Glennon Doyle Quotes (Advice on Embracing Dualities in Life)

We hope this Glennon Doyle quotes inspires you to learn life’s lessons and carry on, no matter what trials you may be facing in life.

Glennon Doyle Quotes

These Glennon Doyle quotes can give you the motivation to persevere if you have encountered challenges in life.

1. “This life is mine alone. So I have stopped asking people for directions to places they’ve never been.” – Glennon Doyle

2. “The truest, most beautiful life never promises to be an easy one.”- Glennon Doyle Quotes

3. “Life is alchemy, and emotions are the fire that turns me to gold. I will continue to become only if I resist extinguishing myself a million times a day. If I can sit in the fire of my own feelings, I will keep becoming.”- Glennon Doyle

4. “Every beautiful thing in life comes out of the mess.”- Glennon Doyle

5. “Life is a quest to find an unfindable thing. We are put here needing something that doesn’t exist here.”- Glennon Doyle.

6. “I think one of the keys to happiness is accepting that I am never going to be perfectly happy.”- Glennon Doyle

7. “The only thing that was ever wrong with me was my belief that there was something wrong with me.”- Glennon Doyle

8. “Trusting people is terrifying. Maybe if love is not a little scary and out of our control, then it is not love at all.”- Glennon Doyle

9. “Be careful with the stories you tell about yourself.”- Glennon Doyle

10. “I did not know that I was supposed to feel everything. I thought I was supposed to feel happy.”- Glennon Doyle

11. “It’s nearly impossible to blaze one’s ow n path while following in someone else’s footsteps.”- Glennon Doyle

12. “People aren’t changing, after all. It’s just that for the first time, there’s enough freedom for people to stop changing who they are.” -Glennon Doyle

13. “People will like me or not, but being liked is not my One Thing; integrity is…I’m willing to lose anything that requires me to hide any part of myself.”- Glennon Doyle

14. ” We are at war with our bodies, our minds, our souls.”- Glennon Doyle

15. “We betray and we are betrayed. We lie and we are lied to.”- Glennon Doyle

16. “We don’t understand why we hurt those we love.”- Glennon Doyle

17. “I cannot be in the moment because I am too afraid of what the next moment will bring. I have to be ready.”- Glennon Doyle

18. “The thing that gets me thinking and questioning most deeply is a leader who warns me not to think or question.”- Glennon Doyle

19. “We forgot how to know when we learned how to please.”- Glennon Doyle Quotes

20. “We are so afraid of dying. Also of living.”- Glennon Doyle

21. “Every truth is a kindness, even if it makes others uncomfortable. Every untruth is an unkindness, even if it makes others comfortable.”- Glennon Doyle

22. “We only control what we don’t trust.”- Glennon Doyle

23. “I decided that if I kept doing the ‘right’ thing, I would spend my life following someone else’s directions instead of my own.”- Glennon Doyle

24. “I remain compelled by the Jesus story. Not as history meant to reveal what happened long ago, but as poetry meant to illuminate a revolutionary idea powerful enough to heal and free humanity now.”- Glennon Doyle

25. “You can’t lose people who never even found you.”- Glennon Doyle

26. “Every time you’re given a choice between disappointing someone else and disappointing yourself, your duty is to disappoint that someone else.”- Glennon Doyle

27. “It turned out that what I needed most was inside the one place I’d been running from my entire life: pain.”- Glennon Doyle

28. “All the devil has to do to win is convince you he’s God.”- Glennon Doyle

Doyle Quotes about Messy World

29. “A boundary is the edge of one of our root beliefs about ourselves and the world.”- Glennon Doyle

30. “Healing is not the reward for those who love the most or best.”- Glennon Doyle

31. “We ask if our ideas make sense instead of assuming they do.”- Glennon Doyle

32. “I think we are only bitter about other people’s joy in direct proportion to our commitment to keep joy from ourselves.” – Glennon Doyle

33. “Numbness keeps us from becoming.”- Glennon Doyle

34. “It is wild to let others be wild.”- Glennon Doyle

35. “I’m willing to lose anything that requires me to hide any part of myself.”- Glennon Doyle

36. “Judgment is self-abandonment.”- Glennon Doyle


37. “Perhaps imagination is not where we go to escape reality but where we go to remember it.”- Glennon Doyle

38. “We all want purpose and connection. Tell me what breaks your heart, and I’ll point you toward both. “- Glennon Doyle

39. “What if the call of motherhood is not to be a martyr but to be a model?”- Glennon Doyle

40. “We know we must decide whether to stay small, quiet, and uncomplicated or allow ourselves to grow as big, loud, and complex as we were made to be.”- Glennon Doyle

41. “Why does a woman’s neutral face mean anger, while a man’s neutral face means neutral?”- Glennon Doyle

42. “Having something to say and no one to hear it is so lonely.”- Glennon Doyle

43. “Faith is not a club to belong to, but a current to surrender to.”- Glennon Doyle

44. “Just do the next right thing, one thing at a time.”- Glennon Doyle

45. “People who need help sometimes look a lot like people who don’t need help.“- Glennon Doyle

46. “Reading is my inhale and writing is my exhale.”- Glennon Doyle

47. “God approaches us in the disguise of other people.”- Glennon Doyle

48. “I think one of the keys to happiness is accepting that I am never going to be perfectly happy.”- Glennon Doyle

49. “You can never get enough of what you don’t need.”- Glennon Doyle

50. “I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.”- Glennon Doyle Quotes

51. “If I want my world to be less vicious, then I must become more gentle.”- Glennon Doyle

52. “To me intimacy is about communication. Through the written or spoken or physically expressed word, communicating is how we get into each other’s hearts and minds.”- Glennon Doyle

53. “Every time you’re given a choice between disappointing someone else and disappointing yourself, your duty is to disappoint that someone else.” – Glennon Doyle

54. “All the devil has to do to win is convince you he’s God.” – Glennon Doyle

Lose Anything that Requires Quotes

55. “I’m willing to lose anything that requires me to hide any part of myself.” – Glennon Doyle

56. “Every beautiful thing in life comes out of the mess.” – Glennon Doyle

57. “Life is a quest to find an unfindable thing. We are put here needing something that doesn’t exist here.” – Glennon Doyle

58. “People will like me or not, but being liked is not my One Thing; integrity is…I’m willing to lose anything that requires me to hide any part of myself.” – Glennon Doyle

59. “We don’t understand why we hurt those we love.” – Glennon Doyle

60. “We forgot how to know when we learned how to please.” – Glennon Doyle

61. “We are so afraid of dying. Also of living.” – Glennon Doyle

62. “Wherever you go, there you are.” — Glennon Doyle

63. “It’s ok to feel too much and know too little.” — Glennon Doyle

64. “You can never get enough of what you don’t need.” — Glennon Doyle

65. “We have to get back into our own bodies and figure out what the hell we want to do. And then the next step is doing it without explaining ourselves.” — Glennon Doyle

66. “I just think there are as many different versions of feminism as there are women.” — Glennon Doyle

67. “Feminism has to be defined as freedom.” — Glennon Doyle

68. “Nobody is more ready to show up than anybody else. It’s just that some people show up before they’re perfect and before they’re ready.” — Glennon Doyle

69. “Every girl must decide whether to be true to herself or true to the world. Every girl must decide whether to settle for adoration or fight for love.” — Glennon Doyle

70. “Addiction is a hiding place where sensitive people go. I was a super-sensitive kid—addiction is where I went to hide from risk, to hide from pain, to hide from love.” — Glennon Doyle

71. “My purpose is clearer today than it has been in years: Love, Courage, Truth.” — Glennon Doyle

72. “Love is the opposite of control. Love demands trust.” — Glennon Doyle

73. “Loving fiercely and grieving deeply are often two halves of the same whole.” — Glennon Doyle

74. “The only meaningful thing we can offer one another is love. Not advice, not questions about our choices, not suggestions for the future, just love.” — Glennon Doyle

75. “If our goal is to be tolerant of people who are different than we are, then we really are aiming quite low. Traffic jams are to be tolerated. People are to be celebrated.” — Glennon Doyle

76. “People who need help sometimes look a lot like people who don’t need help.” — Glennon Doyle

77. “Because love is not something for which to search or wait or hope or dream. Its simply something to do.” — Glennon Doyle

78. “We can choose to be perfect and admired or to be real and loved. We must decide.” — Glennon Doyle

79. “Life is hard—not because we’re doing it wrong, just because it’s hard.” — Glennon Doyle

80. “Life is brutal, but it’s also beautiful. Life is Brutiful.” — Glennon Doyle Quotes


81. “Service and art are the two things that have saved me.” — Glennon Doyle

82. “There is always more on its way – more opportunities, more ideas, more love. Know that there is enough. Know that you are enough. Know that you have enough.” — Glennon Doyle

Glennon Doyle Quotes on Grief

83. “These things will be hard, but you can do hard things.” — Glennon Doyle

84. “I used to numb my feelings and hide. Now I feel my feelings and share.” — Glennon Doyle

85. “Maybe the yes comes before the readiness. Maybe you say yes and then you become equipped to handle whatever is about to happen.” — Glennon Doyle

86. “That’s how you can tell that you’re filling yourself with the wrong things. You use a lot of energy, and in the end, you feel emptier and less comfortable than ever.” — Glennon Doyle

87. “Reading is my inhale and writing is my exhale.” — Glennon Doyle

88. “Since brokenness is the way of folks, the only way to live peacefully is to forgive everyone constantly, including yourself.” — Glennon Doyle

89. “I learned that I need to move toward the pain. Pain doesn’t go away. If you don’t embrace it, it will be passed onto someone else, usually those around you.” — Glennon Doyle

90. “I see your pain and it is difficult and it is hard, but it was made just for you and I also see that your courage is greater than your fear.” — Glennon Doyle

91. “If no pain, then no love. If no darkness, no light. If no risk, then no reward. It’s all or nothing. In this damn world, it’s all or nothing.” — Glennon Doyle

92. “Grief and pain are like joy and peace; they are not things we should try to snatch from each other. They’re sacred.” — Glennon Doyle

93. “What if in skipping the pain, I was missing my lessons?” — Glennon Doyle

94. “The journey is learning that pain, like love, is simply something to surrender to. It’s a holy space we can enter with people only if we promise not to tidy up.” — Glennon Doyle

95. “What if pain – like love – is just a place where brave people visit?” — Glennon Doyle

96. “We weren’t born distrusting and fearing ourselves. That was part of our taming. We were taught to believe that who we are in our natural state is bad and dangerous.” — Glennon Doyle

97. “Self-love means that I have a relationship with myself built on trust and loyalty. I trust myself to have my own back, so my allegiance is to the voice within.” — Glennon Doyle

98. “We can either control ourselves or love ourselves, but we can’t do both.” — Glennon Doyle

99. “I had been deceived. The only thing that was ever wrong with me was my belief that there was something wrong with me.” — Glennon Doyle

100. “Be messy and complicated and afraid and show up anyway.” — Glennon Doyle

101. “Your river is strong. Let it flow.” — Glennon Doyle Quotes

102. “Bring all of yourself to life. And if you’re told you’re ‘too much’ – smile and think: Maybe. Or maybe their capacity is too small?” — Glennon Doyle

103. “I have met myself and I am going to care for her fiercely.” — Glennon Doyle

If there is a lesson to be learnt or readers realize that their experience is what motivates them to start a new chapter in their lives, her writing encourages them to see the duality in life and realize that there is always a bright side.

Thanks for checking out these amazing Glennon Doyle quotes! Don’t forget to take a look at our similar collection of quotes as you share to others to get inspire.

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