Graduation Quotes for Artists – Motivation and Love

Every feat in life should be celebrated, especially when it is our loved ones that achieved a glorious feat. It wasn’t a walk in the park but they did it, so they need to be celebrated.

They also need advice and encouragement as they go into the world because the world outside is quite harsher than the competition in school.

For someone graduating from art school, it is probably even tougher because the creative world is not the easiest to tow. Not only does most of the world not respect artists, but artists are also usually very hard on themselves, like many creatives out there.

So, it is not uncommon to have a loved one graduating from art school that is being hard on themselves or being fearful for the future because they don’t know what it holds. This is why they need to be greatly celebrated so they can feel good about themselves and also be encouraged that they take can take on the challenges of the future.

So, if you have a loved one who is graduating from an art school or graduating as an artist and you need the right quotes to celebrate and encourage them, find here beautiful graduation quotes for artists to get you started.

When you said you wanted to become one of the greatest artists alive, I couldn’t believe it. You have not yet reached that height but coming for your graduation has shown me that you can do whatever you set your mind to. I hope this new chapter of your life opens the door for greater achievements.

1. Congratulations to the newest art graduand. I hope you paint the world with the colours your eyes see as beautiful, you will not only find confidence in doing that, but you will also inspire a lot of others to do the same.

2. It takes courage to make something worthy of someone else’s administration. People are hard to please. Have this in mind, when you go out there. Cheers to the latest graduate.

3. Graduation is a time to celebrate the hard work and dedication you put into your schooling. Here’s to your growth as an artist, scholar, and leader!

4. It’s graduation time! We’re so happy for all you have accomplished as you leave this level behind and begin your next adventure.

5. Art is an expression of one’s innermost self. It’s in you, and until you let it out, the world will never see it, and if the world never gets to see it, you won’t get to be seen. It all starts with you. Congratulations on your graduation.

6. When you graduate with a creative degree, you become an explorer of the unknown. Explore your possibilities. Happy graduation.

7. It’s graduation time, and we’re so happy to celebrate with you. Cheers to your growth as an artist, scholar and leader!

8. Congratulations to the best successful graduate of the year! You have grown as an artist in ways you could never imagine. We are so proud of your accomplishments, we want to shout about it from the rooftops!

9. It’s time to celebrate your hard work and dedication! Graduation is an exciting time of change and growth. Whatever your plans, we wish you all the best in life. Happy graduation.

10. Congratulations on the accomplishment of growing up and becoming the artist and scholar you are today. Happy graduation.

11. Congratulations on your graduation! You are an example of courage, perseverance, and determination.

12. As you set out for the world on this day of your graduation, let the world find its way to you instead, and that can only happen through your art.

13. Don’t strive to be perfect out there, rather, strive to be seen. If nobody sees your work, nobody will ever get to call your art perfect. Congratulations on your graduation.

14. Art is an expression of life in every way possible. I hope you find expression in your art as you graduate today. Never let the world dim your light or shut you up. Express your art in every way possible.

15. Let’s celebrate your graduation and congratulate you on all that you’ve accomplished, and cheers to the next step in your journey.

16. Congratulations on this milestone! We are so proud of you and wish nothing but the best for your future.

17. It’s a new chapter. Congratulations on all of your hard work and achievements! May the road you walk be filled with more joy and laughter than sadness, pain and regret. Here’s to your graduation!

18. Here’s to the hard work and dedication you put into your art education. Congratulations on graduating!

19. Congratulations on your graduation! We hope you’re ready to take your art to the next level.

20. Congratulations to all of our graduates who’ve put in the hard work and dedication to their art. We’re so proud of you!

21. Your graduation is the beginning of so many possibilities. Go and make your imprints on every canvas and with every stroke.

22. Now it’s time to shine even brighter to the world. As you graduate today, go and colour the world with the beauty that only your eyes see, and the world will adjust its focus just to see you.

23. Finally, art school is over, now you can do it like a badass, don’t let anybody stop you.

24. You are unique just like every stroke of your brush. This graduation is the start of many stories you’re going to tell through your brush and canvas.

25. Congratulations on all your hard work and dedication to graduating from art school. Hope you’re ready for the next phase of your life!

26. The end of school means the beginning of a new chapter. Here’s to all the growth you took this past year, and to all your future adventures!

27. Congratulations! You’ve made it through your education and now you’re ready to take on whatever comes next. Cheers!

28. Congratulations, you’ve earned the right to take a break and celebrate your hard work with your family and friends. We’re cheering for you!

29. I am so proud of all you’ve accomplished these past four years, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. Keep it up! Cheers to the latest art graduate.

30. If you ever want to be seen, never dim the light of your art. Graduation from art school is the door to many greater accomplishments.

31. You’re the brightest colour in the world around you, you shine brighter with every expression of your art. Have fun at your graduation.

32. Art is a great way to show the world that you listen. After this graduation, never cease to show the world that you listen.

33. When it comes to art, you hardly ever control its expression. The message never ends until it’s told. As you graduate today, go out there and be great.

34. The mystery behind the art is as old as the world. So long as you let the light in your life shine, you will never cease to manifest greatness through your art. Let that guide you as you go into the world to pursue your career.

35. Love has no boundaries, when you love something, it sets you free, it never limits you. Loving art sets your soul free, it doesn’t confine you. You have taken the first step by going to art school, it is now time to conquer the world.

36. Graduation is an interesting time to be more. You have got to put everything together to be a great artist; your heart, your hands, and your mind.

37. It’s easy to tell your story through art, going forward from this graduation, never stop to tell the world your story through your art.

38. You have to love what you do before someone else can come to love it as you do. Be brave to love every piece of what you put out there. Congratulations, best graduate.

39. To everything that has a beginning, there’s an end. Today, you are graduating from art school, tomorrow you begin to tell the story in many different ways.

40. If you are ready, the world is ready. Cheers to your graduation. Your journey just got a lot more interesting.

41. One great thing about art is that you got to do it the way you love it. Graduation is freedom from school activities but art is the freedom of self-expression.

42. Creativity makes you do more than just exist, it allows you to channel your energy into something meaningful and beneficial to the world. We are waiting for you to do great things in the world.

43. When people stumble on your art pieces, you allow them to tell your story in many different ways. Today’s graduation, tomorrow is a masterpiece.

44. Most of the time, an artist barely knows what they’re doing but the great trajectory is that it always turns out breathtaking. Happy graduation. Your fans can’t wait to meet you.

45. Even if at the time of this graduation, it’s likely you have not arrived at your full potential. No matter how unready you feel, there are a thousand more artists who started as amateurs.

46. Artists love to see the world best through their own eyes, the real world is hardly ever perfect to them. Now you have the freedom to create your real world through your canvas henceforth. Happy graduation.

47. The world of art is a world of possibilities. Everything works. People just want to see possibilities through your creativity. Make sure you don’t disappoint them. The world awaits you; congratulations.

48. Every art is unique in its way just like everything else in the world. As you graduate today, I hope you always remember not to compare yourself with others, just let your light shine.

49. When it comes to art, imagination is more important than knowledge. The environment is your oyster. Happy graduation.

50. Most times, to see through the minds of your imaginations, you have to shut your eyes, and move the brush with your hands. Let this help you as you conquer the world as an artist.

51. After graduation, life may come with certain challenges, never lose sight of your goals. Let your passion for art be your driving force. You’re capable of achieving anything.

52. You have seen beautiful art, you have drawn so many yourself, but the best art is the one yet to be drawn. So, no matter how hard it gets out there, keep drawing. We believe in you. Happy graduation.

53. We always pray for a smooth ride. Nevertheless, don’t let that stop you from preparing yourself for challenging times because they are meant to refine you to become your best self.

54. Believe in yourself, and there is no pitfall you can’t cross. People can take anything away from you but they can never take that which is buried inside of you, which is art; your talent. Congratulations on your graduation.

55. As you step out of this graduation ground today, always keep focus, distraction can get to the most careful of you. Regardless be resolute, and never lose sight of where you are going.

56. Being on the right track in life is great but it’s not enough to be on the right track, you have to keep moving, otherwise you will get run over by others. Cheers to you on your graduation.

57. You have looked forward to this day; the day of your graduation. The outside world is like a shiny crystal, don’t get blinded by its lustre rather, be guided by it.

58. When falling, fall forward, it will be okay. When you start your career, one thing you should never do is stay down. Pick up your brush every morning, and do something.

59. Accept the part to which you have been called. It’s you who will get you to any height you want to, no one else. Cheers to your graduation.

60. If you keep going after putting out the best art, you will keep delivering outstanding pieces but if you never get to practice after graduation, your art career will remain at the same spot.

61. Constant practice sharpens even the roughest edges. No matter how unqualified you feel you are right now, determination to stay on the job will help you produce the best results in art. Happy graduation

62. Your potential can come up to its apex, but you have to keep up the practice. Otherwise, you may not fulfil your purpose. Be proud of yourself today, it’s your graduation!

63. On this graduation day of yours, I want you to know that nothing can ever stop you if you don’t stop yourself. Your mind is your most powerful weapon, feed it with the right knowledge, and expose it to the right things.

64. Be courageous, graduating from here today is not a passport into the future, however, those who prepare themselves will always have the best chances.

65. At some point, your values will be your major drive. As you go from here, develop more good values, it will save you someday. Cheers to the new graduate.

66. Your certification here today is not a ticket to the good life, this school you graduated from is not a guarantee of the kind of opportunities that will come your way, you just got to pick up your art every day and find inspiration in them.

67. No matter how many times you draw and don’t get what you want, never give up, always try one more time. Congratulation on your graduation.

68. Keep your eyes on the goal, and you will make history. It’s graduation day finally, enjoy!

69. Never stop working hard, know your art, do your art, keep your eyes on the prize, and that’s how you win the prize. Cheers to you on your graduation.

70. Look! you have conquered the days of school activities, be proud! Now you are going to conquer the world around you, which is full of art.

71. Brace up yourself for what’s next after graduation; independence, responsibilities, and a whole new life. Explore!

72. If the life ahead of you doesn’t inspire you, it won’t give you the best results nor will it inspire others. The road after graduation is not one that you have gone before, protect your vision, and never let your flame go off.

73. Stick to your path, and attempt what most people are not willing to do. You will command more authority in your path.

74. The truth is that there are no easy paths to success. You have to make sacrifices in order to get where you want to be in the world. Happy graduation.

75. The outcome of your life is a summary of every decision you took in the past. Be careful of the choices you make in life as you go ahead. Congratulations!

76. Shortly from now, most of the people you are graduating with today will start making their mark in the world. Never be left out.

77. Don’t entertain distractions if you want to achieve a definite goal. Passion thrives where there is a focus. Feed your brain with things that move it to reason, and it will reproduce things that men seek to know.

78. Many artists have been born, and a lot more will still come. You are here to be noticed, don’t hide under the bushel. Congratulations to the newest graduate in town.

79. Choosing to love art is choosing not to want to fail. People don’t fail at what they are fond of. I know you love art, so I believe you will succeed.

80. After graduation comes the most unpredictable phase of your life. Your role is to keep holding on to what you believe and to keep practising your craft.

81. Find pleasure in what you do and you will never forget how to do it best. Don’t allow yourself to burn out, take regular rests when you need to and come back refreshed to your art. Happy graduation.

82. In the college of life, there is no graduation. Learn every day, keep improving yourself, the result will make you forget all the pain of yesterday.

83. What you know is a big deal but there is so much more to learn out there. Always go for knowledge beyond what you have graduated with today.

84. If you become the most sought-after artist the world has ever seen after graduation, you become it for yourself. Nobody can ever take away what you know, because it has become your identity.

85. Making a difference can be hard most times, and that’s because to make a difference, you have to align yourself with purpose, focus, and hard work. Don’t forget that as you graduate today. Congratulations.

86. Never try to be who you’re not. That’s the easiest way to fail. Be true to yourself and your art, you will command authority anywhere you are. Congratulations on your graduation.

87. Everything you have done previously culminated to this day. What you be after now will be the result of many decisions hereafter.

88. There’s beauty in art, and that is what the world is clamouring to see. Give them the pleasure of that experience, and they will open their treasures for you. Happy graduation.

89. Graduating from college is a must for everyone who comes to seek refinement in art. However, there’s a far better life ahead, much more than what you have left behind.

90. You’re graduating to be better than who you were yesterday, and not to forget everything you have learned. Put your heart and mind into your art.

91. Keep close allies with people who have similar visions as yours, or people who have gone ahead in your career, and you will never miss your way. Congratulations, dear graduate.

92. Having a deep belief in oneself makes the path of destiny easier to walk. If you don’t believe in yourself or what you have been called to do, no one else will.

93. There’s no better time before you than now. You have come to the height of your formal education. Informal education continues forever because education never ends.

94. Looking at the dreams you have for yourself may look impossible, dreams always appear impossible at first until you start making conscious efforts towards the life you want. So, don’t give up. Keep dreaming. Congratulations on your graduation.

95. As you go out there, it might seem difficult at first but it becomes easier when you have walked the path. If you’re brave enough to walk the path, you will shine your light on those coming behind.

96. No one knows what is going to happen next, so, live every day of your life making the right choices for the future you want to have. Happy graduation

97. At the start of art school, you probably thought it was the most difficult thing to do. But making a career out of it is even more challenging. However, it is not impossible. Just keep the faith even when you are tempted to give up. Happy graduation.

98. Good artists may copy others, but, if you want to be great, you have to be original. Remember that always. Congratulations on your graduation.

99. Happy graduation to you. As you go into the world don’t forget that painting is a huge experience for different people. Each encounter carries a different story, and it’s not within your power to change the meaning you want your art to portray because art is freedom.

100. Remember, you’re not just an artist, you’re a body of inspiration to many people. So, any day you get discouraged and want to quit, remember the hearts and eyes of those who want to behold your art and draw strength from your work. Cheers to you on your graduation.

To wrap up, artists are important because they create beauty that makes us think and feel deeply. That is why it is important to let them know with these graduation quotes for artists that they are appreciated and loved.

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