A promise for our future

Each of us is facing three enemies:-

1.         1Peter 5:8 said that the first enemy is Satan the Devil

2.         The second is the wicked world (Jas 4:4), and

3.         The third enemy is our fallen flesh (Ps. 51:5) Jehovah promised that he would eliminate all these three enemies yes Jehovah’s promises always come true.

            In this talk, we will focus on our primary enemy Satan.

We will consider the following questions: what is God’s promise? Why can we be sure that it will come true? How will it affect us? God’s promise to get rid of Satan is found in the very first prophecy recorded in the Bible. Please let us read Genesis 3:15.

            I “(Jehovah) shall put enmity between you (Satan the devil) and the woman, (Jehovah’s organization of loyal spirit creatures) and between your seed (those who choose to do Satan’s will) and her seed (Jesus Christ and the anointed). He (Jesus) will braise you (Satan) in the head and you (Satan)  will braise him (the messiah) in the heel”.

            Satan will receive a death wound. The bruising of Satan’s head will be carried out by the woman’s seed that is the messiah in two phases, the initial phase will take place when Satan is hurled into the abyss (Revelation 20:1-3).

            The final phase will occur when he is hurled into “the lake of fire and sulpuhur. (Revelation 20:7-10)


            Why can we be sure that this outstanding promise of God will come true? If your father promise you four things and fulfilled three, will you have doubt that he will fulfilled the remaining one? 

Consider three reasons why we are convinced that Jesus will bruise Satan in the head.            

1.                  During Jesus’ ministry on earth, powerful demons begged Jesus not to hurl them into the abyss (Luke 8:30,31) the demons recognized that even at that time, when Jesus was human, he had power to restrain them.

2.                  Sometime after the establishment of God’s kingdom in 1914, Jesus hurled Satan and his demons from heaven. So Jesus has already proved beyond reasonable doubt that he possesses the power to triumph over Satan. Jesus’ next act against Satan-hurling him into the abyss will be yet another decisive step. All authority has been given to Jesus in heaven and on the earth. Mathew 28:18.

3.                  After Satan is released from the abyss what will happen to Satan? (Please let us read Romans 16:20) the point for emphasis is that Christ will break Satan’s head into pieces. The theme under discussion is he will bruise you in the head.


            Today, Satan is still very much alive, exhaling the world’s spirit.

            Every single thing he does is a scheme designed to move mankind away from God we are not ignorant of Satan designs.

            What a relief it will be when Satan is pushed out of the way.

Imagine how different we will feel when the chief tauter is gone-on longer able to push us in the wrong direction.

            I am going interview three individuals, who relate how they look forward to getting relief from a specific type of pressure when Satan is gone.

            The first to be interview is sister Ohondu Ijeoma, sister you are welcome to the programme. How long have you served Jehovah?

2.         What type of pressure form Satan have you endured?

3.         From what pressure cause by Satan do you especially long to be relieved?

4.         Why are you sure that God’s promise regarding the bruising of Satan’s head will come true?

Next to be interview is brother Kelechi, brother you are welcome to the programme. How long have you served Jehovah?

2.         What type of pressures from Satan have you endured

3.         From what pressure caused by Satan do you especially long to be relieved?

4.         Why are you sure that God’s promise regarding the bruising of Satan’s head will come true?

            Next to be interview is brother Chika Nwinyinya. You are welcome to the programme.

            How long have you served Jehovah?

2.         What type of pressure from Satan have you endured?

3.         From what pressure caused by Satan do you especially long to be relieved?

4.         Why are you sure that God’s promise regarding the bruising of Satan’s head will come true?

            Like those just interviewed, each one of us looks forward to the relief form pressure when our foremost enemy, Satan, is gone.

            Besides this far-reaching promise about the crushing of Satan, Jehovah has also given us a promise that applies to enemy number two the wicked world.

            What is Jehovah’s promise, and why can we be sure that it will come true?

            That subject will be considered by brother Zebulun C. Ukaegbu in the talk entitled “I am creating new heavens and a New Earth”.      

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