God is Our Provider Quotes

God is our Provider. This means He provides us with everything we need to enjoy life, love others, and live an abundant life. God’s perception of your supply doesn’t match up with the world’s perception of supply. He provides you with more than enough to meet your every need. He even gives things that are unseen like wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to overcome any fear in your path. Whatever you might be facing today, God as your Provider is ready to equip you for it.

God is the source of everything man has in this life, and He wants man to live in a constant state of giving and receiving from Him. Never denying His provision of anything we need in order to live out the purpose for which we were created, which is for service to Him.

God has provided for you, I am sure of that and I know that is why you are here! From the time He created the world, God has blessed all of creation to sustain, protect and provide a home for us. God still provides for us today, even in this broken world. If you let God be your source, there will always be enough. These God is our provider quotes are exactly what you need to blow the trump about how great a provider he is.

God is our provider. He provides for our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus and He will continue to do so. It is also up to us to ask for what we need, and then show faith that He will provide for us.

1. God is our provider, protection, and strength. He is the one who gives us what we need most to live a fulfilled life.

2. When you have a family, you need to be creative. But remember that God is our provider and He always will be.

3. There’s a reason why there are so many people living in poverty. It’s because they’re not depending on God for everything. God is our provider and we can depend on him for everything we need.

4. When you’re worried about the future and your work and everything else in life, just remember: God is your provider. He already has all of it under control.

5. When you’re hungry, God is your provider. When you’re thirsty, He’s yours. And when you want something, He’ll give it to you.

6. Your faith is not in yourself. It’s in God, Who is our Provider.

7. Nothing is more important than the work of God. He is our provider and He cares for us in a way we never could have imagined.

8. God is a provider. Our heavenly father provides for our needs and sustains us, faithfully and faithfully.

9. Life’s a journey and every day is a new beginning. Our Provider, God is always there for us as we walk through life’s journey.

10. When we give thanks to God, it expresses the depth of our gratitude and trust. He is our provider, the provider of all things and everyone.

11. What if you stopped living in fear of tomorrow and started living in faith that God is not only going to provide for your needs today but also for those ahead?

12. We can not only receive from God, but we can also give to God. The food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe are all provided for us by God.

13. God is our provider. He has more than enough to provide for us. And even if He didn’t, we have enough faith to believe that He will supply all our needs in His time and way.

14. God is our Provider. He sees every need, and it’s all because of Him that we have everything we need in life.

15. God is our Provider, He provides for all of us.

16. God is our provider and He is always there for us.

17. God is our provider, but we are the ones who supply our lives with what we need—and I believe that He is working through me to supply my life with lots of joy and fun things!

18. God is our provider. He is in charge of the weather, the harvest, and our finances.

19. God is our Provider. He is never short of resources, and we can always depend on Him in all circumstances.

20. God is our Provider. He has supplied us with everything we need and more. God’s supply is always greater, because His love is a fountain of living water that never runs dry.

21. God is the provider of all good things in our lives, but he has provided so much more for us than we often realize.

22. God has supplied all we need and He will never run out! He is our provider.

23. We can never rely on ourselves for our needs, but God is always there to provide.

24. God is the provider, so let us not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient unto the day is its own trouble

25. The Lord is our Rock and Shield, a very present help in trouble. Our very own provider.

26. If you are in a situation that seems to be beyond the scope of your control, remember that an Almighty God always answers prayer and he is a provider.

27. God is our Provider and He’s always there to meet all of your needs.

28. God is our Provider. We will never lack, not even for a moment. Our true needs are to be filled with His love, hope and peace.

29. God is our Provider. He gives us everything we need, and even more. We can trust in Him always because He never fails.

30. God is our provider, He will never fail us.

31. God is our provider, an ever-present source of strength, peace, and love. We may not always see it or realize it, but He is there giving us the strength to do what we need to do to be successful in this world.

32. God is our provider. He is there for us when we are weak, tired and doubt ourselves.

33. We know that God is our provider, so let’s be thankful for everything He has provided for us!

34. For he is our provider, and though we lack in many ways, He supplies the need of our daily life.

35. We have nothing to fear but God. He is our Provider and Protector—always there with us, always tending to our needs.

36. Our Creator is the provider of all that is good and perfect. He does not lack any blessing, nor does he have any lack of resources. He is our provider.

37. God is our provider. He provides us with everything bearing no cost.

38. God cares for us, He is there to help us. He has always got our back, and He is always looking out for us.

37. God is our Provider. He is the reason we keep being alive, and the only one who can truly make us happy.

38. God provides for us. He knows our needs and He gives us what we need.

39. God is our Provider. He loves us more than we know. He cares for our every need and supplies them to us according to His riches in glory.

40. God is our Provider. He provides for all our needs. He is always there when we are hurting, and He will never leave us alone.

41. God provides and cares for us. He takes the bad and makes it good. He also takes the good and makes it better.

42. God is our one and only Provider who is all ready to provide for our needs

43. God Provides! He blesses us with His bountiful gifts. A gift for every need, and a gift for each heart.

44. God meets our daily needs. Without Him, we would all be dead, and without Him, we would all be lost.

45. God is our Provider. He is the one who fills our needs and keeps us from running out of steam. He also provides what we need to survive.

46. God is our provider. He watches over us, He never leaves us, and He is never too far to help us.

47. God makes us strong and brave. He gives us hope and keeps us safe. He gives us life and keeps us whole.

48. He never sleeps and He never dies. Our God is a sleepless and eternal love. He is a God of the everlasting, and He is the provider for all of our needs.

49. God is our Provider. He is the only one that has good plans for us, and He is the only one who can do us right.

50. God is the only one who can make us whole, guide us, and give us the strength to overcome our every fear.

51. God is our Provider. He is the source of all we need. Without our God, there is no way to trust in peace.

52. God is our Provider. He is so kind that He doesn’t grow tired of helping us, He is always there to help even in the darkest hour.

53. Even though you don’t know who He is, always be grateful to Him even in prayer. God is our Provider, and He is there for us.

54. God provides for us in ways we cannot see. He is our first and only Hope.

55. God provides for us. He hears our prayers and He answers them. His love is a great and powerful love.

56. God provides for us. His love is like a blanket that covers our hearts and guards us against the rain.

57. You should give thanks to God for providing you with all the things you need, and all the things you want.

58. God has plans for us, He has a purpose for us, and His love is an abundant supply.

59. Believe that God provides for everyone, so don’t give up.

60. God is our Provider. He knows what is best for us.

61. God provides all things. He provides us with food to eat, shelter, and a good life.

62. God will provide all that we need, and make all things new for us.

63. God is our Provider who takes care of us.

64. God cares so much about us. Our happiness is His goal.

65. God’s dwelling is Heaven. He watches over us and guides us. He’s the one who always makes things better and easy for us.

66. God is our Provider. He always has been and will always be. He goes and does the things we can’t do ourselves. He is the one who gives us what we desire to have and grants them to us in abundance.

67. His loving hands will always be there to make sure we are always supplied. He doesn’t care about our weaknesses, He cares only about our strengths. He will never abandon our quest. He is the cause of every good thing in our lives.

68. God is our Provider. He gives us everything we can never have.

69. Nothing can stop the growth of love in God’s unchanging plan. The universe is filled with His glory, and to see His love is to know He is real.

70. God is always there for us. He is the answer we seek, and will always be there to give us His love.

71. God is our Provider and the reason for our existence. He is our hope and the one who is worthy of all praise.

72. He gives us what we need when we pray, and the Bible confirms to us that He is our Provider.

73. God provides for us without fail. He fills our lives with His light.

74. God is our Provider. He loves each one of us and will take care of us. He is a protector, and a healer, and He will show us the way to get through life.

75. God is our hope who cannot fail. We can’t do this on our own, He is the one that can help us get through life.

76. God provides for us all. There is no end to what He does, for keeps providing for His children. He doesn’t rest, He is always on the go. He doesn’t sleep, and His light never goes dim.

77. God is our Provider. He will never let us down. He is always there when we need Him, He is no stranger to our land.

78. He who walks on water, who never shuts his eyes, and who hears the cries of the hungry, will give us all we need.

79. God is our provider and there is no need for us to worry because He will take care of us. He will always put a smile on our faces if we can just trust Him.

80. God has a plan for us all. A plan that no one else can see. The plan of prosperity and good fortune. He will always provide.

81. God is our Provider. He is the one who gives us strength to be much alive. His will and His word are so true. We are led by a loving and very wise God.

82. God is our Provider. He never fails to show us grace when we are in need. He fills us with unbelievable love, and He is always there to help us in times of need.

83. God is our Provider. He makes it possible when we are out of luck, and we can count on that.

84. God is our Provider. He can provide all that money cannot buy. His gifts are priceless.

85. When you are down and feeling so low, always remember that God is there to provide for you.

86. We can trust in God’s name, for He holds the power of our dreams in His hands, and He will show us how we should pray.

87. God provides for us and always has. He never fails, nor lets us falter. He gives us what we need and what we want. His love is ever with us at all times.

88. God is our Provider. He provides us food and shelter, He provides us with love and warmth, and He fills our hearts with abundance.

89. God is our provider in every way.

90. You should come to believe that God provides for us even in times of need. If you are hungry, He will provide. If you are thirsty, He will provide. Even if you are lost, He will surely make a way for you.

91. God is our Provider, He gives us all that we need. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

92. God, who is the Lord of all and the master of all, is the one who provides and protects and supplies our every need.

93. God provides for us even in times of need. He knows the unknown, He helps us with all our needs, unlike man that cannot provide.

94. God will never get tired of meeting your needs even if you get old.

95. God is our Provider. He is always there in time to provide for us.

96. God is our Provider. He gives us everything, even the good things that we will never forget.

97. God is our Provider. He is always there for us in good and bad times to give us His support and cares.

98. God is our Provider. He gave us life, and what we do with it is up to us.

99. God takes care of our needs. He makes all our dreams come true.

100. God is surely our Provider. He works in mysterious ways that no one can fathom. He can also provide for you in such a way.

When we can grasp deep down that God is actually our provider, then we will be able to overcome a lot more in life. God’s plans are perfect, and He is always ready to deliver. Let us rejoice in the knowledge that God is for us, not against us and that He has all of our needs taken care of.

I hope you love the God is our provider quotes up there. Let me know how great a provider God has been to you in the comment section below.

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