One cannot begin to know the Father’s  will in a given situation without first knowing his purpose for the creation of humanity and his purpose for calling one to salvation; therefore, some of the first things one must study in order to know his will concern one’s eternal salvation and rewards for living a righteous life.”He will give eternal life to those who patiently do the will  of God, seeking for the unseen glory and honor and eternal life that he  offers”(Rom.2:7 LBP). See also  Matt.19:16-17; Lk.10:25-27; 18:18-20.”Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the

lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is  of the world. And the world passes  away, and the lust thereof:but he that does the will of God abides forever”(1.Jn.2:15-17 KJV).The Bible defines the desire to do and practice  evil as “lust and the pride of life”.

It  is this lust to gratify the flesh, that is in opposition  to God’s purpose for one’s life and has an adverse effect upon one’s spiritual character. The lusts of the flesh only give temporary satisfaction, but the performance of God’s will in  one’s life brings eternal rewards:”He will give eternal life to those who patiently do the will of God, seeking for the unseen glory and honor and eternal lifethat he  offers”(Rom.2:7 LBP). See also  Matt.19:16-17; Lk.10:25-27; 18:18-20.It is the Father’s purpose to give eternal life to everyone who accepts his offer of salvation through the sacrificial blood of his first-born son Jesus Christ and then live according to his laws, precepts, and principles.”The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men  count slackness; but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that  any should perish, but that all should come to repentance”(2.Pet.3:9 KJV). See also Psa.136:1-16; Jn.6:37-40; 1.Tim.2:4.

Although God the Father is concerned about all of his human creation, at this moment in time, he is most concerned about those he has chosen to become the first sons of his new creation.The following are some of the many rewards that the Father has reserved for his elect children who diligently seek and perform his will in their lives:
*.Their names will remain in  the Book of Life (Phil.4:3)
 *.They will be eternal and immortal spirit-beings in the God family  (Lk.18:2,9; Rom.2:7)
*.They will be joint-heirs with Christ (Rom.8:16-18) *.They will inherit all things (Rev.21:7)
*.They will inherit the earth (Psa.37:9)
 *.They will inherit the Kingdomof God  (Matt.25:31-34)
 *.They will have access to New Jerusalem (Rev.22:14)
*.They will be co-rulers with  Christ over the Kingdom of God (Rev.2:26-27)
 *.They will be kings and priests in the Kingdom of God (Rev.1:4-6)

This list contains only a few of the enormous rewards that the Father has promised  to his first-born children. The magnitude of  the  rewards  for those  who do the Father’s will in their lives and obtain salvation is so far beyond our imaginations  and dreams that  it defies human comprehension:”But  as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neitherhave  entered  into the heart of man, the things  which  God has prepared for them that love him”(1.Cor.2:9 KJV).


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