God Bless You Today and Always Quotes

Prayer is a spiritual power, an inexhaustible, and invulnerable source of universal good, in that it bestows the potential to shape our world through loving kindness, goodness, and compassion.

One of the most important things that we should be doing for one another is providing sincere prayers. Things are going to go wrong. You’re only human, after all. You’re going to make mistakes. Everyone does. And you know what that means: you need to let others know that you care about them, and you might want to be reminded of it as well by others. That’s where prayer comes in.

When we are praying for someone, it’s comforting to have positive thoughts about what we’re feeding our minds. Saying as little as “God bless you today and always” is enough to make someone happy. Blessing someone with prayers is an amazing thing to do. Prayer can help bring peace, comfort, and clarity to anyone who is suffering.

So here’s a list of God bless you today and always quotes that you can use to bless someone and make them happy with your concern for them.

God bless you today and always. May the Lord help you in everything you do. Maintain a joyful spirit and keep smiling. Pray for strength to be strong in faith and hope during trying times, knowing your heavenly Father is watching over you at all times.

1. May God bless you today and always. May He so fill your heart with His love overflowing, that you may shed His love over the world.

2. I pray today for your life and for God’s love to fill you with peace, joy and happiness. Know that God is always by your side.

3. As you begin your day, God wants to remind you that He is with you and that He loves you. May God bless you today and always.

4. May the Lord bless and keep you, may He make His face shine upon you, and may He shed His grace on you.

5. God blesses you with abundant life. May you have peace, joy, and hope today in Jesus’ name. May God bless you today and always.

6. May the Lord be with you and give you strength as you face this day. May He comfort your heart, strengthen your spirit, and bless you with His love. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

7. May God bless you today and always. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

8. To my dear friend, I wish you health and happiness. May your heart be joyful and your face is radiant with smiles. God bless you today and always.

9. May the peace and love of God bless you today and always. May you have a day filled with joy, peace and happiness.

10. May God strengthens you and helps you to be his witness in time of need. May God bless you today and always.

11. May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and may He give you peace; God bless you today, and always.

12. God bless you today and always. You are cared for, loved, and protected by your heavenly Father as you share His love with others.

13. God bless you today and always. May the fields of grain and the streams of fresh water bring rest to your soul, may the trees of life continue to shade you with their leaves, may the sun warm your body, and may God give you strength.

14. Thank you for being here at this moment. God has given me many blessings that I have been able to share with others. I am glad I could share some of them with you as well. May God bless you today and always.

15. God bless you today and always. Give you strength to face all that is ahead of you. Thank you for sharing your love and life with me.

16. Today, I pray that you feel the presence of God. That you are surrounded by His love and protection. May this day bring you all that you desire, because it is in God’s hands and He will not let your efforts go to waste.

17. God bless you today and always. Today, be grateful for your good health and resources, the blessings of food on your table, and the courage to continue walking and striving in life.

18. May you find the perfect gift for someone special. May you find peace of mind, heart and spirit. May you be surrounded by love and joy. May God bless you today and always.

19. May the peace of God abide in your heart. May you experience the joy of Christ and experience His peace as you rest in his arms. May God bless you today and always.

20. God bless you today and always. May His love be with you forever in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

21. God bless you today and always. God is faithful and will never forsake you in any situation. He is a constant presence in your life, guiding and comforting you every day. Praise God for all His blessings.

22. May you feel the love and grace of God today, as He uses you to help others. May this be a day of great blessing for you, as He showers you with all His goodness.

23. May God bless you today and always. May His light shine through, may His love rise up in your heart, and may every breath that you take be a prayer of thanksgiving.

24. May God bless you with good and perfect things today, tomorrow, and forever. May the Lord bless you and keep you, may He make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you.

25. May you be blessed by the One who has created all things, and who loves each of us so very much. Blessings in your daily life, and hope for a better future. May God bless you today and always.

26. God bless you today and always. May He guide you in your daily choices and decisions so that you may walk in His ways, live a life of joy, peace, love, and health, and enjoy the way He has blessed you with a grace that overflows.

27. May God bless you today and always. May He illuminate your path and may His countenance shine upon you.

28. May God bless you today and always. May your life be filled with love, forgiveness, peace, and joy.

29. God bless you today and always. Your heart is filled with love for the world, and you care deeply for those around you. Blessed be, my friend.

30. God blesses us today and always. May we be thankful for all He does for us and the many blessings in our lives. God is good!

31. In the name of Jesus Christ, our great God and Savior, I pray for you today. May your heart be filled with His peace, His joy, and His comfort. May His Spirit guide you in your daily living as you seek to live in obedience to Him.

32. God bless you today and always. May He help you to be grateful for your many blessings. May you accept them as His grace, and honour Him with your gratitude as well. Amen!

33. God bless you today, and for the rest of your life. You are loved and cared for. Take time to seek Him, and strengthen your walk with Him.

34. God bless you today and always. May the divine light of Christ shine through you as a beacon to guide your path as you walk with Him hand in hand. Blessed be, my love.

35. I pray that God will grant you His peace and comfort you. May your heart be filled with gratitude for all that He has done.

36. I pray that you meet your life goals, that you have wisdom and strength to overcome trials and tribulations and most of all that we walk side by side praising our Maker.

37. Blessings to you my friend, who has come so far on this journey. I pray that you will continue to hold fast to the narrow way until you reach your final destination in Heaven.

38. God bless you today and always. Keep you in His peace, protect you from harm, and give you the strength to go on.

39. We pray that He will bless you with a greater understanding of His wondrous love for all mankind; that He will guide your steps and inspire your soul to reach out to others. May God bless you today and always.

40. May God bless you today and always. May He lead you into a closer relationship with Himself through prayer, worship, and Bible study. May your faith be strengthened as you walk the path of life together with Jesus Christ beside you.

41. May your heart be filled with gratitude and desire for Him. I pray that this day unfolds in joy, hope, and love as you remember His goodness and faithful care toward you.

42. May God bless you today and always. May His love be with you and your family. Stay strong and please know you are in my prayers.

43. May the Lord watch over you and your family. May He help you with all your problems, both big and small. May you feel His love today and always. In His name, I pray, Amen.

44. May your day be full of God’s love and may you share that love with others. May God bless you today and always.

45. God bless you today and always. May He guide your way and keep you safe. He is our protector, our provider, and our refuge forever. Amen.

46. As we celebrate this day together, I pray that God’s love will bring you comfort, peace, and joy in your life. May God bless you today and always.

47. May today be a wonderful day for you. Today is the start of a great year and the beginning of so many more. May your happiness shine like the sun, may you feel calmness in your heart and soul, and may God bless you now and forever.

48. We are thankful for the many blessings that you give to our family and friends. May God continue to guide you as He guides all of our family members and friends in their everyday lives.

49. May you always experience the love of God and make Him known to those who do not know him. May God bless you today and always.

50. God bless you today and always. May His grace be upon you and lead your heart and mind closer to Him. May the joy of the Lord fill your soul with happiness, and may peace and love to surround you.

51. May all that you do, be done in a spirit of love, truth, and light. May your beginning and ending days be in peace. As you go through your day, I pray that you stay safe and healthy. May God bless you today and always.

52. Thank you for all your hard work and devotion. May God bless you today and always. May He protect you from all trials and worries that may come your way. May His love shine through those who surround you and help others in the community.

53. May God bless you today and always. May the Lord Jesus keep a watchful eye on each one who reads this prayer, and is our only hope for eternal life with Him.

54. May God bless you today and always, with the light of His Word shining brightly on your path.

55. You are in our prayers today and always. May this day bring you peace and happiness. May God bless you today and always.

56. I pray that today’s thoughts are positive and that you seek to discover and reveal His plan for your life. I ask for God’s blessings of health and happiness so that you can go out into the world in love without fear or anxiety. You deserve this, my child.

57. May God bless your heart, so it may always be open to love. May His light shine upon you and give you strength. May He keep you sheltered from harm, comfort you in times of trouble, and guide your steps as you journey through life.

58. I hope that your heart is full of love, peace, and joy. May you share with others the beauty of this day and all that God has given to you! May He bless you today and always.

59. I pray that God bless you today and always. I pray that you are happy, healthy, and prosperous in all areas of your life. May the Lord keep you in His care at all times.

60. God’s blessing is all around you and it will guide your life in every step. Remember that you are never alone because God is with you always.

61. Let the grace of God guide you each day, in all that you do, and let His peace flow throughout your life. We are thankful for your amazing spirit and willingness to share it with others. May God bless you today and always.

62. God bless you today and always. May He hold you in the palm of His hand, keep you from falling, and lead and guide you as He did Moses when he led the Jews out of Egypt and eventually to the Promised Land.

63. God has blessed each of us in so many ways, and now it’s our turn to show His love to others. We will always strive to be the best version of ourselves, inside and out. May God bless you today and always.

64. God bless you as you journey through your day. May His peace be with you now and always, Amen.

65. I pray that God will bless you and your family today, tomorrow, and all the tomorrows because I believe that this is the beginning of a new life you have been waiting for.

66. I would like to thank you for being like an angel in my life. You are always there every time I need you. May God bless you today and always.

67. It remains our prayer that you would enjoy God’s presence and guidance today, as you do all of your days. May God bless you today and always.

68. May the angels of God surround you, bringing peace and joy to you and all those you love.

69. God bless you today and always. May your day be filled with many blessings, joyful moments, and moments of laughter. May you pause from time to time to reflect on all that you have been blessed with. You are truly loved.

70. May God bless you with his strength and goodness, to be an instrument in His hands. May God grant unto you a happy and peaceful heart, that you may be comforted in all times of trouble, comforted in the knowledge that He is with you always.

71. May God, who is always faithful and just, be with you all the days of your life. May He guide you along the path that leads to eternal life, give you wisdom so that you can make the right choices, and protect you from evil.

72. God bless you today and always. May you have a smile and a song in your heart, love in your soul and happiness in all that you do.

73. Today is a new day in the Lord. May His grace and mercy be upon you, as He strengthens and encourages you from within. God bless you today and always.

74. I pray for all who open their eyes today and see the world as it is, and wish that you find peace in your lives. I ask God to lead you home and guide you in times of darkness, so that you may live each day with hope and kindness.

75. God bless you today and always. May God richly bless you with His presence and peace.

76. May God bless you today and always. May He guide your steps and protect you from harm. He watches over you each moment of each day, so never be afraid or doubt His presence in your life.

77. May the Lord bless you with wisdom and understanding; May He let His face shine upon you, and give you peace.

78. God bless you today and always. I pray that you will be surrounded by people who love and support you no matter what decisions you make. I ask that God fill your life with miracles, blessings, joy, and love.

79. God bless you today and always. Be blessed as you trust in Him, for He is always so faithful.

80. God bless you today and always. Keep on shining your light, for Jesus is the Light of the world. You make a difference in this world. Now let’s win this race together!

81. God bless you today and always, for all that you have done. May the Lord God bless your heart and make your days more purposeful and meaningful.

82. May God bless you today, tomorrow, and always. He is the Maker of all things visible and invisible. Continue to keep doing only the good things for your life and for those that are around you.

83. God bless you today and always. May the Lord richly bless you, and keep you from all harm; may He shine His face upon you, and be gracious to you; may He turn His face towards you and give you peace. Amen.

84. May God bless you today and always, keep your heart safe from harm, and give you the peace you need to live each day.

85. May God bless you with happiness, peace, and hope every day. May you always be able to feel His presence and know that He loves you very much.

86. May God bless, guide, and protect you. The Lord is good to all who call upon Him. May His love surround you and may His peace be with you always, no matter the circumstances.

87. God bless you today and always. May the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand, and keep your steps from stumbling, so that you may be joyous and blessed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land He has given you.

88. God bless you today and always. May you live to see each day as if it were a gift from above, and may your joy only be heightened by the blessings of God.

89. God bless you today and always. May He strengthen your faith, deepen your hope, and encourage your love of Christ. Be filled with the joy that only He can bring, knowing that His presence will be with you always.

90. God bless you today and always. May He be with you as you make your way through this day, giving you wisdom and peace to excel in all that you do.

91. God bless you with peaceful sleep and restful dreams, may your days be filled with blessings and joy. God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good.

92. Take time today to seek out comfort, strength, and healing; God’s love for you is complete and perfect, and He desires for you to be well. Let the peace of Christ fill your soul in this hour of need.

93. God bless you today and always. May you enjoy many years of health, happiness, and prosperity. Always remember that I love you with all my heart.

94. God bless you today and always. Give you strength to face the day, courage to overcome obstacles, wisdom to make decisions, and hope for tomorrow.

95. God bless you today and always. May you feel His presence with you and see the works of His mighty hands wherever you go.

96. God’s blessings are always with you, and although you may not realize it, God’s blessings stay with you even when your problems seem insurmountable. God is the author of your destiny and is always working in your favour; remember that.

96. Today, we pray for your safety, health, and well-being. May you always be surrounded by friends, family, and God’s loving arms. Keep your spirits lifted high.

97. God bless you today and always. You are in my thoughts and prayers as you walk through this life.

98. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine upon you. The Lord look upon you to favour you with the grace of salvation, mercies and peace, both now and forevermore. Amen.

99. I’m grateful for everything you’ve been doing for me and my family. You’re such an amazing person, and I’m glad our paths crossed. God bless you today and always.

100. God bless you, today and always. Comfort you by His presence, give you peace and joy in times of trouble, forgive all your sins, strengthen you in every good work, and lead all of our paths to life eternal through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

I hope you will use the collection of God bless you today and always to encourage, inspire, and strengthen your friends and loved ones so that you may be a blessing to others.

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