Goodnight Messages for My Son with Quotes

Sons are a blessing to us, and we should also be the same to them. Some go through so much than we can see. They carry on with everything like they don’t face any challenge. Honestly, they do this so they don’t have to make us sad or feel unhappy, and this is fair on our part.

Something as little as a goodnight message could get your son’s mind off whatever unpleasant experience that happened during the day. This would calm his mind and make him have a peaceful sleep.

You can do this by sending him one of the goodnight messages for my son with quotes below. It only shows how caring you are as a parent. Trust me, he will be very happy to read it from you.

To the best son in the world; you have never given me any reason not to love you. In fact, I keep falling in love with you. You’re such an amazing young man with the brightest future. I will always be here to support your dreams. How did your day go? Good night, dear.

1. To the most hardworking son in the world, I thank God for the much-needed strength He keeps giving you. You work so damn hard, and you’ve never complained of tiredness. The Lord will continue to be your strength. How was your day, son? Have a good night.

2. By the time you get back from work, I would’ve been sleeping. I know how hectic your work can be, and your boss doesn’t even help at all. I hope you can see beyond all this because God is preparing something greater for you. Just believe and be hopeful. Have a good night my son.

3. I’m glad that you’re not one of the lazy men out there. You’re a full-bodied man who works hard to achieve his dreams. It may seem like things are a bit slow and hard, don’t worry, God will make a way very soon. Just believe. Make sure you sleep well, so you can wake up rejuvenated in the morning. Good night.

4. You have made me proud in so many ways I can’t start mentioning. You made me a great mom, by not allowing all my sacrifices to go to waste. You love and place me above everyone else. Honestly, I couldn’t have asked for a better son. My only prayer is that God keeps elevating you. Amen. Have a good night.

5. Things weren’t so easy before I had you, but it’s now in the past. You work so hard so you can get me things I couldn’t afford. I can’t stop being grateful to God for you, son. You have brought me more peace than I ever expected. Thank you for choosing me. Have a good night.

6. No matter how stressful the day is, you will always find your way around being happy. I have never seen a happier man. I’m so happy to be your mom, and if there’s anything as an afterlife, I will gladly accept the role of your mother. You’re the sweetest. Good night, my son.

7. You have no idea how much I talk about you to people who care to listen. The fact is, you have made me proud more than my expectations. I never planned to be a proud mom at this young age of mine. And no, I will never be tired of the attention I get from people, just for being your mom. How was your day, son?

8. I will always be ready to make sacrifices for you, whether you’re still under my roof or not. If only you know how much of a wonderful son you are. I place you above everyone else in my life; well, except for your father. Thank you for always honouring my call, even when work doesn’t permit. Good night, son.

9. Well, maybe I am not the best father, but you will agree with me that I am the friendliest and most loving father ever. I don’t joke with you, my son. I want my legacies to live on after I have passed, that’s why I keep showing you how to be a great man. I’m glad you’re taking the lessons seriously. You shall be great. How was work today?

10. I’m sure people only call me a great woman because you’re my son. You have made motherhood so easy for me. I now extend so much love and care to other people’s children. The experience of your birth really changed me. I will continue to cherish it. I’m sure today was great. Good night, dear.

11. I know I haven’t stopped saying this, and trust me, I will never be tired of saying it because it’s the truth. I’m so proud of you. You are my miracle; you came into my life and things began to work out fine. What would I have done without you? I will love you forever, son. Do have a good night.

12. I know you now have a family of your own, but that still doesn’t change how I feel about you. You have been my best friend since you were a little boy. I made sure everything was made available to you because you never stopped making me smile. Trust me, my sacrifices to you will be forever. Good night, son.

13. It’s amazing how people now see me as a good woman. Before childbearing, I was always labelled a wicked woman. There’s no bad name people have never called me. But God rewrote my story through your birth. Things began to be meaningful. Here I am today; grateful and blessed. I love you forever, son. Good night.

14. No matter how old you are, there’s nothing that will erase the fact that you’re my loving son. You’re the one whom I first loved, before anyone else. Up till now, your smile brings me joy and makes my heart flutter. You will always be at the centre of my existence. Good night, dear son.

15. We will always be best friends, and your wife and kids will have no choice but to adapt. Only me knows what I had to go through to bring you into this world. So, no one is capable of turning our backs against each other. You will continue to mean the world to me. Good night, my son.

16. You’re the most responsible and respectful rich kid I know. Your humility is out of this world. Sometimes, I just want you to show off a little, so people can know who you are. But no, you will never. My advice is that you keep it up, darling. Trust you had a good day. Good night.

17. If there’s one thing I love about you, then it’s the fact that you help people grow. You make your life an open book of experience for people to learn from. You’re so selfless and amazing. I am super proud of everything you keep gathering. You will only keep getting greater. Have a splendid night my son.

18. People will say it’s not that deep, but I don’t care, because it actually is. My love for you is deeper than human comprehension, so I don’t blame them for their opinions. People only beef what they can’t change. My love for you will be in their faces forever. I hope you had a good weekend. Prepare to smash those goals tomorrow. I love you.

19. I have never seen anyone who does better than me at procrastinating. I’m sure I have a Master’s degree in it. But I have come to learn so much from you, even as my son. I have learnt to just do it, whether it comes out great or not. You inspire me, son. I’m sure you will sleep well tonight. Kisses.

20. I can keep up with so many things, but definitely not people badmouthing or calling you names. I invested so much in you, and I can say for a fact that you are doing very well. If anyone has a problem with you, let them take it up with God. As for you, you will only keep progressing. Good night, my love.

21. Congratulations has been the only valid conversation, ever since I birthed you. It just felt like God purposely waited for your arrival, before He started to bless me. Trust me, I have lost track of how much God has blessed me with. I’m just thankful I have you in my life. How was your day? Have a good night rest.

22. Ever since your father declared you the CEO of his company, a lot has really changed about you. You have become more serious than I ever anticipated. Everyone in the office keeps telling me how maturely you deal with them. This can only make me love you more. Keep it up, darling. I hope work wasn’t so stressful today. Good night.

23. Honestly, you need to take a break, right about now. You have been working your ass out for months, without even thinking of taking a break. This is your company, and I admire how you run it, but you also need to understand that the body needs rest. Don’t worry, your colleagues will fill you in. Good night, dear.

24. I know you are bothered about some things. I know you have goals you are working on. I know things don’t seem to be working out. But in all of these, I also know there’s a living God who sees and knows everything. God will surely come through. You just cheer up. Good night.

25. I have never seen a man who loves work like you. I’m sure you love your job more than food. I’m glad I have a son who’s very hardworking. That will serve as a yardstick for your siblings to follow. Make sure you don’t stop laying good examples for them. We love you, son. Have a good night.

26. My life feels more peaceful than it always has, knowing that you’re done with school, and I don’t have to pay anything anymore. Dear son, you have made me very proud. Wherever I go, people point at me while talking about you. Thank you for not putting me to shame. How was your day? Good night.

27. To me; you signify light, peace, love, happiness, and so many beautiful things. You’re my very own testimony. If anyone doubts God in my life today, you’re all I will point at, because you’re the evidence of God’s blessing to me. Thank you for choosing me. Do have a good night.

28. As your father, I can’t be prouder. The things you keep doing amaze me. I had so much zeal, growing up, but that is nothing compared to yours. You’re the true son of your father. I know you will go far, and I can’t wait to see what that looks like. Have a good night, son.

29. Happiness to me, means you. You are my happiness. Whenever you’re not around me, I’m not moved to do things; I just want to be all alone. But the moment I set my eyes on you, my worries are gone. I love you so much, son. Make sure you dream about me.

30. It’s not just enough to bring a child into this world. Nurturing and making sure the child lacks nothing, is where the real work lies. At first, it was so difficult for me. I thought I was going to end it all, but then, I had to be optimistic. I shunned every thought of failure. Here I am now, with the best son in the world. Oh dear, I hope you had a good day.

31. Whenever I think about how much you mean to me, I feel recharged and want to press harder. You are the motivation I need in this life. You are the light of my life. I won’t stop being there for you. God bless you, my dear son. Do have wonderful dreams. I love you so much.

32. You put so much hard work into the things you believe in, and that’s one thing I love about you. You don’t care who is watching, as long as the dots are connecting. You’re a genius, son. And I hope the world never changes who you truly are. Make sure you sleep easy.

33. Nothing is worth my time, money and resources if it doesn’t have to do with you. For you to become a great man in life, I’d love to sacrifice my sweat and blood. You make it so easy to be your father. You’re my favourite child, and I hope you continue to make me proud. Good night, son.

34. Whenever we call for a board meeting at the office, you always sweep me off my feet, with your lovely ideas. Well, I had always thought I was the most brilliant, but it feels so great to have a son who is more brilliant. Thank you for taking after me in all areas. I love you, son. Go and sleep. See you tomorrow at the office.

35. Not minding it’s your father’s company, you put in so much work to see that the company keeps moving. We keep beating our competitors, just because of how passionately you’ve taken your job. I know you are on another assignment, right now, even though it’s bedtime. I just thought to appreciate you for reviving my company, while other sons kill their fathers’. Good night, son. Love.

Here’s wishing you all the happiness in the whole wide world because you deserve to be happy. You haven’t stopped making people happy, ever since I knew you. I just hope that you continue to be like this. I hope you have a good night, son.

36. I prefer you to your other siblings, trust me. You understand me more than anyone else. You listen to me. No one else knows exactly how I feel, but you. You’re the only best friend I have in this world, and I hope we stay like this forever. How are you tonight, son? Good night.

37. Saying I’m proud of you, is an understatement. You have made me the greatest father on earth. I still haven’t gotten over the feeling I had, many years ago, when you joined this family. Things only keep getting better, since then. You’re my good luck charm. Good night.

38. I love how appreciative you are, even when it’s just a little favour. You go all out telling people to thank me on your behalf. What a sweet boy you are. This will only keep making me do more. Expect more gifts from me, as long as you keep making me proud. Check underneath your pillow, son. Good night.

39. I’m a better man because I have you as my son. I never knew I would be a responsible man, one day. Meeting your mom was the turning point for me. Then she gave birth to you, I started getting better than I was. You guys are a huge blessing to me. I’m forever grateful. Good night, son. With love from your dad.

40. You’re a late sleeper, and that’s because you won’t stop being on your phone. I’m glad that you’re doing something productive with your phone, though. It makes me so happy. Make sure that’s all you continue to do. Do have a good night. I love you.

41. Hey son, I just thought to check on you, because I’m sure you had a very long day. I hope everything is okay with you, though. Have you eaten? Always know that I am lucky and blessed that you are my son. I hope that God keeps lifting you higher. Amen. Have a good night.

42. Nothing is more paramount to me than your well-being. I take this very seriously, even though you barely have the time to take care of yourself. I just wish you could slow it a bit down. This company is yours, and you can take a break for as long as you want. Please, consider my plea. Good night, dear.

43. You’re my best friend, and I love how we communicate. No one understands my language than you. You keep supporting me, even when you need the support more. What more can I say? You’re a Godsent son, and I’m so grateful to have you. How about you go to bed now, because tomorrow is almost here. Good night, dear.

44. I love the fact that you’re very inquisitive. You ask questions about things you need to know. Even when I shut you up, you don’t stop. That’s the exact spirit I want you to keep exhibiting. Ask questions when things are not clear, then you will have little or no problem. How was the proposal you submitted? Good night son.

45. My favourite thing in life is, being your father. I possibly can’t trade this for anything in the world. You are a great son. You have no idea how much I admire your tenacity. I’m sure the future holds greater things for you. You just keep doing what is right. Have a good night, son.

46. I love the company you keep, son. I know I have never told you this, but it’s because I have only been observing from afar. Now, I have come to the conclusion that you keep the world’s best friends. No wonder you keep getting better at what you do. Keep it up, son. Have a good night. Love you so much.

47. It’s no more news that I have the best son ever. You’re handsome, loving, caring, focused, determined. Above all, you know exactly what you want. People like you will always be great at anything they do because they go for what they want. You shall be greater than me, son. How about we call it a day, now? Good night.

48. I love how late-night chats about life and business. This is what I always look forward to because I always learn a thing or two new things. Meanwhile, son, you’re very brilliant. All your business strategies keep working for me. I just feel like you’re the one running the company because it keeps growing because of your strategies. Thank you for everything, son. Do have a good night.

49. You have really tried for today. Honestly, I don’t know where you get your strength from. Even as your dad, I can’t possibly pull up everything you did, earlier today. You have really done well, and you deserve to go to bed now. Please, don’t pick up your phone till it’s morning. Good night, son.

50. You spend long hours on your computer, researching about some necessary things that would keep your company running, then your boss keeps turning down everything you present. This can be really frustrating and tiring, at the same time. But trust me, if he doesn’t come around, then God has something better for you. Do not give up. Good night, my son.

51. I have never stopped being a proud father, ever since you became my son. Every single day, you keep coming up with new things to make me proud and happy. What more can I possibly ask for, son? I hope you know you’re the real MVP. This is coming directly from your father. Good night, son.

52. I haven’t slept yet, because I’m here, thinking of how much I am blessed. I never knew how much of a blessing you have been, until recently. Oh, I am very sorry for not detecting this very early enough. Now that I know, I will never miss an opportunity to tell you how much I love you. Good night, son.

53. If I am being truthful to you, then I must let you know that you are the best son in the entire world. Having you was never a mistake like I always thought, anyway. Rather, it’s been a blessing in disguise. Thank you for choosing to go on this journey with me. Roll the curtains down. It’s time to sleep. Good night.

54. In your eyes, I see hope for a better tomorrow. I know a better life is ahead, and I’m going to make sure it’s here as soon as possible. As my son, you need to stop worrying. God is still in the business of making miracles. Yours is just on the way. Be expectant, son. Have a good night.

55. I have never yelled at you because you have never given me a reason to. You’re the most respectful son, ever. Now that you’re in high school, I have no fear, because I know you will keep exhibiting those sweet and attractive manners of yours. Always be a good boy, and don’t forget to keep studying hard. Good night, my son.

56. When I was your age, I knew nothing about enjoyment. Now, there’s nothing I enjoy more than enjoyment. You have thought me the importance of enjoyment. You’re the one who keeps making effort to see that I am happy. Thank you for being such a sweet son. Here’s wishing you a good night.

57. You won’t believe that I have never loved anyone like this; not even your mom. People wonder why we’re so close, but honestly, I can’t explain it. The only thing I know is that I just keep loving you. There must be something you’re doing right, though. I hope you never stop. Good night, dear son.

58. I have been your father, for years, and the experience surpasses every other experience I consider as good, in my life. You were supposed to be just my son, but you keep being much more. You love me more than I ever thought. You haven’t seen anything yet, son. I will keep spoiling you. Good night, sweetheart.

59. People who have no idea how it feels to be loved by a son, will always have a problem with How I show you love. You are my son, and I’m not ashamed to show my love to you. It only makes me a good parent. Whether they like it or not, our love is here to stay forever. Good night, son.

60. You are the loveliest son ever. I wonder where you were when my life was boring and in shambles. You have restored all I have lost. Today, even though it’s not your birthday, I choose to celebrate you. Your food is on the dining table. Make sure you eat before you sleep. Have a good night, dear.

61. Everything about you, does it for me. You’re a very hilarious person. No one comes to you unhappily and leaves the same way. You’re just all-around sweet and amazing. I hope the world blesses you with what you deserve. How was your day, anyway? Do have a pleasant night rest.

62. You can always count on me. I will never disappoint you. You have been my confidant, even before you were born. The moment I noticed I had a little bunny inside of me, I began to communicate with you, and you always responded. It’s been years, and it still feels just the same. You’re a blessing, son. Have a good night.

63. A focused man; that’s who you are. In a world full of distractions, staying focused is such a huge task. But not minding, it comes so easy for you because that’s who you are. I can’t wait to celebrate you, son. The world can’t wait too. Good night. See you tomorrow.

64. I’m very happy to have a son who manages my resources so well. Of all the people who have managed my company, you still remain the best. I’m very sure if it were to be someone else, maybe the company would’ve gone bankrupt. Your effect is so visible, dear. Good night.

65. I will never be tired of explaining things you don’t understand, to you. You’re an original, and that’s why you don’t care who’s watching, you just make sure you do your thing. “Proud” is definitely an understatement, at this point. You’re just amazing. Good night.

66. At this point in my life, all I want to keep doing is make you happy and comfortable. And I’m going to be doing this like my life depends on it. I will make sure I keep being the best I can be, for you. I am the lucky one here, son. I am sure you’re tired from the stress. Please, go to bed. Good night.

67. Trust me, having is son like you is the dream of every mother. From the beginning of your life, I have watched you grow into the best version of yourself. Trust me, you’re just so amazing. If anyone tells you anything less than this, know that they don’t mean well for you. Good night, my son.

68. I love the fact that you always listen to me, whether or not it’s making sense. You have never shut me up like some kids do to their parents. I wasn’t even opportune to give you the best, but you have given me more than the best. I have everything, because of you. Good night, dear son. See you tomorrow.

69. I know you belong to me and your dad, but trust me, I am the blessed one whose dream has been fulfilled. I have always asked God for a son, and then He brought you into my life. You’ve grown to be such a nice person, my son. I love you with all of me, and I wish you have a good night.

70. You’re the greatest gift of God, not just to me, but to mankind. Without you, I could’ve been in the worst state. You have grown up to be such a very handsome boy. You deserve to enjoy your life to the fullest, so the court is yours. I wish you good luck. Good night, my son.

You have no idea how much I love you. Whoever wants to try anything bad with you will have me to contend with. It’s night, and I just thought to ask how your day went. I’m feeling sleepy, already. Do have a goodnight, son.

71. Sometimes, I get so emotional when I think about you. My eyes will be filled with tears, while I keep thinking about how it all started. Dear son, I hope God makes your journey easier for you. If at all it gets tough, I will be here. You’re blessed, son. Good night.

72. You always fill people’s lives with happiness and so much love. I have no idea where you got such from. Right now, I envy you. Thank you for blessing the world with your presence through your talents. May you be always blessed, my son. Have a wonderful night rest.

73. No one knows anything about you like I do. You’re the most loving person ever. You’re always willing to forget and let go, no matter how hard it grips you. Your soul is so beautiful, son. I just wish people stop doing bad to you. You deserve better. Have a good night.

74. I know it’s very late in the night, but I just want to make sure I send this before I sleep off. You’re a blessing to the world at large. People will do anything to have a son like you. Your progress keeps making me progress as a woman and mother. I’m grateful for all your presence has taught me. Do have a good night.

75. You’re the last person I will ever pick up a fight with. No matter how annoying you are, you’re still my son and I still love you. You just have to stop doing some things, so you don’t get mummy angry. I hope you put a stop to them, after reading this. Now, it’s time to sleep. Good night, son.

76. We are so proud because we have raised an amazing human being, a sweetheart and a boy after God’s heart. If only you know how amazing you are, son. We just bless God for blessing us with the world’s most sought-after blessing. May God bless your kind soul. Good night, my son.

77. You can never do any wrong in my sight. I know you have your flaws, but you’re always willing to work on them, once corrected. You’re so down to earth and downright responsible. I hope the odds keep playing in your favour. Have a good night, my Prince Charming. Kisses.

78. In the race of life, even though you lose, I will always pat you on the back and tell you how proud I am of you. You fill my life with happiness and love, so I have no reason not to celebrate you, whether it’s a win or loss. I am proud of you, still. It’s late, my son. Go and sleep.

79. Your heart is just like Jesus’s; very clean and pure. You have never fought or had a grudge against anyone. Instead, you’re always about making peace. To be honest, you’re the first person who will have a commendable quality like this. God has blessed you, and He won’t stop. Good night, sweetie.

80. I am a proud mommy of an amazing boy. I am nothing without you, my son. I never knew I could single-handedly raise such a star. I hope you keep making it big in life. Don’t worry about anything, as you will ways have my support. I love you, son. Good night.

81. We are proud to have raised such a son who keeps proving that he is worth all the love and support he is getting. You are a great son, friend, man and husband. I can’t wait for your children to make their world’s best father. I love you, son. How is your family? Good night.

82. Life is, give and take. You win some, you lose some. But in all of these, don’t ever think that you are a failure. I fell so many times in the past, but I kept rising. That’s why I am here today. So please, don’t give up on your dreams. Keep trying. God bless you, son. Do have a relaxing night.

83. I don’t care what the rest of the world thinks about you, I will only continue to have your back. You are my son, and I believe in each of your dreams. I promise to always give you the needed push. And no, it’s never going to be just you. I would be there, every step of the way. Good night, son.

84. Starting a new life isn’t all that easy. I know you’re finding it difficult to adapt to your new job. It’s only normal that you feel like that at first. With time, you will come around. You’re not in this alone, as I will always be willing to help. I wish you all the best, my son. Have a good night.

85. I think you need to start normalizing resting after a long day’s work. The body should not be subjected to that amount of stress, without having some hours of rest. I have never seen who closes at work and comes back home to continue. At least, not every time. Be easy on yourself, son. Now, go and sleep.

86. I am so confident that you will never lose in your life. You are a very hardworking person. You don’t just do things for the fun of it, you do things because there’s something in there for you. You may be interrupted many times but in the end, you will win. Good night, son.

87. I’m so blessed to have you as my son. Before I had you, I already promised to be your peace. I promised to be your best friend. I promised to make everything available to you. I hope I’m doing well, son. It’s time to sleep, after a long day’s work. Make sure you dream of me. Good night, dear.

88. I want you to always remember that you can rely on me without any fears or worries. You are my son, and it’s only normal that I protect you. And this will I do, till the day I say my last prayer. I hope your day went well, son. Make sure you sleep early, so you don’t get late for work tomorrow. Good night, son.

89. I want you to know that you are stronger than you think. There’s much more to you than people’s opinions of you. So never give up in life. Things don’t always get rosy, but you just have to hang in there. We have got your back, so there are no worries at all. Good night, son.

90. I can’t be with you physically all the time, but my heart will always be with you, wherever you are. As my son, you hold a very special place in my life, and so I have promised to always keep you close to me, even though you’re far away. I know you miss me; I do too. Good night.

91. I just hope you never give up on your dreams. This is the time you need to be positive. Whatever you do, put in your best. People are watching; the world is watching. You might be closer than you think; you never can tell. So please, don’t give up. Keep going, instead. I can’t wait to celebrate you. Good night, dear son.

92. I feel like I have known you all my life. You have been my best friend for so long. Thank you for always putting this family out in a good way. I hope that you always get what you want out of life. Can you tell me about your day, already? I need some gist before going to bed. Please.

93. You definitely will make a great husband and father. You’re so cool, calm and collected. You’re very mature and your sense of reasoning is top-notch. Sometimes, I feel like I don’t deserve you, but thank God for His faithfulness. How did your day go? Wanna talk about it?

94. My prayer got answered, the moment I gave birth to you. I have never been so in love; not even with your father. It felt like I welcomed the best part of me, that day. It’s been so beautiful, ever since. How are you finding your new place of work? I hope you’re coping. Do have a good night.

95. You made me the best parent. I wasn’t expecting you to be so ambitious this early. You’re so much in love with your job, and you do it with all due diligence. How responsible can you be! Thank you for knowing the importance of working hard in the world of today. May the odds keep playing in your favour. Good night.

96. I really don’t have the power to do certain things anymore, but you have taken it upon yourself to start doing these things for me. Even when you’re running late for work, you still do what’s expected of you. Honestly, I’m grateful for it all. How did your day go? Good night, my love.

97. It feels so great to know that I’m a father to the best son in the world. I have always envied my friends with their grown-up sons. Thank God you’re all grown now. Now is the time to start serving some father-son goals. I can’t wait, my son. Make sure you sleep well.

98. I know you must have had a hectic day at work. Honestly, the work on you is getting too much, and you’re not even helping matters, by having some rest. I hope you don’t ever break down because I am not going to take it lightly with you. How was work today? Have a good night.

99. We have always tried out best to make your life a good one. We have never been selfish when it comes to giving you the basic things of life. You have a life that some of your mates only dream of. If we decide not to do anything for you anymore, then it’s worth it. I hope you don’t ever disappoint us. Good night, son.

100. I’m glad to know that my son is one of the best people in the world. You’re far too kind for this world, son. You could pass as an angel. Of course, you’re the angel of our lives. Thank you for choosing this family; me, especially. God bless you forever, son. Have a good night.

Hello, dear. I hope this meets you well. How did you feel going through the goodnight messages for my son with quotes up there? I’m sure you felt good. Please, put it in the comments section. And also, don’t forget to share this content across all social media platforms. Thank you for sticking with me.

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