Good Night Dad Wishes Quotes for Great Fathers

It’s a wonderful thing to have someone you can call a father. And it’s even super wonderful when he is a great one; a father in deeds.

Great fathers are known for the love they give. They stand by you and strive to see that you have the best in life. Nothing in the world would be enough to appreciate the gift of a wonderful dad. Reciprocating with love and honour is just the little you can do to express your appreciation.

Seeing that your dad has the best of the day and the coolest night should be a priority as a caring son or daughter. It’s one of the best ways to show appreciation and to honour him.

Apparently, you are here because you want to wish your great father well at night and It has been made easy for you here. Below, you will find the best good night dad wishes quotes for great fathers to use. Whether you want to help him ease the day’s stress or you want to show him some love and care, you will find the right messages below.

I love you and don’t know what I would do without you. You are the greatest dad anyone could ever ask for. Thank you for the wonderful memories, and for being my father, my best friend and my hero! Good night, my guardian angel. I wish that this night be peaceful for you.

1. If Heaven were to send me an angel, I couldn’t imagine him looking any more like you. I miss you so much & wish you were here to hold & kiss me goodnight. But then, I wish you the coolest night ever. Good night, dad.

2. You mean the world to me and I wish you all the best. Like always, you came through for me. Thank you for making this day amazing. I am so honoured to be your child and so blessed to call you my dad. I love you and wish you a good night.

3. Every moment with you is a blessing to me. I am the luckiest son alive to have a father as graceful as you. My life started the day I was created because you had my back from there on out. I am endlessly grateful every day that I had your love. You are my biggest cheerleader and always have been my lifetime hero. Tonight, I appreciate you and wish you perfect night rest.

4. I love you with everything I am, I want to make you proud. Thank you for always being there, through the good and bad times, thank you for showing me how to love. You are one of the best people I know. Goodnight, father.

5. I know you may not be my real dad but you really are. I respect and appreciate you so much. You took me in when I needed it most, and I love you for that. We bond every single day and I love you more than anything in the world. You mean so much to me and I don’t know what I would do without you. Wishing you restful nighttime. Good night, father!

6. Going to bed each night knowing that I have my amazing father is all I need. Well, I just wanted to let you know that you are the greatest father and you are also one of my best friends. I love you so much and I wish that this night be peaceful for you. Good Night!

7. Hero, father and friend. You’re so much more than a father to me! You’re the best dad in the world. I just couldn’t get through life without your love and support! You go through all the stress to make things better for us, it’s my wish that this night replenishes your strength. Good night, my daddy, sleep tight, I dearly love you.

8. For as long as I can remember, you have been my hero. You are the most kind, thoughtful, loving person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. You are my rock, my best friend. I love you so much with all of my heart and I wish that you have a sound sleep as you go to bed tonight. Goodnight, father.

9. As you fall asleep knowing God is with you, I wish words could say just how much my heart is filled with happiness for that fact. You are what makes me proud to be a son. You always do things to help others and make them feel loved. I love you with all my heart and wish you the coolest night ever. Good night, father!

10. I love you, dad. You are the best teacher, friend, and father anyone could ask for. Thank you for inspiring me to be the best I can be. I hope you know how much I admire you and look up to you. Rest well, daddy, may your dreams lead to good things!

11. Dear father, you are my best friend and I wish that I could wrap you in my arms tonight and tell you how much I love you. I hope that you have sweet dreams. Goodnight, best daddy in the world.

12. You are the most amazing person I know. I don’t say it enough, but I am truly blessed to be your son. You are the best father a guy could ask for. Keep being you, because that’s what I love most about you. Thank you for being the best dad in the world! May you have nighttime as peaceful as you are.

13. Good night to the best dad in the whole world. I love you dad and I am so grateful to have you in my life. May God keep you from harm as you go to bed tonight.

14. Every night before I sleep, I say a little prayer. My first prayer of the day. “I want to be an amazing man like you, Dad.” I love you so much! And my prayer tonight is that you sleep well and wake up stronger. Good night!

15. Father, It doesn’t matter how old I get, you will always be my hero. Thank you for being there for me all of my life. I look forward to every day with you because you are the best thing that ever happened to me. You are the most amazing person that I know and I’m glad that God gave me the chance to call you my dad. Every day is a blessing with you in it, may your night be more blessed. Good night, sir.

16. I love you so much, Dad and I could never forget to tell you. I’m so glad you are my dad! You are an amazing person, and I love how much you love all your family. I will always love you forever because I know that I couldn’t have asked for a better dad. It’s my wish tonight that you are kept and refreshed for the morrow. Good night!

17. In a day and age where many children take their parents for granted, I am always thankful for the wonderful man who tried his hardest to raise me up to be a good man. Though we’ve been through our fair share of rough times, I know it was because you wanted the best for me. You have been a huge part of that happiness and joy. Thinking about you tonight, night. Have a good night rest!

18. Good Night, Daddy. I love you so much and you mean the world to me! I will never stop thinking of you for a second. Not a day goes by where I don’t miss you or think about you. You are an amazing daddy and I know I’m a very lucky girl to have a daddy who loves me so much.

19. You are my shining star. You are the only person who has loved me for who I am. You are still my hero after all these years. I want to thank you for making me who I am today. Goodnight, father, I love you!

20. Goodnight daddy, I really enjoyed spending time with you today. You are my role model and one of the most important persons in my life. I love you very much and wish you the best of the night.

A wise man once said ‘to get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with’. I love that I can share my happiness with you, daddy and you can share your happiness with me. May this night be nice to you and refreshen you for a better day tomorrow for us. Good night, dad!

21. Good night, daddy. I love you so much! I feel like every day you make me a better person, inside and out. Every day I miss you. Every day I think about how much I love you and wish I could see your face. As you go to bed tonight, I wish you divine protection and renewed strength.

22. I love you, my dearest and favourite dad. I feel like the luckiest son in the world to have you as my dad. You are more than just amazing. I am so happy that I have you as my best friend and that you are still with me after all these years. Good night! And remember, no matter what happens, I will always love you.

23. You are always there for me, supporting me every step of the way. I love you so much I could never repay you for all your love and care! Good night daddy, hope you have sweet dreams.

24. I know it may seem silly to some people. But I can’t fall asleep without saying good night to you, even if you are upstairs. You are one of the most important people in my life, and even though I don’t always say it, I love you very much.

25. I heard you say to mom, “I want only the best for our kids..” And then I think that you deserve only the best. I love you Dad!! Have the best night ever!

26. Dad, I love you more than you know, I am so glad to be your daughter!
You’ve always been there for me no matter what. You are one of the greatest men ever with an amazing personality. I know that with you I can accomplish anything in life with all your support. I will forever be grateful to have you as my father. I wish you a good night rest.

27. I know it is late, but I need to tell you one more time how much you mean to me. You are my number one fan and always will be. When I look into the world through my eyes, I see hopes and dreams for what could be. Whenever I am blue, you lift me up with your understanding ways. I love you, daddy. Sleep well and dream of me.

28. I love you so much! I am so thankful I’ve been given such a wonderful father. You bring happiness to my life and I hope you can sense all of my gratitude for that. I love you, daddy, and wish that you sleep well tonight!

29. I have known you for 23 years. You are someone that gives me pointers and helps me grow as a person and I appreciate that more than you’ll ever know. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you and wonder how you are doing. I try to call and send him cards just to let him know I love you. I hope you sleep well tonight. I love you, daddy.

30. I love you so much, daddy! You always make me feel safe and happy. I am so lucky to have you as my dad. Good night, I’ll see you in the morning.”
I love you, goodnight, daddy.

31. I don’t tell you enough that I love you each day. I am very proud of you. You are my hero, my rock and my best friend. I hope your dreams come true and tomorrow is filled with joy. Good night, daddy!

32. I hope you had a good day. I had an awesome day with you. love you more than you know. sweet dreams, dad.

33. Dad, I think of you every single day, and I wish you could be here with me. As a child, I remember lying in my bed at night thinking that I was the luckiest girl in the whole world to have a father as loving as you were. Well now, as a grown-up woman, I can say I’m lucky to have a dad as great as yours told me you were. I love you and wish you a perfect night rest.

34. You have been my everything. You have been there for me in every stage of my life, helping me grow through the hard times, and supporting me in the good. I love you, dad, and wish you the best night ever!

35. Dad, I know it has been hard for you to see me go through hard times. You have gone through so much in your life and I’m sorry if my issues forced you to feel sad or upset. You are by far the strongest person I know. It’s my wish that your strength is renewed as you go to bed tonight. Good night, daddy.

36. Hey dad, just wanted to say goodnight. As I lay down to sleep, I couldn’t help but feel lucky for having you in my life. Even when you are so far away, you are still by my side in spirit. I miss you so much but know that I will see you again soon. Love you!

37. I love you no matter what you do or say. I feel your love every day and I am blessed to be your boy. Good night, dad!

38. Dad, thanks for every memory that we’ve made together. You taught me about life, about love and most importantly, about God. All the sacrifices that you have made for me have shaped my life and made me a man that I can be proud of. Goodnight, Dad, I love you.

39. The only thing I have ever wanted was for you to be proud of me. The last thing I want to do is let you down. I wish I could see your face when you meet my children when you hold your first grandchild in your arms. Someday, dad, that day will come soon. Do sleep well and wake up stronger!

40. I just wanted to tell you I love you. I waited for your late-night call tonight, the one that always brings pure joy to my heart. As I sat by the phone, I thought how lucky I am that you are in my life. You are everything a child could ask for in a father and everything a daughter could hope for in a dad. On this night, when hearts are usually celebrating love, it’s only right that I let you know what your love means to me. Good night, dad.

Hey dad, I love you with all my heart. Every moment spent with you is special. I am so lucky to have you in my life. I will always be your little girl! Good night and sweet dreams, the best father in the world.

41. I may be your little girl, but you are the best dad anyone could ever ask for. I always want to make you proud and I hope to make you happy, but what you make me feel and what I try and give back will never be enough! I love you with all my heart daddy and always will. Good night and sweet dreams.

42. I love you, dad, you are a great father and a role model to look up to. I am always bragging about you. I appreciate all the things you have done for me. I’m glad to have you as my dad. Good night!

43. I love you, dad, hope you sleep like a baby tonight! You have given me some amazing memories that have shaped who I am today. We have been through a lot together and I know there is much more in store for the future. Thank you for always being there for me, supporting me through my tough times, and making me feel like I can take on the world when things get bad. I love you, dad! Goodnight!

44. Good night, love. I am glad to have you as a dad, you are the best. I hope one day I will be as good of a husband as you are. Thank you for everything, especially your unconditional love! Sleep well!

45. Good night, dear dad. Every day I am so thankful you are my daddy! Without your love and support, I wouldn’t be where I am today. You mean the world to me and always will. Love ya!

46. You have always been my strength and my courage when I needed it most. I am your child and you love me unconditionally with all your heart, and I know that I will never be alone. Thanks for all you do and may your night be peaceful. Good night!

47. You taught me how to see the world in a whole new way. I will forever cherish our moments spent together, the words of wisdom you said and everything we survived and overcame together. I love you, dad, and wish you a good night rest.

48. Dad, I love you and I always will. You are the most amazing dad anyone could ask for. You’re always full of life and very caring. I am so glad I had such a great father to look up to and learn from. May your night be full of bliss and calmness. Good night!

49. I just wanted to tell you that I love and appreciate everything that you do for me and our family. You will always be my dad and I want to thank you for everything. I love you more than anything or anyone, goodnight!

50. Hey dad, I just wanted to say that I love you and everything that you have done for me! I am so thankful for everything. Good night!

51. You are the bestest dad ever and I send both hugs and kisses to you as you sleep. Good night and sweet dreams, my hero!

52. I love spending time with you. I love going places with you. I love laughing with you. I love simply being in your presence. You are an amazing father and I am so proud to be your daughter! Good night, daddy, I love you!

53. Hey buddy! Just wanted to say goodnight. Kiss Mom for me and tell her I love her! I love you too dad.

54. Dear Dad, I’m sorry that I was not always the nicest kid to you. I’m sorry I was not always kind or nice or sweet. Thank you for the sacrifices you made for me, even if it meant sacrificing your own dreams. I will make sure to be the best kid. Do take and have a good night rest.

55. I love you, daddy, and always will. You are the best dad in the whole wide world and I am so glad to still have you in my life. I know we don’t say it enough but we love you so much and can’t wait to see you soon! Good night.

56. I love you so much, dad. You have always been my hero and I look up to you every day. Thank you for being a wonderful influence in my life and helping to teach me about God, family and life. Each day I come a little closer to becoming the man that I know you want me to be. I really do love you and I pray God protects you even as you sleep tonight.

57. You are my best friend, the only one I can count on. I’m so grateful for your love, I feel so lucky to have you. Your strong arms always comfort me, you spoil me with treats and love, I’m so glad I am your child! You mean so much to me, I love you, dad, good night.

58. I just wanted to say how much I love you. I appreciate everything that you do for me and our family. I just want to be the best man that I can be in honour of someone so great. I pray that I may serve Your will for my life every day. Good night, daddy!

59. Thank you for all the wisdom and knowledge you have given to me. Without your love, guidance, and protection, I would not be who I am today. Thank you for being my dad. May your night be calm and your sleep rejuvenating.

60. I miss you already. I wanted to say that I love you one last time before bed to remind you that you are not alone. Goodnight, my dad. I will think of you before I fall asleep. I’ll dream of you each night, so sweet dreams, daddy mine.

Thank you for being there when I needed you most. From teaching me right from wrong to working hard every day to give this family a better life. I am so proud to be your son! I love you, dad, and wish you a night full of love and peace. Good night!

61. Dad, you are awesome. I could not ask for a better father. Thank you for all the times you’ve been there for me, along with your awesome advice. I love you so much and I’m glad to be part of the family. Good night and sleep well.

62. You’re a great father and you mean the world to me. You’ve done so much for me and I’m thankful that you’re part of my life. The warmth of your smile lightens my day and dries away my tears. The sound of your voice makes me happy. I love you very much. Have a good night, dad. I’ll always be there for you.

63. Daddy, you are the best dad I ever had. You make me feel happy and safe. Thank you for being a great husband and the wonderful father that you are. I love you. Good night, Daddy.

64. You are the most special guy in my life. I wish every day that I can be just like you when I grow up. You are the best dad ever. I love you to the moon and back. Keep being an amazing dad and we will both see each other again up there someday; we will never be apart. Love you loads and loads and loads and loads and continue to watch over me and take care of me. Good night!

65. You have been a very good father to me. I am really proud to be your son. I just want to wish you are not too stressed up with the day’s activities. Wish you a perfect night rest. Goodnight, dad.

66. May God give you more strength and inspiration to do your best as a father. You have been a great father and a great family man, so I wish you a great time tonight with sweet dreams.

67. You are my life’s most responsible phases. I have you to thank for your love, time, words, teachings, emotions and care. You are the strongest dad that ever existed. I hope everyone be as great with their sons or daughters as you are with me. You’re the most amazing dad that ever existed. Good night!

68. You are an inspiration to me, Dad. You’ve always been there for me through the ups and downs of my life. You’re so kind, generous and loving. I love spending time with you no matter how much it is. With you around, I feel safer and more comfortable. And when it comes to funny moments, you’re never short of them too. I’m really proud that you’re my dad. I LOVE YOU! And wish that you have a good night rest tonight.

69. Good night is just the beginning of what you mean to me, my dad. I love you so much! I thank God for giving me the best dad in this world! Good night, Papa

70. Thank you for being the greatest dad that ever existed. You’re a hero, a devoted husband and a great provider. The simplest things you do for me means a lot to me. I love you, dad. Have a goodnight sleep.

71. Hi dad, I hope you have a great night. God bless you and keep you away from any difficulties. Good night.

72. The biggest gift that I ever had is my dad. You took me into this world, you’re my protector, my best friend, my motivation and my inspiration. I’ll cherish you forever. Thank you for being the amazing father that you are, Dad. Have a wonderful night.

73. To the best dad ever, I love you so much and you mean so much to me. I’m really honoured to be your daughter. You are appreciated even if I don’t tell you enough. You are my shining star on this Earth, always there to support me and encourage me. Thank you for being there for me always. I wish you happiness and rest as you go to bed. Good night!

74. Dad, you’re my world, and I love you so much. I keep thinking about all the good times we shared and still sharing together. You mean so much to me and I cherish every moment with you. Every second of the day, you inspire me in so many ways. I hope that there’ll be a long time for us to spend together. My beautiful dad, I love you always and wish you the best nighttime ever.

75. Thank you, Dad, for always being there for me and for loving me unconditionally. You taught me to dream and chase my dreams no matter how crazy mine were. I’m very lucky to have you as my dad. I wish you the rest that will renew your strength for tomorrow. Good night!

76. Dad, I love you more than words can express. You’re my rock and the best dad in the world. It’s been a while since we saw each other but please know that I think about you every single day. Be happy, Dad. I will always be your little girl no matter how grown up I get. Good night and sleep tight!

77. Night night, my dear dad, I’m glad to call you my father. It makes me feel so warm inside looking at how great you are. My father has filled our world with many blessings. The way you provided for your family is something to be truly thankful for. Hope the stress wasn’t much today. Do have a good night rest.

78. Your love and devotion make me stronger, dad. You’re the best parent in the whole world. My world will always be incomplete without your guidance and wisdom. May your mind be refreshed as you go to bed tonight and may you wake up wiser. Good night, daddy!

79. I can’t thank God enough for giving me such a wonderful father like you. You taught me how to be strong, how to love unconditionally, how to forgive people despite their mistakes, how to fight for what matters most in life, how to appreciate the tiniest things without asking for too much. I’ll always treasure our time. Good night!

80. Over these years, being your son became my responsibility, but being your son never felt like a burden. You helped me encounter fun experiences and magnificent places. You gave me an interesting mind and a sense of urgency. Now I have become your biggest fan. I am really thankful to God to give me the gift of you as my dad! Good night!

Thank you for being the best father in the world. I love you so much and hope to be just like you when I grow up. You’re a man of honour who works hard and loves his family more than anything else in the world. May your strength be renewed as you sleep tonight. Good night, daddy, I love you.

81. Remember that no words are enough to describe you. You are the best person that I have ever met. I don’t have even a single bad thing to say about you. Thank you for being so loving, supportive and cute. I think what makes you so special is your never-ending confidence in me. You know, no matter what happens, you’ll always be my hero. Good night, daddy, I love you so much.

82. The sun is setting, the day is almost over. As I look to the four corners of the earth, I see all this beauty around me. But none is more beautiful than you, my wonderful dad. Wishing you beautiful and wonderful nighttime. I love you.

83. My life wouldn’t be complete without you. I love you so much and thank God for giving me a father like you. You are my world. As you proceed to end the day, may you enjoy every moment of your sleep. Good night, daddy, I love you.

84. My dad, you’re the best dad that ever existed. Everything that you’ve done is with love and care for us for not only your children but also your grandchildren. You guide us on the right path, make sure we know what’s good and bad for us. Thank you for everything the sacrifices that you made. I love you so much. Goodnight!

85. There’s no one like you, Dad. Thank you for teaching me and taking care of me. I love you and hope you realize how grateful I am to have a great dad like you. Here’s wishing you have the best night ever!

86. When I think about how blessed I am, I can’t help but connect it to you. You gave me so much. I love you so much and I’ll always be there for you. Thanks for being such a great dad and a loving husband to Mom. Enjoy your night be refreshed for a better tomorrow, Dad!

87. Daddy, you’re the best father I have ever seen. You’re a great provider and a really good person to talk to. You give me all the love a daughter needs. As the day draws to a close, I wish you the best of it. Good night!

88. A glorious night to the man who inspires me. I know you really care. Don’t forget to hug mom and my siblings tonight.

89. Good night dad, I love you and let God bless you this night because that’s what you deserve.

90. Good night, daddy! Not just because it’s already midnight, but because you’re always in my thoughts. Good night to the best man in the world.

91. Goodnight, my dear father. I know you love me even in your dreams because when something or someone bothers me, you make them go boo! Love you forever dad. Sleep tight.

92. Good night, daddy, I love you. I hope you get a good night’s sleep and I hope you get the rest you’ve been needing.

93. Thank you for always supporting me and for being there for me when I need you. You’re an amazing father and I’m glad we’re back to normal again. Good night and sweet dreams, Dad.

94. Father, we love you and we pray for you all the time. Always know that you will be in our hearts and minds always. Love and Good night

95. I never met a man like you, Dad. Your love and care have helped me grow into the man I am today. Thank you for always being there, no matter how difficult or busy you were. You taught me how to be respectful and tolerant of others. You may not remember them all but you’ve changed many lives for the better. I admire and respect you, Dad. Good night!

96. Daddy, you’re the best dad in the world. Thank you for always believing in me and supporting me in everything I do. Thank you for being a great role model to me. I’ve learned so much from you. I hope I can be able to give you the kind of love and happiness that you’ve given me. You are a true superhero to me. I love you so much! Good night!

97. I wish I could be as cool as you. You’re super awesome and it’s always a delightful experience to spend time with you. I want to be just like you when I grow up. You’re so smart and funny and so much more than I can tell through these words. Thank you for being the best dad ever. I love you and wish you the best night rest.

98. There is no one like you, Dad. You’re the best dad I could ever wish for. I will always be thankful that God has blessed me with a father like you. You’re superman to me and millions of others. It’s all because of you that I am what I am today. I love you so much, Dad. Good night and Happy Father’s Day.

99. I’ll never leave you alone, Father. I love you so much, Dad. I hope to always be here for you. There’s no one like you and no one can replace you in my heart. Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me. You’re the best father anyone could ask for. I’m blessed to have such an amazing dad like you. Good night and I love you.

100. When you get home from work, give me a call to say “good night” before you go to bed. Good night, dad. I wish you a wonderful time after a long day’s work.

Wishing your dad a good night is a beautiful way to make him know how much you care about him. It’s one of the little things that matter.

I hope you found the right messages for your great father here and I’ll be glad to know which you picked in the comments section. Do well to share this post with others who would want to make their dad have a lovely night.

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