Good Afternoon Messages for My Mom

When your mom is kind, strong, resilient and always willing to step in for you, you should seize every opportunity to appreciate and celebrate her, especially as not everyone is privileged to have this!

The afternoon is a perfect opportunity to say thank you and to wish her a great day!

Hence these good afternoon messages for my mom that I’ve lovingly written out for you. They’ll add colour to her day and warmth to her heart.


Through thick and thin, you’re one person I can completely trust to be in my corner. Thank you for the lessons, sacrifices, prayers, wishes and other beautiful things you keep doing for me. Have a good afternoon, mom.

1. I took out time today to think about it, and I can’t remember a time when you were never there for me. You’ve been my friend, sister, soundboard, everything! I want to say thank you, mom. I hope that you have a good afternoon.

2. Mom, I want you to know that I value you so much. You’ll always be on a pedestal that nobody else can ever reach in my heart. I hope you read this and smile. Good afternoon!

3. You’ve stayed through for me throughout the different seasons of my life and the many people that left. I’d be lost without you, mom. I hope that the rest of your day is sunny and bright!

4. In small and big ways, you come through for me. I hope that I bring you as much joy and comfort as you bring me. Good afternoon, mommy.

5. I hit the ultimate jackpot when I got you as my mother. Thoughts of this alone get me high on life, happiness and immense joy. Thank you for all you do for me, mom. Have a great day!

6. Is it weird that I still want you to be my mother in our next life? Because I now realize how all of the lessons and scoldings have made me into one strong, resilient and intelligent man. Have a beautiful afternoon, mom. I love you!

7. Of all the blessings I’ve recorded in my life, you’re by far the greatest. Thank you for being my mother and doing whatever it took to raise me into this amazing woman I am today. I love you now and always, mom. Have a good day.

8. Thank you for the many sacrifices you made for me. I admit that I would be lost without a mother like you to guide me through life. I’m going to spoil you silly and give you the finest things life has to offer. Good afternoon, mommy.

9. I love you with my life, mom. I admit that I may not have made it this far in life if I didn’t have a strong person like you pushing me. You’re by far the most formidable person I know of, and I’ll always be grateful for you. I hope that you have a good afternoon.

10. While growing up, I remember you repeatedly saying that you weren’t ashamed of me. I want you also to know that I’m never ashamed of you. I’m proudly your child, and I’ll keep flying the banner! Good afternoon, mom.

You always found ways to make life beautiful for us. You made sure that we grew up to be strong physically and emotionally. I can never thank you enough, mom. I can only hope that this message puts a smile on your face. Have a good afternoon!

11. If I am this confident today, it’s because I have you by my side. So, promise to live forever! Good afternoon, mommy.

12. Even with the distance, I’m amazed at how we’re still able to connect. I certainly don’t want ever to lose you, mom. I hope that you have a good afternoon.

13. You’re still the prettiest woman I know. I’m here for your glow, mom. Keep shining! Good afternoon.

14. The way you’re always willing to give is amazing and inspiring. I love you now and always, mom. And I am so proud to be your daughter. Have a great day!

15. Your heart is the kindest one I know. Every day, I’m thankful afresh that I got you as my mother. I love you, mom. I hope that you have a good afternoon.

16. How I got lucky to get you as my mom, I may never know. But in my next life, I still want you to be my mother. Have a great day ahead!

17. I’ve built tenacity and determination just by watching you be. Thank you for always being a source of strength and inspiration. Good afternoon, mom.

18. I can’t wait for the many trips we’ll make together. You’ve given up so much for me, and you deserve nothing but the best. Have a swell day, mom!

19. It wasn’t always easy, but you tried to make the grass greener for me. Thank you for all your sacrifices, known and unknown. Have a great day!

20. Thank you for being the one who stayed, for looking after us, and ensuring that we got a good life. I love you now and always, mom. Good afternoon.

Writing these good afternoon messages for my mom left me warm inside-out. I hope that they also bring her warmth and joy when she reads any of them.

Thank you for stopping by!

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