a different past or future, but rejoicing in the grace that is found only in Jesus. Do what you can to create positive change, and let go of what you can’t control.

Reading these give me the strength to accept the things I cannot change quotes, hopefully, you’ll be able to handle not being in control of the many things in your life. Never lose hope. God will not give up on you and He will guide you through all of the obstacles that may be placed in front of you. Thank you.

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