Good Morning My Beautiful Daughter Wishes Messages and Quotes

The morning is the time of the day that prepares one for the rest of the day. Sometimes, it determines how well the day would go, while other times, the day just goes as fate would have it.

However, it is necessary to help loved ones start their day well. And this can be done by extending some gestures of love to them in the morning. How do you do that? Well, you may not need to bring down the sun to help them have a great day, something as simple and great as morning wishes and messages can go a long way.

For a loved one like your beautiful daughter, reaching her with cute and amazing wishes in the morning will motivate her for a brighter day and also make her feel loved, especially because it would be from her dear mom or dad.

To make it easy to send your wishes across to her, the best good morning my beautiful daughter wishes, messages and quotes have been made available here. You can make use of any of them right away. They are free!

Good morning, my cute daughter. Nothing in this world could ever come close to the love I have for you. Nothing in this world could ever come close to the joy in my heart when I see you smiling in the morning or waking up in your bed. I wish that you have a great day as you set out today.

1. I have a feeling that you have amazing things to come and I am looking forward to being there for you every step of the way. Go into this day and have the best of it. Good morning, dear.

2. Good morning to my one and only daughter. I love you with all my heart, and I wish that this day be productive for you in many folds. Have a bright day!

3. Good morning, my angel. How did you sleep last night? I’m so glad you are here in this big wide world. You make it such a wonderful place to be. I love waking up in the morning and seeing your beautiful face, basking in your innocent smile. Have the best of the day.

4. Good morning, my sweet girl. I know this is a little unorthodox but I wanted to let you know how proud I am of you. You are always there for me no matter what time of day, or night or if it’s your weekend off. I hereby bestow upon you the title of the best daughter in the whole wide world. Oh! And I love you more than words can say! Enjoy your day.

5. My dearest daughter, thank you for being alive today. Twelve years from this day, I will have been your mother for a quarter of a century. I am so happy to be someone who can be there for you and to love you no matter what. I hope that you have the best day ever as I keep praying for you. Good night!

6. You are the best daughter ever! Before you, I used to feel like life was passing me by. Now it’s amazing that before you were born, I used to wonder how much love a heart could hold. Watching you grow, learn and change is amazing. Thank you for giving me life! I am so proud of the woman you are becoming! Love always and wish you a good day.

7. I want to wake up to your bright smile every morning. I love you more than you’ll ever know. Good morning. May every moment in the be pleasant to you.

8. Good morning, my dear daughter, this is to remind you that I am always here for you even though I am miles away. I wish you a wonderful day.

9. Every morning that I wake up and see your beautiful face, I realize just how lucky I am to be your dad. You are such a blessing in my life, and every day, I fall more in love with you. You brighten my mornings, make me laugh and shine a light all around you. Thank you for being you! I love you to the moon and back. Good morning!

10. You are the most wonderful daughter in the world. I will always love you and be there for you. Never forget how special you are, your whole life is ahead of you, for you to make your own choices, to make me proud with what you do in life. Go ahead and do exploits. Good morning!

11. Morning, baby girl. I’m sitting here thinking about how much I love you. You are the cutest thing ever. Your voice soothes me. When you laugh, my heart lights up. All I do lately is think of you. I love you, my baby girl and I wish you a great day.

12. I laid awake last night after you had gone to sleep, thinking about how much my life has changed since the day you were born. I’m not sure if it’s because of my age or if it is the person I have become. I just know you are a perfect daughter and wish you a blessed day.

13. Good morning, baby girl! You are the apple of my eye. You bring me so much joy that I just can’t stop smiling. Every time I look at you, I am reminded of how beautiful life can be. I love you more than anything!

14. Good morning, my baby girl, I love you very much! You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I wish that you achieve your dreams as you go out today. Enjoy!

15. Good morning, my angel. How I love saying that. All that I can think about is you having a day as bright as you are. Much love, babe.

16. Good morning, my darling. You have made me so proud; I love you more than words could ever express. Have a lovely day, sweetie, Daddy loves you!

17. My beautiful daughter, today you will be 18 years old and I am so proud of you and the woman that you have grown to be. People say that firstborn children are always shown love and never had to earn it, well I think this is true in your case. I wish that you enjoy your birthday and have a graceful day.

18. I can’t wait to see you again and give you that hug and kiss that we always share. Your Daddy and I love you more than words can ever describe! Good morning and have a great day.

19. You are my princess. I love the way you smile. I love the way you look into my eyes. I love your lopsided smile that only comes out when you’re tired or happy. Before you go out today, I want you to know how very much I love you and will always protect you. Don’t ever forget that! Big kisses, Mommy.

20. Good morning, my daughter. I’m so glad to have you as my daughter. I love you so much. Think good thoughts, have a good day, do the right things and make me proud.

Good morning! Today, I was thinking about how seconds stretch into hours, minutes seem to tick by so slow, and yet, with you who have been my daughter for years now, the time goes so quickly. So, I wanted to let you know that I am grateful and yes, blessed to have you as my daughter and that I love you more than life itself.

21. Good morning, princess. I just wanted to let you know how much I love you! Your eyes are so bright and sparkly, your smile brighter than the sun. Without you in my life, I would have nothing. There is nobody else like you, my little pancake! I pray that God blesses you with a life of happiness, success and love! I love you!

22. You are the gift of my life. I admire you so much for who you are, what you have become. You are so respectful, happy, loving and smart, sometimes I don’t deserve you. I am not the perfect mother but your love makes me feel perfect! Do have a wonderful day. Good morning, I love you.

23. As I sit here thinking about how lucky I am to be a parent to the most beautiful, caring and compassionate young lady in this world, I can’t help but find myself a bit teary-eyed. You are a shining example of how pretty & smart girls can be. Keep up the good work! I love you more than life itself. Good morning.

24. Every day I look at you, I see all the love, joy, happiness, hopes, dreams and wishes I have joyfully given to you. My wish for you is that all of your wishes joyfully come true. Good morning, daughter.

25. For this is my promise, that one day it will happen for you too. Oh my darling little girl, may your life be filled with all great things! I love you. Good morning;

26. I know that I can be a very busy person, but you are always the first thing that comes to my mind in the morning. So I just wanted to take a moment to say good morning and to wish you a wonderful day!

27. Good morning, precious daughter. You were born to make me smile. You are sweet like honey and full of fire like your mother. The sun rises and sets on you, my dear daughter. Life has never been sweeter. I love you always. Have a glorious day.

28. I think you are amazing and beautiful and I’m so glad I get to call you my daughter. You were a gift from God that I will never take for granted. Your smile makes my whole day brighter, your hugs keep me going strong, and your love keeps me warm at night. I love you so much, sweetheart and I wish that this day be fruitful for you.

29. Good morning, my beautiful beautiful girl! I love that you are growing up before my very eyes. I love that your world is full of happiness and wonder. I love that your heart is still pure and free, that you can still see the magic in everything around you. I love that you teach me patience and what it means to truly live in the now. I wish you have a bright day.

30. I love you so much, baby girl. I am so lucky to have you in my life. Every day I fall more in love with you. Thanks for being the best daughter in the world! May this day bring you happiness and bliss. Good morning, dear.

31. As my heart swells with love, I am today reminded how lucky I am to be your parent. You are a true joy and each day we spend together is more precious than the last. Never take my love for granted and always know that my greatest wish is for you to be happy. Have a day filled with happiness. Good morning, my daughter.

32. Good morning. Every morning, I get to watch you sleep, still so young and peaceful. Then you slowly open your eyes, blink bright eyes at me, yawn cutely. And I am flooded with love. Today will be another day full of new adventures that I am so lucky to share with you.

33. Sending you this early morning text to show you how much I love and adore you. You are such a sweet girl and I am so proud to be your mommy. I love you more than you will ever know! Good morning and have a blissful day

34. Good morning to my daughter, I can’t imagine a day without you, a day where I am not going to kiss your face good morning and watch you run off to school. I pray every day that I will be strong enough to keep you from harm, help you through your trials and always protect you.

35. You are such a blessing in my life and such a joy that sometimes I think my heart will burst with happiness. I’m glad to usher you into a great day. Good morning!

36. I’m so proud to have you as my daughter. I love you so much. I never think about the day when you will leave me because you’ll always be here in my heart. You are everything to me. Good morning and have a bright day ahead.

37. Good morning, baby girl! How could I not be in love with you? Every time I look into your eyes I fall a little more in love with you. Today is going to be a little different, it will be the best ever.

38. I’m going to tell you 2 things that I love about you. 1. The way your eyes light up when you see me walk into the room after being gone just a few minutes. 2. The way you snuggle under the covers when I’m waking you up to a great day like this. Good morning, dear.

39. Good morning, my beautiful daughter. This Valentines Day, I want to ask you for something, but I’m gonna do it in song. I want you to be my Valentine! Love. Smiles…

40. Good morning, baby. It’s early in the morning, but I had to stop by and wish you a Happy Friday. I love you so much! Have the best day, don’t even think about a bad or stressful day today. This day is for you! You are in my heart constantly.

Daddy loves you more each day. You’re my whole world, baby girl! Always remember that you deserve the best in all you do. Good into this day with positivity and get to the top. That’s my wish for you. Good morning, my dear daughter.

41. Good morning, my sweet little girl. I will always think of you first thing when I wake up. I love you so much. Have a blessed day.

42. Good morning, the beautiful daughter of mine. I thought about you this morning as I was driving to work. Even though it’s early in the morning, remember that your daddy loves you very much. I pray that God keeps you safe, healthy, happy and warm today. I love you!

43. Good Morning, baby girl, your bedtime hugs are the best medicine I could ever have. I can’t wait until you come home to stay, for infinity. I will never be able to express how much you mean to me.

44. Good Morning, Baby! I wish you could know how much I love you. You are my little angel, I’m glad God made me your mom. I’m so proud of who you are and all your little accomplishments. Someday, I hope to hold you in my arms again, until then, you will forever be in my heart. Have a great day!

45. My beautiful daughter, I hope you enjoyed your day yesterday. I know it’s only the first day of school but I wanted to wish you a great school year. Good morning!

46. Words cannot describe how much you mean to me. You are my love, I feel us growing stronger every day. Thank you for being the star of my life. Wishing you a wonderful day, my daughter. Good morning!

47. Morning time is made wonderfully by your smile, I can’t wait to see you again! Go have a pleasant day and always remember I love you.

48. Every morning brings the promise of a new beginning, wonderful possibilities, and endless opportunities. May you have a good morning!

49. Good morning, my daughter. I love you so much! Let your dreams be big and bold, let them fly high in the sky, work hard and believe in yourself. Love you – Mommy!

50. Good morning, sweetie! You are my sunshine, you are my life, you are my everything. I love you more than anything in the world! Enjoy a blessed day.

51. I’m not sure that you know how much I love and appreciate you. Every time I look at you and think about the person you are becoming and all that you contribute to our family and society, I am so proud I could burst. Thank you for everything you do for me and everyone around you. You make me want to be a better person. Good morning!

52. Good morning, my love! You are my world and I love you more than anything in this universe. Go and have the best of today.
I love you with all my heart.

53. Good morning, sunshine, you are on fire today. I can’t wait for you to come home and be with me again. I love you more than love itself.

54. Thank you for always being on my side. Thank you for always thinking of me. Thank you for always telling me I’m beautiful. Thank you for always making me smile, and more importantly…. laughing! Yes. You are my sunshine. Hope your day starts off with a smile!

55. Good morning, my baby girl, I hope you slept well in your bed with the butterflies in your dreams. I love you so much and you a better today.

56. Your smile brightens up my whole world, when you hug me, it feels like everything is okay with the world. Your laughter makes me smile even when I’m mad or sad. You are my little angel! You deserve the best today. Good morning!

57. I love you more than you will ever know, baby. You make my heart skip with every thought of you. I will always be here for you and all your needs baby. I will forever be your mother and your best friend. I love you, sweet girl! Good morning!

58. My beautiful daughter, I cannot wait to spend this amazing day with you. I was thinking about when you were a baby and you used to sleep at night all snuggled next to me in bed. We would fall asleep together talking and watching TV shows. I know that when I’m not around you miss me…today is mother’s day and how sweet it is for us to be together again waiting for the sun’s gentle rays. Good morning!

59. Good morning, baby! I hope you had a great night. Just wanted to say I’m proud of you. You are an amazing girl and I love you so much! Have a good day, sweet winkie face.

60. Thank you for being the best daughter in the world. I love you more than anything in the whole world. I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. You might just be my greatest accomplishment. I love that smart beautiful girl that you are! I am so grateful to have a wonderful daughter like you! Good morning.

Good morning, my sweet daughter. I hope you rested well. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to kiss you goodnight, but the last thing I wanted to do was wake you up. I love you more than anything in the world and be sure that that will never change. I hope you have an amazing day!

61. I only want the best for you, because I love you with all my heart. Sometimes you let me down and I have to be blunt, but it’s because I care. I want you to be happy, healthy and fulfilled. You are the best little girl a parent could ask for. I love you to the moon and back! Good morning and have a nice day.

62. Good morning! I love you to pieces and am so glad you are my daughter! You make me smile every day and I am so glad you are in my life.

63. Good morning, my sunshine, I hope you slept well and had sweet dreams about me! Wishing you a happy and great day ahead.

64. I’m so lucky to have such an amazing girl in my life. I think about you every day and how blessed I am to have you as my daughter. You light up my life and make me feel alive again. Just a good morning text message from your daddy. I Love You!

65. Hi there (your daughter’s name). Daddy loves you so much and wants to wish you a very happy day.

66. I am so proud of who you are and the young woman you’re growing into. You’re kindhearted, funny and always looking out for others needs first before your own and you never let anyone hold you back from achieving your dreams. Good morning!

67. Good morning to my little darling. I hope you slept well. This day calls for a Big Hug and a warm kiss. Love and more love and hugs and kisses for you, my angelic daughter, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

68. Morning, sunshine! I hope you have a great day today. It’s still pretty early in the morning, hopefully, you’ve had a nice sleep. Enjoy a nicer day ahead!

69. Wake up, baby and put on your favourite song. Drink some water, make some coffee and have a nice warm shower. Do something good for yourself today, baby girl, do what makes you happy! Love you.

70. Good morning, my sweet daughter. I hope you had a fantastic day. I love you more than life itself and I would do anything for you. Your daddy and I will always be here for you and we will protect you always.

71. Hi, my little princess. Good morning! I want to tell you that I love you very much. You are such a cheerful and responsible girl. No matter what happens, stay positive and try to see the best in any situation. We all need you to be brave, kind and loving.

72. Remember that every moment is a gift from God, so live your life to the fullest! Good morning.

73. Hey sweetie, it’s mom. Morning time is my quiet time, there are no distractions. I don’t hear music or see movies or tv. It’s just me and the words on the page. During this time, I try to write in my journal to express everything I feel about you. Innocence, Adorableness, Joyfulness, Happiness, All of it poured onto this page for you… My beautiful daughter… xoxo

74. If I could pick only one word to describe you, it would be amazing. You are such a remarkable person and I am so lucky to call you my daughter. I wish you have a bright day. Good morning!

75. I love that I introduced you to coffee and now you drink a pot a day just like me. Your smile is contagious and your laugh lights up any room. Wishing you a great day with many reasons to smile. Good morning!

76. Good morning, baby girl! I have so much love for you, even though you are grown up and living life on your own. I love you so very much. Happy Thursday, baby and have a great one.

77. I really don’t say it enough, but I love you so much! You are the best little girl EVER. Waking up next to you I can’t help but give you a kiss because you are so cute!

78. you are my everything. I love you so much. I can’t wait to see you again today. Daddy loves you! Good morning, my daughter!

79. Good morning, my beautiful daughter. How much I love you could never be put into words. Thank you for making me a Mom, thank you for being in my life, thank you for making me laugh, thank you for bringing joy to my heart every day! I love you! Have a great day.

80. Good morning! You are my heart and life – the greatest gift I have ever been given. I pray every day for your happiness. today I am praying even more because you have a special task to do.

Today is a big day, so, go out there and show the world how much you are optimistic. I’m lucky to have you as my daughter! May today be a special day for you. Good morning, my precious daughter.

81. My precious daughter, I love you and your sweet presence in my loving and caring heart and soul and I hope that you will continue to always know that, and grow with confidence and self-assurance as an utterly charming, wonderful person. Wishing you a great day. Good morning!

82. Dear child, I am sending this hoping to help you understand how strongly I feel for you. Every morning that you wake up in the hospital, I say a little prayer that you will pull through. I love you with all my heart. You are a very important part of my life and I am your biggest fan! Good morning.

83. Good morning, my beautiful Angel. Today is a new day and a chance to make someone smile, many people smile because of you every day.

84. You are the reason I wake up every day feeling fulfilled. There is nothing like waking up to the smile of the one you love. I wish that you have more reasons to smile. Good morning, my precious daughter.

85. When your eyes open, I hope that all you see is that smile that makes my heart go wild. And when 9 AM rolls around, I hope that all you see is me trying to get my arms around you. I love you more than anything in this big world, and could never want anything more in our little world! Love you and wish you a good morning.

86. You are my heart, my darling. You bring me so much joy that it overwhelms me sometimes. I love you with all that I am and all that I have. I will always be here for you. No matter what happens, you are my baby girl, always and forever. Good morning!

87. Good morning, my darling daughter, I know your day is going to be stressful and you will encounter many obstacles. But never forget that your father and I love you and that we will do everything we can to understand your position and aid you in any way we can.

88. Good morning, my beloved daughter! I hope you have a great day and remember all the love, tenderness and passion with which I send you all my good wishes! I love you very much.

89. Good morning, my baby girl, you are the love of my life, I will never get over how special you are…keep growing up to be the best little lady there is out there. I love you to the moon and back. Daddy.

90. Every morning, I wake up with a smile because I have the greatest daughter. I just wanted to say thank you for putting that smile on my face every day. You may not always realize it but you are the most amazing person I know. I just hope that everyone treats you as well as you deserve to be treated today.

91. Good morning, baby. I love you very much and I’m so grateful to have you as my daughter and my best friend. Soon, we will be passing this little piece of paper to your valentine, and I hope one day, you will pass it on to your children… if only they were boys though…. ha! But for now, all of my love goes to you. Have a happy Valentine’s Day and always.

92. Hello, my princess. I hope you are having a wonderful morning. I want to tell you how much I love you. You are the sweetest, kindest, most adorable human being on this planet. Have a wonderful day!

93. You make my heart smile every day. Thanks for being the best daughter anyone could ask for! Have a great day, sweetheart.
I love you! You are my beautiful little girl that

94. I am so lucky to be your mommy and every single day I fall more in love with you. Your laugh is contagious and your eyes make my heart melt. I love you, baby, always remember that. Good morning and have a fantastic day.

95. Good morning, princess. The sun is up and so are you from the looks of it! It is a beautiful day today I hope you have a great day at school. I will be thinking about you all day and wishing that I could hold you in my arms. Kisses and hugs to my baby girl, love mommy!

96. Good morning, princess, I wanted to send you this card to let you know how much you mean to me. But even if I sent one every day, I could never say it enough times!

97. You are the light of my life, my best friend. You bring so much happiness into my life that I could never ask for more. Your intelligence and wit amaze me and all your little quirks and personality traits help make you who you are — which is perfect in my book! Good morning!

98. Good morning, daughter of mine. I love you so much. Thank you for being the most amazing thing in my life. You are sweeter than chocolate pie, even when you are being difficult. I know you are only hard on me so that I will be hard on you when it matters. Have a great day.

99. Good morning, baby girl. I love you so much. I wish you nothing but happiness and health all your days! You make me proud every day to be your mother. Do enjoy this day to the fullest.

100. You are beautiful, intelligent, kind, anything your heart desires, all I want is for you to excel. So, darling, wake up, believe in love and excel. Good morning, my precious daughter.

What your beautiful daughter may not be expecting could be a good morning wish. That she gets to receive it from you makes it even more amazing. Don’t hesitate to make her smile from ear to ear as she sets for a new day. Generously use the good morning my beautiful daughter wishes messages and quotes above and give her the boost she needs for the day.

You can as well, share these beautiful wishes with friends and family who need to wish their daughter a great day.

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