Good Night Aunt Wishes, Messages and Quotes

Good night rest is next to nothing. And I’ll gladly trade a lot to have one tonight. There are a couple of ways sleep affect our daily lives, and I am among those who want to enjoy the benefits of good sleep.

I’m guessing that you are also one of us, and I guess you believe your aunt is one of us because you’re here for wishes and messages and quotes to use in telling her good night.

Yes, “good night” may not always be said as a wish. It could just be used to keep the relationship between you and the recipient going or as a way to send your love across. Well, here, you have a really large list, and you’ll find a wish, message or quote that can help you achieve whatever you want to.

By the way, have you ever thought of sending tips to having a beautiful night rest to those you care about? I think that will be a big gift from you to them. Think about it.

Back to what brought you here, this is literally a planet of cute and creative good night aunt wishes, messages and quotes to use in saying good night to your aunt. Scroll to take a tour of this planet.

“Two truths and a lie. You’re the best aunt in the world. You deserve sweet dreams. I’ve never used quotes in my life. You can tell the truth and the lie, but can I remind you that you’re good for me before I stop typing? Good night, my dear aunt.”

1. You are a child of the universe and what all children of the universe have is the possibility of having a beautiful night rest. Have a lovely night, aunt. Good night.

2. If you count yourself among the products of dust and the breathe of life, you should also count yourself among those who can have a beautiful night. Have a beautiful night, aunt. Good night.

3. You can feel tired from today’s activities, yeah? That’s an ability of those who can have a good night. May the night be sweet for you. Good night, aunt.

4. If beautiful sleep was an estate, it wouldn’t have restrictions on who can and cannot enter into it based on skin or age. Beautiful sleep’s arms are open to you, aunty. And I hope you enjoy it tonight. Good night.

5. For tonight, let’s just agree that you can’t own less than a million clothes and not enjoy sweet sleep. I hope your night is beautiful, aunt. Good night.

6. I can’t wash my car while sleeping, but I can make a wish for the best aunty alive. May your night be sweet and beautiful. Good night, aunt.

7. That was one, a day as sweet as waking up in a cloud of milk. Here’s another, a night as beautiful as sleeping on a bar of chocolate. Enjoy tonight, aunt. Good night.

8. If I’ll see whales in my dreams, then let me be the guy that saw whales in his dreams after wishing his aunty a lovely night rest. Have a great night rest aunt. Good night.

9. If the Earth will still be rotating while you sleep. I see it as a sign that your night can be lovely. And I wish that it will be, aunt. Good night.

10. Sending a wish to the best aunty in the world does not mean I’ll sleep on a giant bar of chocolate tonight, but I’m doing it anyway. May your night be beautiful. Good night, aunty.

11. If checkers can have the letters C and E appear in it more than once, you, my lovely aunt, can have more than one beautiful night. Enjoy tonight, aunt. Good night.

12. Write that it’s impossible to wake to joy tomorrow as the body of a note, and I’ll write “Lie” as the heading. I wish you a lovely sleep and that you wake to joy. Good night, aunty.

13. My fingers can’t pin a cloud to the sun, but they can type a wish to the best aunty ever. And here’s what I wish for you: a night you will rate five stars. Good night, aunty.

14. I don’t have an office space in March, but I have you, an aunty that I rate five stars. And I want your night to be sweet for you. I wish for that. Good night, aunty.

15. For me, it’s that nights must not be dark moments. You want a beautiful night, and I hope you get this thing you want. Good night, aunty.

16. For me, it’s that I’ll be like the number nine, betting that it’s the larger number between it and six if I bet that you leave awesomeness scars on whatever you touch. Enjoy the night aunt. Good night.

17. Left for my fingers, they’ll send one message for every star I rate you — that’s five messages. But let’s just do one for now. May you enjoy this night, aunt. Good night.

18. First, I’m counting having you as an aunt as a blessing. Next, I’m giving you a five-star awesomeness rating. I don’t know what’s next, but I know I want you to enjoy the night, and I wish you do. Good night, aunt.

19. I would love to hear how to change a strand of my hair into a hundred dollar note as soon as I wake, and more than that, I would love to hear that you had a beautiful night as soon as I wake. May the night be lovely for you, aunt. Good night.

20. Random note from the lie detector in me: you can say you don’t leave awesomeness scars on everything you touch, but it doesn’t make it not a lie. May the night be sweet for you, aunt. Good night.

21. You ever played your role as an aunty so amazing your niece rated you five stars? Yes. Good night, aunt.

22. Give me a slap if you find anything that slaps as much as having an angel-aunt does. Good night, aunt.

23. Do my siblings talk about you behind your back? Yes! Ask me to tell you one of the things we say, and you’ll get “she’s a super amazing woman” as my response. Good night, aunt.

24. For me, it’s that I’ve spent a good part of my life under the influence of an aunt that loves me — you! Good night, aunt.

25. Nothing much here. Just a nephew, telling you that if he says you’re the good one of a kind, that’s him spitting facts. Good night, aunt.

“For me, it’s that you moved from being dust to being an angel in the shape of my aunt. I act like I’m fine, but deep down, I want to send you a million “thank you for being a great aunt” messages. Good night and sweet dreams, my dear aunt.”

26. To you, it was just a day. To me, it was another day with a human skinned angel as my aunt. Good night, aunt.

27. Now that you know that my right ear hears the word “sweet” and my left ear “amazing” when your name is called, will you sleep well? Good night, my beautiful aunt.

28. Yes, I know humans don’t have ratings on their foreheads. I just wish I could see the five stars I rate you there. Good night, aunt.

29. Thanks to text messages, I can use capital letters to scream that YOU’RE A LOVELY AUNTY and no one will shoot me for noisemaking. Good night, my lovely aunt.

30. You may just dream that everything in your house is shaped like stars because out of five stars, I rate you many more stars. Good night, my beautiful aunt.

31. I put you before the panel of my brain and my heart, and they concluded that you’re an amazing woman. Good night, aunt.

32. I see “I have an awesome sister” in the way my dad walks and talks. Ask me to tell a lie, and I’ll say I don’t think that sister is you. Good night, my dear aunt.

33. You’re an awesome aunty. I expect a plot twist where you become a million times more awesome. Good night, my lovely aunt.

34. I’m sure when you hear “be more awesome”, you scream, “that’s my plan!” Good night, my sweet aunt.

35. I’m getting myself a scratcher for every “I like you” that I said and replacing them with “I love you.” Good night, my dear aunt.

36. Me, from dust to be the nephew of a lovely woman. What slaps more than this? Good night, aunt.

37. Your awesomeness rating is five stars, and trust me, if that’s a secret, it’s not safe with me. Good night, my amazing aunt.

38. Stay awesome, and sleep, knowing that I’m thankful for a life where I have a human skinned angel as my aunt. Good night, aunt.

39. Get your mind off thinking your rating is anything less than five big stars. That ain’t right. Good night, aunt.

40. I searched for awesomeness on my map, and it showed me where I buried gold. Just kidding. It showed me your location. Good night, my dear aunt.

41. I act like I’m fine, but I see “awesomeness” in place of your city when I write your address. Good night, aunt.

42. Life is mysterious, the earth is not shaped like a cone, and my aunty is awesome! Good night, my dear aunt.

43. Five awesome dreams for you tonight because I rate you five stars! Good night, my beautiful aunt.

44. I’ve told lies with this mouth, so if I get a new one, I’ll only say the truth with it — stuff like “my aunt is amazing.” Good night, aunt.

45. You’re older, so what? God saw that in the future, I will be in my mom’s womb, and my wish-list will have “an awesome aunty on Earth” on it, so he made you. Good night, aunt.

46. Someone somewhere in the world is probably telling someone else that they are awesome. For me, it’s that he took the words right out of my mouth, words meant for my aunt — you! Good night, my dear aunt.

47. Two truths and a lie. You have a five-star awesomeness rating. You’re more lovely than the word itself. I don’t love you. Good night, aunt.

48. My brain rates you five stars. My heart says you’re awesome. For me, it’s that my fingers can type messages to tell you these. Good night, my amazing aunt.

49. A million dreams keep you awake? I hope a million beautiful dreams will meet you in your sleep. Good night, my lovely aunt.

50. I decided to never tell you you’re awesome again. So I’m here to say you have a five-star awesomeness rating. Good night, aunt.

“You won’t be receiving this if I don’t rate you five stars and if you’re not an angel in the shape of the best aunty in the world. All you wish for yourself, plus sweet dreams, are my wishes for you. Good night, aunty.”

51. The wishing star has no wish to change the shape of the Earth on it, but it has a space for one more wish, and I’m taking it. I wish you a beautiful night rest, aunty. Good night.

52. Money can’t buy sweet dreams, but it also did not buy the awesome thoughts of you in my mind. So I know you can have sweet dreams, and that’s one of my wishes for you tonight. Good night, aunty.

53. I don’t know if the hospital I was born in is now a country, but I know that an amazing aunty is reading something from her niece right now. I wish you a lovely night rest. Good night, aunty.

54. I’ll tell my Geography teacher that some stars sleep every night. If he wants me to run you in his face, he should ask me for proof. May your night be beautiful. Good night, aunty.

55. It’s time for a lovely woman to read a message from her nephew, and is that the amazing woman reading a message face I see on your face? May you have a beautiful night, aunty. Good night.

56. How old were you when you realised you’re such a reason to use “awesome” and “aunty” in the same sentence? My wishes for you tonight include sweet dreams. Good night, my beautiful aunty.

57. Thank God that the word “awesome” is available on-demand, so I can always use it to describe you when I’m talking about you. I wish you a lovely night rest. Good night, aunty.

58. Two truths and a lie. You’re irreplaceable. You’re a human skinned angel. And the Earth is shaped like a cone. Two of my wishes for you are more successes and sweet dreams. Good night, aunty.

59. What do I take you for? A human skinned angel? Yes! And sweet dreams are among my wishes for you tonight. Good night, aunty.

60. You think that a page of words about you will just be like a page of synonyms of the word “awesome”? Then you’re right. And I wish you sweet dreams and your other wishes for tonight. Good night, my lovely aunty.

61. You probably smashed your to-do list, but can you also go ahead and have a beautiful night rest? Do it for me, please. I wish you sweet dreams. Good night, my sweet aunty.

62. Can you start the rest of your life with a wonderful sleep? I wish you a lovely night. Good night, my amazing aunty.

63. Undisturbed rest and sweet dreams are in your house right now, singing “we’re here now.” Those are my wishes for you. Good night, aunty.

64. If I could take sweet sleep like I take slices of bread and give it to you like I feed my baby, I will. I wish you sweet dreams, aunty. Good night.

65. My wish list has a line that reads, “sweet sleep for my aunty tonight.” Good night, aunty.

66. I’m not the guy that’s trying to find out if the clouds are made of hair. I’m the guy that’s wishing you a sweet night rest. Good night, my amazing aunty.

67. I may be the guy who said Call of Duty is overrated, but I am also the guy who wants you to have a sweet night rest. I wish you sweet dreams too. Good night, my beautiful aunty.

68. If you ever doubt you’re an amazing woman, remember that I rate you five stars. And my wishes for you include all you desire and sweet dreams tonight. Good night, aunty.

69. I can never go back to the womb days, when I couldn’t see you and say, “that’s my aunty.” I am proud of you. Good night, my dear aunty.

70. Two truths and a lie. My uncle married a ten — you. My grandmother gave birth to a ten — you. I don’t need you in my life. I wish you much happiness and sweet dreams. Good night, my awesome aunty.

71. Should I say I rate you five stars? Because I really, really want to say it. But I won’t ask for your permission to say this: I wish you sweet dreams. Good night, my lovely aunty.

72. Yes, I’m the nephew who said you’re worthy of a five-star awesomeness rating, and, yes, I’m the nephew who wishes that you’ll enjoy sweet dreams tonight. Good night, my sweet aunty.

73. Do I daydream of you going to bed and waking up smelling of awesomeness? Yes. And do I wish that your night will be more beautiful than my dream looks? Yes. Good night, aunty.

74. Can I count my blessings tonight again to your hearing, just to prove that you’re still among them? I am wishing you a lovely night rest. Good night, my lovely aunty.

75. If sweet dreams were extinct, the earth would be shaped like a cone, so I know you can have them. I wish you a beautiful night rest and sweet dreams. Good night, my dear aunty.

“One thing about your hair is that they’re on the head of an angel. And one thing about most of the messages you’ve received is that they were read by an angel. Your life is a blessing to me, and I don’t call you a human skinned angel for no reason. Good night, aunt.”

76. There’s not too many of you = there are not so many human skinned angels. Just thought to show you an angle before you go to bed. Good night, aunt.

77. When you’re a human skinned angel, you’re a human skinned angel. I’m just popping by to say good night, my lovely aunt.

78. If my brain could make an order right for sweet dreams for you, it will. And if you edit that sentence by replacing “brain” with “heart,” it will still be correct. Good night, my beautiful aunt.

79. What’s going on is that you’re reading that you’re amazing in the font you choose for your phone. Good night, my lovely aunty.

80. You’ve probably read more messages than you’ve taken selfies today, but permit me to tell you that you’re an amazing aunt and wish you sweet dreams in a message. Good night, aunt.

81. My brain and my heart are competing for who can say a louder “thanks” — thanks to God for meeting you. Good night, my lovely aunt.

82. Nothing much here. Just a message where I claim that awesome is a word that should be used to describe the Lite version of you. Good night, my amazing aunt.

83. This is one of those messages that say good night, and also one of those messages that end up in an amazing woman’s inbox. Good night, my dear aunt.

84. For me, it’s that I have you as an aunty when my bank balance is red and when it’s green. Good night, my lovely aunt.

85. I did a background check, and I found that you’re a human skinned angel. Good night, aunty.

86. Do the records show that you’re more awesome than the word itself? Yes! Good night, aunty.

87. I remember hearing your voice when I was still in my mom’s womb and going, “definitely an amazing woman.” Good night, my lovely aunt.

88. It’s fun calling you a human skinned angel, but for me, it’s that you’re really one. Good night, my lovely aunt.

89. One thing about your skin is that it’s human skin that covers an angel. Good night, my amazing aunt.

90. I don’t know if the way I’m turning out screams that I have an awesome aunty in my life. I just know that you deserve sweet dreams. Good night, aunt.

91. Note to lovely things: you ever thought of yourselves as an extension of my aunt? Note to my sweet aunt: have a beautiful night rest.

92. Note to your skin: take care of the angel wearing you, for her nephew called (insert your name), please. Good night, aunt.

93. If you want to read the words “you are the best aunty in the world”, ask me to pour my thoughts about you on paper. Good night, my lovely aunt.

94. Nothing much here. Just a message from a boy who has gold in the shape of an aunt — you! Good night, my dear aunt.

95. Can the clouds change into hair? Their business! Can you have a beautiful night rest? Yes! Please, have one, aunt.

96. Two truths and a lie. You are the best aunt in the world. You’re an angel in the shape of my aunt. Add the lie, please. Good night, aunt.

97. Tell me to present a list of angels with nephews or nieces, and I’ll start with your name. Good night, aunt.

98. If the destination is the home of an amazing woman, and I’m the pilot, you’ll have a plane in your house soon. Good night, aunt.

99. Nothing much here. Just a message from a boy who thinks his mother’s sister is super awesome! Good night, aunt.

100. Note to sweets dreams: be my aunt’s guests for tonight. Good night, my dear aunt.

I hope you enjoyed yourself on this planet (remember how I described it earlier?) of beautiful wishes, messages and quotes to use in saying good night to your aunt?

I also hope you can tap on the share button because you never know who needs to see this.

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