Grateful for This Day Quotes

Gratitude is counted as one of the best traits a person can have. It’s long been said that having gratitude for what you already have in life will help you to become happier and appreciate what you do have in life instead of focusing on what you don’t. People who practice gratitude tend to be overall more joyful and positive.

Every day should be a good day. I think too many people view the world as a bad place and get so caught up in negativity leaving the beautiful aspect aside. So today, why don’t you try something different and imagine that every day is a good one. The first thing to do with this idea is to spread positivity throughout the world by sharing it with others.

Each day is a new beginning and another chance to live the life you truly want. It’s also a chance to be grateful for what you have by finding little things that make your day easier. You can do that by using these incredible grateful for this day quotes.

I am grateful for all of the opportunities given to me, even when they don’t work out as intended or hoped for; every experience makes me stronger and more resilient than before. I am grateful for today, for every day I get to be alive.

1. Feeling grateful for this day, and all the love and happiness it has brought into my life.

2. Grateful for this beautiful day, the sunshine, my family, friends and all the little things that matter.

3. I’m so grateful for this day; I believe in the power of gratitude. I appreciate all you do and, more importantly, all that you are.

4. I am grateful for this day. I am grateful for my friends. I am grateful for life.

5. I am grateful for this day, I am so happy for seeing another beautiful day like this.

6. Today, I’m grateful for my family and friends, for the lessons in my past and for believing in the possibilities of my future.

7. Today, I am grateful for the people who have walked into my life. Now if I could only remember their names!

8. Today is the most empowering day of your life. I am grateful.

9. What a wonderful day full of opportunities and possibilities. I am so grateful for today.

10. Today is a gift that’s why it is called the present. I am grateful for this day

11. Thankful to be in the presence of my favourite people and it’s only Monday. I am grateful for this day.

12. Grateful for this day, the sun, and all of its heat.

13. Truly grateful for this day and all it brings.

14. I’m grateful for today, and all the things it has taught me.

15. Today, the day you were born, is special. Celebrate this day and be thankful that it’s your day and you are alive, here and now.

16. Grateful for all the little things, like watching the sunset. I am grateful for this day.

17. I love this day because it’s my best day yet.

18. I woke up this morning with a sense of gratitude. I’ve no idea why. Just opened my eyes and that’s all I could think of.

19. Today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present. I am grateful for this day.

20. I am grateful for this day. I am grateful for my health, my family, and my friends. Thank you for the gift of life and everything that comes with it.

21. I am grateful for this day. I am grateful for my family and friends and the opportunities in front of me. I am grateful for the love I have in my life and all the joy I feel.

22. Thankful, blessed and grateful for this day and all it brings.

23. Every day is a new opportunity to achieve something great.

24. The present moment is filled with joy and pleasure. Grateful for this moment, I am enjoying it to the fullest.

25. Waking up to golden sunlight and gratitude for this beautiful day.

26. Today is our day to turn towards the sun and open to the softness. Be grateful for your good intentions, for the light and warmth you feel today, and for each other.

27. Thankfulness is an attitude of gratitude, not only for what you have but for who you are. I am grateful for this day.

28. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present. I am grateful for this day.

29. Being grateful for this day and everything that it brings

30. I’m grateful for this day, and every day.

31. I’m grateful for this day, I have my health, family and friends. Enjoy the day everyone!

32. I am grateful for this day, and the bounty of blessings it has brought us.

33. I am grateful for this day and all the elements that bring it to life.

34. I’m waking up to this day, feeling thankful. Grateful for the new beginnings, grateful for these friends, grateful for the warm weather. Grateful for this life.

35. There’s always something to be grateful for. Today, I’m grateful for it. I am grateful for all the people in my life who have supported me in my journey. I am grateful for this day.

36. I am grateful for the lessons I’ve learned from failure. I am grateful for this day.

37. I am grateful for the opportunity to grow from my mistakes and become a better person because of them. I am grateful for this day.

38. I am grateful that I am not where I used to be, but I’m not where I want to be either. That’s ok because every step forward is progress and every step towards my goal is just as important as achieving it. I am grateful for today.

39. I am grateful for all of the things in life that I take for granted, like running water and heat, which are luxuries in many parts of the world. I am grateful for this day.

40. I am grateful for this day because it is a new beginning; with every start comes an opportunity for change.

41. I am grateful for this day and the knowledge that each day is a gift.

42. I am grateful for this day and the opportunity to live it fully. I am grateful for my family, friends, and community, who support me in living my dreams.

43. I am grateful for this day because it is full of possibilities.

44. I am grateful for this day because it is full of opportunities.

45. I am grateful for this day and all its gifts.

46. I am grateful for this day and all its blessings.

47. I am grateful that today is a new beginning, a fresh start with endless possibilities to be anything we want to be and do anything we want to do!

48. I am grateful that this day is over and tomorrow will bring new opportunities to do good things in the world.

49. I am grateful for all of the things I have and all of the people in my life. I am grateful for this day.

50. I am grateful for the experiences I’ve had in my life.

51. I am grateful for my memories of past times, and the anticipation of future ones to come.

52. I am grateful that I woke up in the morning because I know many people don’t have that luxury.

53. I am grateful for the beautiful weather outside because it reminds me that even when it’s cold and rainy, there are still things to be happy about.

54. I am grateful for my friends and family because they are always there for me when I need them most.

55. I am grateful for all of these things today and every day, because if I didn’t have these things in my life, then I wouldn’t be able to enjoy them as much as I do now!

56. Today is a beautiful day. I am grateful for this day. I have been given another chance to live and breathe, to see and feel, to love and be loved.

57. I am grateful for this day, and I am grateful for the many blessings that have filled my life.

58. I am grateful that my family and friends are healthy, happy and safe.

59. I am grateful for the opportunities to serve others and make a difference in the world.

60. I am grateful that I have been able to learn from my mistakes and grow from them. I am grateful for this day.

61. I am grateful for my health as well as the health of those around me.

62. I am grateful for this day for all of the support I have received through the years from family, friends, mentors and colleagues.

63. I am grateful for this day for the sun and the rain, for the wind and the snow, and all of nature’s elements.

64. I am grateful for this day, I have been blessed with so many wonderful opportunities in life.

65. I am grateful for this day, that I have such a wonderful wife who loves me unconditionally. She is truly one of a kind!

66. I am grateful for the cold breeze on my face and the warm sun on my back.

67. I am grateful for being able to feel the grass beneath my feet, soft and moist with dew. I am grateful that I can feel my toes sinking into the earth when I walk.

68. I am grateful for this day because it is another chance to take a breath and remember what matters most: love, joy, peace, faith and hope.

69. I am grateful for the opportunity to be alive, to experience life and to appreciate my blessings.

70. I am grateful for my health, my family and friends, my home, my car and all the other things I have in life.

71. I am grateful that I live in a country where freedom is valued, where human rights are respected and where we have laws that protect us from harm.

72. I am grateful for my job, for the money I make, for the freedom of choice it provides me, and for my ability to work hard and achieve financial success through my hard work and dedication.

73. I am grateful for this day, for the sun that shines on my face, for the wind that blows through my hair, and for the birds that sing nearby.

74. I am grateful for this day, for the people I love and who love me. For the work that I do and all the things, I’ve learned along the way.

75. I am grateful for this day because it is a gift from God.

76. I am grateful because every moment of today could be gone tomorrow.

77. For the soft light of morning that has always been there for me. I am grateful for the sunsets.

78. when I can take a moment to rest and reflect on all that I have accomplished during my day.

79. I am grateful for my family, friends and loved ones, who are always there for me when I need them most.

80. I am grateful for my health, which allows me to experience so many wonderful things in life.

81. I am grateful for my home, which provides me comfort and safety whenever I need it most.

82. I am grateful for fresh air and clean water, which are essential for good health and vitality in any society or civilization.

83. I am grateful for all these gifts that we have been given as human beings on this planet earth because they make our lives so much better than they could ever be without them!

84. I am grateful for my health and for the health of those I love. I am grateful for this day.

85. I am grateful for work that allows me to be creative and learn new things.

86. I am grateful for friends who enrich my life with their presence and who bring out the best in me.

87. I am grateful for family, who teach us what it means to love, and who help us become the people we are meant to be.

88. I am grateful for a roof over my head and food on my table. I am grateful for this day.

89. I am grateful for a bed to sleep in at night and clothes on my back during the day.

90. I am grateful for this day. This day is a gift. I will make the best of it.

91. I am grateful for life. Life is a gift. I will make the most of it.

92. I am grateful for love. Love is a gift. I will cherish it always.

93. I am grateful for my body and health; they are gifts too precious to waste, so I will use them wisely and well to bring joy to others, myself and the world around me!

94. I am grateful for my talents and abilities; they are gifts that have been given to me to share with others and make a difference in their lives, just as they have made a difference in mine!

95. I am grateful for all that I have learned from past failures and successes; failures teach us what not to do again while successes teach us what works best when trying something new or unfamiliar!

96. I am grateful for this day because it doesn’t yet know what tomorrow holds!

97. I am grateful that I did not need to sleep in the car, or on the street.

98. I am grateful that I have enough money to buy food and pay rent. I am grateful for this day.

99. I am grateful that my parents made it possible for me to go to college, despite their lack of resources.

100. I am grateful that there are people who care about me, people who help me when I need it, and people who give me advice when I ask for it.

A grateful heart is not only a good source of inspiration but also a great way to bring out positivity in your life. It can help you be strong, to survive, in the worst of situations. Thank me later. Please, share and leave your comment in the comment box below.

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