GMAT Past Questions and Answers 2022 Free PDF Download

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The Graduate Management Admission Test Past Questions and Answers are available here for download. This will give you a better chance of scoring higher on the screening test. See more details below.

Research has proven that one of the ways of scoring high in any scholarship screening exercise is the comprehensive study of its Past Questions and Answers because of the verbatim repetition of questions.

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a standardized test intended to measure a test taker’s aptitude in mathematics and analytical writing.

The is most commonly used as the primary exam reviewed by business schools to gain entrance into an MBA program.

The exam is generally offered by computer only; in areas of the world where computer networks are limited, the exam may be given as a paper-based test.

Benefits of the GMAT Past Question

1. Firstly, It enlightens you on the

2. Hence, you won’t be in the dark about questions to expect in the examination.

3. Therefore, you won’t need support rather you’ll be confident in yourself

4. Furthermore, You won’t develop examination fever as a result of not knowing where the questions will be coming from.

5. Additionally, it Equips you beforehand.

6. Also, it Guides you on how to answer exam technical questions

Important Tips about Writing the Examination

1. Firstly, Do not spend too much time on any question. Thus, answer first, those  which you know well as quickly as you can.

2. Also, always read a question carefully. Make sure that you understand exactly what is required before setting out to answer it

3. Furthermore, listen to all the instructions given by the Supervisor of the examination. And do exactly what he tells you to do. Also, start when he tells you to start and stop when he tells you to stop,

4. Also, plan how to answer questions as quickly and carefully as you can.

5. Furthermore, mark (or shade) your answers clearly on the  sheet. If you find out you have made a mistake, erase your first mark completely then make a new mark.

6. Additionally, remember to fill in the details required on your answer sheet. And these are the examination, year, your name, your index number, and the subject If you do not write your name or your index number you will not receive any credit for the work done.

7. Also, if you have more answer spaces than you need, just leave the extra spaces blank.

8. Additionally, when you have finished one page, go on straight to the next page without wasting time or waiting to be told.

9. Also, keep calm on the examination day. Your chance of doing well is high if you keep calm than if you are worried and restless.

How To Prepare for the GMAT

1. Start preparing for the GMAT exam at least six months before the test date. If you are somewhat familiar with the underlying GMAT exam topic, most test takers say that a minimum eight-week study timetable is appropriate. However, you are the greatest judge of how much preparation time you require.

2. One section of the at a time should be reviewed and studied.

3. Refresh your math abilities.

4. Time management is essential for passing the , so practice pacing.

5. In the Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning, Verbal, and Quantitative Reasoning sections, review the different types of questions.

6. Use the GMAT Past Questions to familiarize yourself with the format of the actual exam and the questions asked 

7. Use GMAT Past Questions to supplement your preparation with more questions.

8. Using the GMAT Past Questions practice with genuine , answers, and explanations.

GMAT Sample Question and Answer


1. Starting from rest a car of mass 1000kg accelerates steadily to 20m/s in 10 sec, what is the average power developed?

(A) 0.2kw

(B) 4.0kw

(C) 10kw

(D) 15kw

(E) 20kw

Ans: E

2. 499g of CuSO4.XH2O, when heated to constant weight, gave a residue of 0.346g. What is the value of X?

(A) 2.0

(B) 3.0

(C) 5.0


Ans: D

3. A gun of mass 0.1kg has a bullet of mass 0.1kg , the bullet leaves the piston when fired at a velocity of 200m/s , find the final velocity 

(A) 20m/s

(B) 23m/s

(C) 30m/s

(D) 45m/s

(E) 15m/s

Ans: A

As you can see from these sample questions, test your skills in a “traditional” format.

These questions most closely resemble the mathematics questions you have seen on other standardized tests. Problem-Solving questions are one of the two types of questions in the Quantitative section of the test.


Data Sufficiency questions are unique to the GMAT. This is the other question type on the Quantitative section of the GMAT exam, and it represents the test-takers leading opportunity to gain a score advantage over the competition (or suffer a disadvantage).


Data Sufficiency questions always have two data statements, labeled (1) and (2), and the answer choices are always identical to the answer choices in this sample question.

The format is not overly complicated once you get used to it, but there is plenty of room for a test-taking strategy in this question type.


Sentence Correction questions are the shortest on the GMAT, both in text and in time. You will generally answer a Sentence Correction question in under a minute.

Sentence Correction questions are mixed in with Critical Reasoning questions and Reading Comprehension questions on the Verbal Section of the exam.

As you can see in this sample question, the first answer choice contains a phrase that is identical to the underlined phrase in the question prompt.

The essence of Sentence Correction is that you are expected to know and apply rules of English grammar and principles of “style” (effective communication). The objective, however, is not simply to recall and/or apply rules; it’s to employ critical thinking.


This question, like all Critical Reasoning questions, is designed to test logical reasoning skills based on a short “prompt,” which is typically a logical argument or a proposed plan of action.

Of the question types that appear in the Verbal section, Critical Reasoning is the medium-length type, since Reading Comprehension questions require digesting an entire passage before getting to the questions.


Critical Reasoning questions are an important area of practice for the GMAT exam, one that is often underestimated. Many people take for granted that they will have to brush up on mathematics skills, but they think of Verbal skills as innate and not subject to improvement.

This is not the case! As you practice more Critical Reasoning, you’ll find your speed and accuracy improve.


Reading Comprehension are best viewed in a realistic interface with the passage and question side by side, so for these practice que
stion, we will point you straight inside the GMAT Free course (no registration is required; you can click on through). To avoid rushing, you’ll want to allocate 10 or 15 minutes per passage.

With practice, you’ll generally digest a Reading Comprehension passage in about 4 minutes and then spend 1-2 minutes per question.

GMAT Reading Comprehension passages are often a single paragraph, although passages of three to four paragraphs are also common.

Reading Comprehension represents the GMAT test area that is most difficult to improve quickly since reading skills are acquired over a lifetime and not improved overnight.

Nevertheless, an improvement in this question type is possible and many of the techniques that we will cover for Critical Reasoning can also be applied to Reading Comprehension.

How to Download GMAT Past Questions.

The cost of the newly updated GMAT past questions is 2,500.00 naira only.

In order to get the material delivered to your mailbox, you are entitled to make a bank deposit of 2,500 naira to United Bank for Africa (UBA) @ TMLT PRO SERVICES with Account Number 1022564031.

Once payment is made, a link will be sent to your email address. Simply click on the link to download your past question.

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The PDF Past Question and Answers will be sent to your email address once payment is confirmed. You can reach out to our customer care service before placing an order.


It is advisable to start preparing for the GMAT exam before the test date to avoid not being selected. It will help you get familiar with the GMAT exam topic. However, you are the greatest judge of how much preparation time you require.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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