Google Internships Application Guide and Procedures 2021 Updates

There are some amazing perks of working at Google, such as a free never-ending supply of food and snacks, fitness classes, onsite wellness, and healthcare services. Read all about google internships application today, read below to find out which ones are available.

Who doesn’t want to work at Google? One of the companies that consistently tops the list of the best places to work and has been ranked the number one for six times on the Fortune 100’s list of best companies.

As well as parental leave and retirement saving plans, extensive opportunities for personal and professional developments, and a diverse and inclusive work environment.

If you are a student and you need a place to work, then getting an internship at Google might be a great way to start your career.

This article will guide you on the Google internship application process, the requirements, the types of internships available at Google and those eligible.

Types of Internships at Google and those Eligible

Google offers Technical internships and Product Management internships to students pursuing graduate, postgraduate, and PhD degrees in Computer Science and other related fields. For graduates, normally, 3rd or 4th-year students are selected.

If you are from any other stream but have sound coding and algorithm knowledge, you have equal chances of getting selected.

Google summer internships for MBA students are 10-12 weeks long and are offered in a range of functions across the company. Students who have completed 1st year of their MBA can apply.

You need to apply early on (October to January being the most optimal period), as most of the summer internship positions at Google are filled before February.


1. An updated resume

2. A transcript from your university (unofficial is fine)

3. In some cases, a cover letter, short essay, or additional information listed in the job description.

You must highlight your achievements in your resume as thus:

1. Align your skills and experience with the internship or job description

2. Be specific about the projects you’ve worked on or managed. What was the outcome? How did you measure success?

3. If you’ve had a leadership role in a volunteer organization or at a part-time job, inform them about it. How big was the team? What was the scope of your work?

4. Include your GPA, as well as school-related projects or coursework that demonstrate relevant skills and knowledge.

5. Keep it short, aim for one page. If there’s additional information needed during the hiring process, (like a portfolio), your recruiter will work with you to collect it.

How to Apply to Google for Internship

There are four major ways to apply. They include:

1. Online application:

Apply online on the Google internship portal. You will need your resume (in PDF) and transcript.

2. Employee referral:

Ask someone in Google to refer you. You can find them on LinkedIn or Facebook. This will only get you past the resume screening process. After that, the procedure is the same for everyone.

3. Mailing the Google HR:

Find a previous googler or a former intern and ask her to provide you the e-mail address of the HR. Mail the HR directly, clearly stating your purpose, with a well-crafted cover letter and resume.

4. Google Summer of Code

It’s not exactly an internship at Google; it’s a global program sponsored by Google where students work on the projects with open source organizations (previously selected by Google) independently under some mentorship.

Students contact the mentor organizations they want to intern with and submit a project proposal. It’s a virtual aka work from home internship program.

What Happens After Applying?

Once you have submitted your application online, your resume and transcript will be evaluated by the recruiting team, and if you are eligible for the role.

You will be participating in a series of technical interviews, some which will be over the phone or Google+ hangouts and others in person at Google offices.

Mostly the interviews are focused on Data Structures and Algorithms along with some general coding questions.

Some of the data structures you must know are Linked list (Single and Doubly), Stack, Queues, Heaps, Hashing, Binary Search Tree, Basic Graph Traversal and Shortest Path, Tries, and Bit Manipulation.

Note: you will have to structure your interview answers. It’s important to show how you arrive at a solution, so think out loud.

If you don’t understand a question, ask your interviewers for clarification and take the time you need with responses.

The following are some interview questions to help you prepare:

1. How do you work best, both as an individual and as part of a team?
2. What challenges have you faced at school or at work and how did you overcome them?
3. Which of your skills or experiences would be assets in the role and why?
4. What would you do with 100 million dollars?
5. What’s the next big thing?

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