Google Adsense Not Showing on Blogger Blogs Ending with, etc

Hello bloggers, how are you guys doing today? I am a blogger in Nigeria and I have always tried to update you guys my fellow bloggerrs about everything that can help us have a successful earning without violating the Google rules and regulations and Google Adsense policies.

On 3rd of September 2015 at about 12 Noon, all blogger blogs in Nigeria was changed from to This same thing happened in some other countries too with blogspot blogs ending wiith,, .is, .hr,, etc. 

Immediately after this change, Adsense Adsense Ads refused to display in any site ending with etc. At first, I thought I have been hit by the most dreaded Google Train (message of Adsense account deactivation) but was a bit relieved when I logged into my Adsense account and saw that the account was still active. I didn’t really get to know why the ads refused to display until I did some research. I was eager to find out what caused the problem because most of my traffic comes from my home country Nigeria and I have dedicated a lot of time and resources to Martins Library blog.

The first thing I did was to visit my blog with other country local URL like and, .nl, in, etc and was surprised to see that my Adsense ads were showing normally. I became even more confused. I checked my mail to see if I received any mail from Google but I couldn’t find any mail of violations or invalid click in my mail box. 

I made some calls to some other bloggers across Nigeria and noticed that they all had the same problem. I logged in to and it redirected me to but the Adsense on the site was showing there. I became very angry at everything because I could not pin point what the problem was.

Later that day, I decided to lay a complain to Google through their Products Forum (!topic/adsense). On reaching the website, I found out that some other bloggers has already complained about the same issue. 

See a sample of the complain by a Nigeria blogger named Christian Jaeger;

Hi guys, just recently all the Blogs in Nigeria had just changed to “”. It is new and Adsense does not display in the sites with this new ending I don’t know why they did that, at least they would have notified bloggers in Nigeria before that, or told us the reason why. Still the same anybody have anything to say? What can anybody in this predicament do? Most people have dedicated a lot of time and resources to their blogs. I think it is kind of cold to do such thing. 

He posted the it under the Technical error/Bugs categories. I also saw that a Google Representative named Arentzen has replied to this complain with the following statement: “This issue has been brought to the attention of both Adsense and Blogger staff. Hopefully they soon works out a solution”

I immediately followed the link and it landed me on Blogger Help Forum with a title: Expanding country-specific domains. Written by by jessicapelegio  on September 3rd 2015. See his message:

Google Adsense Not Showing on Blogger Blogs Ending with, etc

Dear Blogger users,

In order to provide more support for managing content locally, we are expanding country-specific domains in the following countries: Albania Armenia Bosnia & Herzegovina Bulgaria Indonesia South Africa Belarus Colombia Cyprus Estonia Egypt Malta Nigeria Uruguay Croatia Iceland Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Moldova Macedonia Malaysia Peru Qatar Serbia Slovenia Senegal Uganda

He stated that all the places above, the address of a blog a user is reading will be redirected to a country-specific domain by default. For example,  if a user visits [blogname] while in Nigeria or Iceland, the user might be redirected to [blogname] or [blogname] 

He also stated that all Blog owners will not see any differences in their blog, but readers may notice a country-specific domain depending on their country of origin. Blog authors and/or owners will continue to manage their content from, as usual without any changes what so ever.

The message aslo explained tha any user who wishes to view the .com version of any Blogger blog can still do so by typing the blog name with an extension /ncr; that is: http://[blogname] – which always goes to the .com version of the blog. He stated that the “no country redirect” (ncr) will temporarily prevent Blogger from redirecting readers to the local version of the blogger blog.

He also explained that bloggers can do this as well for a single post URL,  placing /ncr/ just after the country-specific domain to access the individual post. For example, [blogname] should be entered as [blogname]

After reading all this message from Google Staff, I was able to deduce that  my website address of my blog may redirect to a country-specific domain. I also notiiced that Custom domains are unaffected by this change. From my research, I found out that some blogger blogs with a Non-Hosted Adsense account (not YouTube third party Adsense) are still showing on the local URL. So if you have a direct Adsense account approval from Google Adsense, you are exempted from this issue and the fix is bot required in your blog. The reason why Google Adsense is still showing on up till now is because the site is using a direct approved Adsense account and not a hosted account from YouTube.

While we are waiting for Google to fix the issue as they have promised, lets keep writing good and content rich articles without violating any Google Policy. I hope this article has helped to keep you Blood Pressure Down. Happy blogging. Please like and share the article to be other to reach other blogspot bloggers.

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